8 Reasons why Young Americans don't fight back.

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Revolt for what though?

America sounds like the spoiled lazy child who's mad because "it's not fair". If you're too lazy to get involved in the political process and make some changes, the answer is what... force political change with unspecified action? (dumb)

The economy is falling off because of all of us and apparently we're fine with that. If you don't do @!!% to change it, I don't want to hear any complaints. Our reputation as innovators is falling off because instead of doing hard work, people would rather take the easy route... then they complain "America has no industry, blah, blah, blah". Ok, who are you waiting on to innovate?

Our problem is we have come to expect things to be done FOR us and not BY us. It's like that Keith Olbermann rant. He's trying to encourage people to get angry and take to the streets while he sits behind a desk and collects checks for talking about it and not being about it. Who's stopping him from getting involved? He's like the rich men who send poor children off to fight their wars except he's draped himself in an intellectual/liberal safety blanket.

I gave up on complaining and started making moves to be a changer of our society, but I realize that NOTHING happens over night. It didn't break over night and won't be fixed over night. My interest happens to be technology now. It'll be a long grind, but I'm down for it.

What's everyone else going to do? Complain? Come up with all the answers and go back to doing nothing? Eh...

Not everyone cares and I'm cool with that. Most people are fine with their routines and it has ALWAYS been that way. It's the few who shape history, not the many. Lead, follow or get out of the way. But if you're not going to lead, please, stop complaining.
STEVE LEWIS FOR PRESIDENT 2020.... get familiar with it
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

You're right but you have the solution part and what TkT said explains why many young folks aren't involved. 
Also, it's not as simple as you claim. If, by the time you succeed (lets assume you will), you better hope that things aren't too far down the hole. In some countries, getting after change earns you chunks of lead in your head or indefinite detention in an underground cell. Are we there yet? No. Can we get there? Of course. It all depends how entrenched the status quo becomes and to what extent they'll go to defend their interests.  At that point it just becomes  a waiting game. My parents came from the USSR and plenty of people wanted change but didn't act on it. What good were you if you were sent off to a labor camp in Siberia? I'm not insinuating we're at that point now (or were ever there) but the situation can get too far gone. 

I can't live my life worrying about that. If #%*% gets that bad I'll move, but for now I'm making moves to do my part. If everyone sat around waiting for the worst to happen then nothing would get done. Fear is an excuse for too many people. If I fail, I fail, at least I'm trying.

Do your part in what? Sounds like you're doing things for yourself. Which is fine. I'm doing the same and keeping my options open. 
I think the US is too far down the line; like a terminal cancer patient. It's not a matter of death. It's a matter of how long. There are too many problems, which effect too many people, with too many interests involved for anything to get solved. Too many are reliant on the status quo. 
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Do your part in what? Sounds like you're doing things for yourself. Which is fine. I'm doing the same. 
I think the US is too far down the line; like a terminal cancer patient. It's not a matter of death. It's a matter of how long. There are too many problems, which effect too many people, with too many interests involved for anything to get solved. Too many are reliant on the status quo. 

You say that as if I laid out my life's plan for your critique. I've told you nothing in detail so I don't know how you could have gathered that.

Also, I'm not here to change your mind. Nothing lasts forever and none of us know how or when things will change for the worse, or even if they will. In the meantime I'll keep making moves to add my piece to the puzzle.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Do your part in what? Sounds like you're doing things for yourself. Which is fine. I'm doing the same. 
I think the US is too far down the line; like a terminal cancer patient. It's not a matter of death. It's a matter of how long. There are too many problems, which effect too many people, with too many interests involved for anything to get solved. Too many are reliant on the status quo. 

You say that as if I laid out my life's plan for your critique. I've told you nothing in detail so I don't know how you could have gathered that.

Also, I'm not here to change your mind. Nothing lasts forever and none of us know how or when things will change for the worse, or even if they will. In the meantime I'll keep making moves to add my piece to the puzzle.
Why are you getting so defensive? Since when is doing things to better yourself (family) bad? Personally speaking, if the rest of the country doesn't seem to care, why should I? 
Keep making moves. Who told you not too? 
Relax. I'm not defensive at all, I'm just making myself clear. Try reading it in a calm voice, because that's how it was written.
Originally Posted by thebsprky

GG23 wrote:

Just out of curiosity but what are we (young people) suppose to be rebelling for?  Most of us are content with our lives.  Even if young Americans woke up tomorrow and realized how the system was %**+$$@ us, I still don't think we would care.  Most of our lives are good, good enough to not care.

I'm all for rebelling against the rising cost of tuition, but I don't think that alone is enough to rebel?  Maybe protest, but not rebel.

That being said, anyone in college want to rebel?

Srry bout size

Too much bnw

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 So much truth to both sides. 
Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

What exactly do you do besides copy & paste? You out there throwing molitov cocktails in the name of freedom?
Keyboard warrior.
You laugh and others may jest but looking at that list copying and pasting this on a message board is probably a far more effective method than some random act of violence that will easily be misconstrued and/or purposely misinterpreted and then reported by the media.

Dudes are in for a hard dose of reality thinking just arming yourself and "going to war" or some lecture in the park is gonna ignite a revolution.

Not defending rashi, just saying.
Originally Posted by Kramer

Originally Posted by DMoney82

I blame X-Box
For real. Kids are too busy fighting virtual enemies instead of actaul problems


Word. I wasn't even joking when I said this.
All they do is sit in the house, hours on the day. They don't even go outside, You can't learn to stand up for yourself or anything sitting in front of a damn TV. I blame the parents too, they let em get away with it.
Posting this article is more than most of you cats have ever done on Niketalk.

You dudes don't start any interesting or thought provoking threads.

Niketalk reaches thousands of people each day and carries the capability to teach new information everyday yet a large majority or niketalker's (a lot of people condemning rashi as well as just complaining in here) would rather kill their post count in freshmen college meme threads or Kim Kardashian new booty pictures.

Knowledge is power yet you dudes would rather crowd your lives with trivial and miniscule interests. Keep up the good work. The people exploiting you love it.
Originally Posted by Strawberry Milkshakes

Posting this article is more than most of you cats have ever done on Niketalk.

You dudes don't start any interesting or thought provoking threads.

Niketalk reaches thousands of people each day and carries the capability to teach new information everyday yet a large majority or niketalker's (a lot of people condemning rashi as well as just complaining in here) would rather kill their post count in freshmen college meme threads or Kim Kardashian new booty pictures.

Knowledge is power yet you dudes would rather crowd your lives with trivial and miniscule interests. Keep up the good work. The people exploiting you love it.
^ This...  Along with the hope that people here do not restrict their appetite for knowledge to one source .. I know it sounds cliche but he's right .. KNOWLEDGE = EMPOWERMENT
The less you know or the less you are engaged the easier you are to control..
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by tkthafm

There's no need for a whole article and 8 different "reasons".

It's very, very simple: It hasn't gotten bad enough yet.

We simply haven't reached the critical point at which the grievances outweigh the comforts of doing nothing. Let's face it, our economy isn't bad enough. Our freedoms haven't been trampled on enough. Not enough has happened to rock the populace out of the lull of every day living and into action. Look at history as a guide to the conditions generally found in societies before a major revolution. Look at the history of countries currently undergoing revolts with the "Arab Spring"... our situation is no where near as dire. There's just no reason for most Americans to buck the status quo and risk their lives and the country plunging into the chaos of the unknown.

Activists can try to incite action all they want, but i'll repeat once again: It hasn't gotten bad enough yet.
I think you're dead on.
Even a "broke" young American has a smartphone, decent clothes,  video games, cable, netflix, internet, etc. 

Of course it's not that bad in the US because of all the welfare, SSDI, section 8, medicaid, etc. payments by the Feds and State. Why do you think the politicians are so afraid of cutting spending? Cut spending and we'll have a revolt in this country real quick. 

Sooner or later, they'll have to cut down on the spending but it's a question of whether it can be wound down over a long enough time line where we don't have a revolt. 

Like TkT stated; it's just not bad enough. Where it is pretty bad the Feds have stepped in to placate the masses. 

The time is coming soon.  This next recession will push things closer to the edge.  You can't outsource all of the jobs. 

Next Recession? Dude are you blind? There are 50,000,000,000 people on Food Stamps! This is a Depression!

I'm glad this thread has sparked a discussion, that was the purpose.
Originally Posted by Strawberry Milkshakes

Posting this article is more than most of you cats have ever done on Niketalk.

You dudes don't start any interesting or thought provoking threads.

Niketalk reaches thousands of people each day and carries the capability to teach new information everyday yet a large majority or niketalker's (a lot of people condemning rashi as well as just complaining in here) would rather kill their post count in freshmen college meme threads or Kim Kardashian new booty pictures.

Knowledge is power yet you dudes would rather crowd your lives with trivial and miniscule interests. Keep up the good work. The people exploiting you love it.


Even though you haven't brought ANYTHING interesting to Niketalk in nearly 4 years, you have the audacity to write this? Shut up.
wow mind blown, but i do agree we gotta do something foreal before it gets bad
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by Strawberry Milkshakes

Posting this article is more than most of you cats have ever done on Niketalk.

You dudes don't start any interesting or thought provoking threads.

Niketalk reaches thousands of people each day and carries the capability to teach new information everyday yet a large majority or niketalker's (a lot of people condemning rashi as well as just complaining in here) would rather kill their post count in freshmen college meme threads or Kim Kardashian new booty pictures.

Knowledge is power yet you dudes would rather crowd your lives with trivial and miniscule interests. Keep up the good work. The people exploiting you love it.


Even though you haven't brought ANYTHING interesting to Niketalk in nearly 4 years, you have the audacity to write this? Shut up.
[nt meme]post something conscious on NT, personally attacked[/nt meme] 
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by Strawberry Milkshakes

Posting this article is more than most of you cats have ever done on Niketalk.

You dudes don't start any interesting or thought provoking threads.

Niketalk reaches thousands of people each day and carries the capability to teach new information everyday yet a large majority or niketalker's (a lot of people condemning rashi as well as just complaining in here) would rather kill their post count in freshmen college meme threads or Kim Kardashian new booty pictures.

Knowledge is power yet you dudes would rather crowd your lives with trivial and miniscule interests. Keep up the good work. The people exploiting you love it.


Even though you haven't brought ANYTHING interesting to Niketalk in nearly 4 years, you have the audacity to write this? Shut up.

Southland Mall is Better Than Any Club in the Bay Area 
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Revolt for what though?

America sounds like the spoiled lazy child who's mad because "it's not fair". If you're too lazy to get involved in the political process and make some changes, the answer is what... force political change with unspecified action? (dumb)

The economy is falling off because of all of us and apparently we're fine with that. If you don't do @!!% to change it, I don't want to hear any complaints. Our reputation as innovators is falling off because instead of doing hard work, people would rather take the easy route... then they complain "America has no industry, blah, blah, blah". Ok, who are you waiting on to innovate?

Our problem is we have come to expect things to be done FOR us and not BY us. It's like that Keith Olbermann rant. He's trying to encourage people to get angry and take to the streets while he sits behind a desk and collects checks for talking about it and not being about it. Who's stopping him from getting involved? He's like the rich men who send poor children off to fight their wars except he's draped himself in an intellectual/liberal safety blanket.

I gave up on complaining and started making moves to be a changer of our society, but I realize that NOTHING happens over night. It didn't break over night and won't be fixed over night. My interest happens to be technology now. It'll be a long grind, but I'm down for it.

What's everyone else going to do? Complain? Come up with all the answers and go back to doing nothing? Eh...

Not everyone cares and I'm cool with that. Most people are fine with their routines and it has ALWAYS been that way. It's the few who shape history, not the many. Lead, follow or get out of the way. But if you're not going to lead, please, stop complaining.
hit the nail in the head. 
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by Strawberry Milkshakes

Posting this article is more than most of you cats have ever done on Niketalk.

You dudes don't start any interesting or thought provoking threads.

Niketalk reaches thousands of people each day and carries the capability to teach new information everyday yet a large majority or niketalker's (a lot of people condemning rashi as well as just complaining in here) would rather kill their post count in freshmen college meme threads or Kim Kardashian new booty pictures.

Knowledge is power yet you dudes would rather crowd your lives with trivial and miniscule interests. Keep up the good work. The people exploiting you love it.


Even though you haven't brought ANYTHING interesting to Niketalk in nearly 4 years, you have the audacity to write this? Shut up.
[nt meme]post something conscious on NT, personally attacked[/nt meme] 

The statement really irks me because I agree with a lot of what he wrote. However, I actually try and do my part. I knew when I did that search this fool created the stupidest threads.

Fake people man...
Originally Posted by tkthafm

There's no need for a whole article and 8 different "reasons".

It's very, very simple: It hasn't gotten bad enough yet.

We simply haven't reached the critical point at which the grievances outweigh the comforts of doing nothing. Let's face it, our economy isn't bad enough. Our freedoms haven't been trampled on enough. Not enough has happened to rock the populace out of the lull of every day living and into action. Look at history as a guide to the conditions generally found in societies before a major revolution. Look at the history of countries currently undergoing revolts with the "Arab Spring"... our situation is no where near as dire. There's just no reason for most Americans to buck the status quo and risk their lives and the country plunging into the chaos of the unknown.

Activists can try to incite action all they want, but i'll repeat once again: It hasn't gotten bad enough yet.
Literally came in here to post this. It's nowhere near horrible to the point that people actually feel the need to be out in the streets instead of in front of their computer or TV screen.

There are plenty of people preparing for it though, and the government knows this. Some people who have organized protests even on small scales are being watched by the FBI and are being deemed domestic terrorists or terrorists in training.

Then there's this.

Very interesting situation we're in within this country.
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