8 Reasons why Young Americans don't fight back.

People who have a comfortable and well-to-do life, want to keep it that way. It's normal to like and stay in your comfort zone. But if you stay there, you don't really grow spiritually. Most people just become self-centered and come up with excuses to say they are helpless to do anything, and go back to being glued to the television. 

I guess if more people were willing to REALLY go out of there way for others, to rally against unemployment and outrageous military spending and any other issue, it can really affect the direction of the country.

It IS a lot to ask for, with factors of young people being in college debt plus our attachments to entertainment and media devices. These things do make it very difficult for the normal man to mobilize and reach out to others.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

But why do we, Young Americans, need a revolution though?  I have a good job, own a home, drive a nice ride, drink/smoke/go out on weekends, and travel monthly.  I don't have much to complain about.  Until those things are taken from me, why should I, an ordinary 9-5 guy, need to revolt? 

what about the people down south who make 8-9 dolllars an hr working at walmart or some other chain who cant find a decent job ? 

what about the chinese kids in the factories making 50 cents a day to make new foamposites that we buy for 200 ?

what about the kids in africa who make shoes out of ANYTHING because they cant afford it? MEANWHILE OUR POLITICIANS GIVE TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO PEOPLE THAT ALREADY OWN THE WHOLE WORLD..

That's just my point. I am nothing but a tiny precious little person in the grand scheme of things so I am fine with mediocrity.  I am not trying to change the world.  It's hard enough working with community organizers so the hell do I want to take on the responsibility to make the world better?  I take what is given to me and roll with it and be satisfied with it.  Sure I agree the world could be so much better.  No wars. No famine. All women looking like Kim K but guess what.. for every Kim K there is an ugly Betty and that's just reality.  Some of you guys need to come to grips of what can be achieved and what can't... and wanting the American Youth to fight back is beyond pointless.  
Hackers need to turn off Xbox Live then maybe there will be some dissent. 

But see this is where you're wrong (no offense). What makes YOU so small? Do you honestly think so little of yourself? Individually, we are nothing. Individually, systematic reformation is indeed impossible. This is why you have to see yourself as part of the bigger picture. This is why you have to see beyond your lil 9-5, your lil iphone, and your nike products. You in conjunction with other reforming bodies is what really brings change.

Like beauty, I've come to realize that reality is in the eye of the beholder, philosophical allusions aside. If a reality of mediocrity, and implicit stagnation (at the very least) and regression (at the very most/worse case scenario) is what you envision for yourself, then such will be your truth--your reality.

I'll honestly leave it at that because, frankly, right now, I have way too much on my mind--with respect to the topic of discussion--to even express my ideas eloquently.

I'll leave you with this--an individual cell within the body is NOTHING, and incapable of little within the grand scheme of things. But an aggregation of cells--now that's something. Aggregation leads to tissues, which then lead to organs, which then leads to systematic change, complexity, and the kind of specialization necessary for proper/efficient functioning. This is LIFE.

I think the problem most of the people have is that they dont have jobs. Is that really something to revolt for? Why?

I got other options. I dont need to get shot up by one of the million different armies that US has (marines, troopers, NYPD etc). If it gets really bad I could go to canada. Its very similar to the US and I wont miss a beat.

I could move to china cuz there are many business opportunities there.


I could move to thailand and train in muay thai.

There alot of options I have before staging a rebellion.

There are all sorts of revlolutionaries right now. Guys our age (in our 20s etc) all in the middle america. KKK, and motorcycle outlaws, etc. etc. These guys are friggin nuts but they are trying to revolt like that article says. Why should I risk my life when I do one of the 3 stated options I have.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

God that Huxley Orwell illustration was incredible and dead on. Culture is shaped by the youth. What we want and what we deem "hip" is even accepted by the older generations.
We are active, we are emerging we are the pulse and vibe of the future, IN ESSENCE WE ARE THE CONSUMERS. Your parents worked hard to take care of you and get you the things
you wanted and needed. We stay on top and create the trends. We.......... you know what F all the rhetoric, when it boils down to it you have a choice on whether or not you want to
consume the garbage you watch. Take back control of your mind and push for what your heart is telling you. So many people have become soulless apathetic drones that D ride on
people with money and fame and masturbate to the newest @@@#% of babylon that's shaking her butt or showing some tit. Stop being little scared #+%#!%% and take control of your
destiny, @#** the b.s. about "im poor", "I've never accomplished anything", I'm not good enough", "times are ruff" and go get what you want. There is still ways to live a happy
successful life without being a slave to your pathetic little ego. That's all this game is about, YOUR EGOOOOOOOOO!!! It's the wild bucking horse that isn'tallowing you to evolve, you
are worried about how frsh you look or what everyones perception of you is, you are a slave by choice. There is so much opportunity and choice out here that you are swamped, you
won't focus on what you want and go full steam ahead like a God is supposed to. Get off your computers, turn off the videogames and make the change you want to see. Stop D r
iding people with "success" and learn the game and put yourself in the position that you dream of. I'm so tired of hearing this pacified coward talk from everyone in my generation!
Get some balls and make moves, instead of taking a picture with Pharrell, Bill Gates, or whoever come at them with some new generation, next level $%@% with a business plan.
Everyone eats,$#**@,farts and has issues BECAUSE WE ARE ALL HAVING A MORTAL HUMAN EXISTENCE AND PAIN IS GROWTH, noone on this earth is greater or smaller than you. We
are in this $%@% together but ya'll aren't steppin up to the plate.


I feel inspired by this post
the replies in this thread are enough of an answer....America is full of cowards and all they care about is whats directly in front of them..thats why everybody in school is studying the same bull @*+*

ever since I was a kid I've seen through this @*+*...

To the people asking 'why revolt I have it good in America' you have a lot of questions to ask yourself as to why NOT! Your lack of care for your own self shows every time you act like your opinion matters.
There's no need for a whole article and 8 different "reasons".

It's very, very simple: It hasn't gotten bad enough yet.

We simply haven't reached the critical point at which the grievances outweigh the comforts of doing nothing. Let's face it, our economy isn't bad enough. Our freedoms haven't been trampled on enough. Not enough has happened to rock the populace out of the lull of every day living and into action. Look at history as a guide to the conditions generally found in societies before a major revolution. Look at the history of countries currently undergoing revolts with the "Arab Spring"... our situation is no where near as dire. There's just no reason for most Americans to buck the status quo and risk their lives and the country plunging into the chaos of the unknown.

Activists can try to incite action all they want, but i'll repeat once again: It hasn't gotten bad enough yet.
SunDOOBIE wrote:

So you're saying because of foreclosures/unemployment... young people here in America should fight back and revolt? 
  Yeah that's a good enough reason for young Americans to not do their Fantasy Football draft this month.  

Yes. A record amount of college students are being buried in debt post-college, end up working awful jobs or can't find any at all, and then are forced to live at home, unable to support themselves and buy a place or even rent... Which is part of the core of the economy. The more this happens, the more this country goes down the tube. But sorry I interrupted your sunshine and rainbows, carry on.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

So you're saying because of foreclosures/unemployment... young people here in America should fight back and revolt? 
  Yeah that's a good enough reason for young Americans to not do their Fantasy Football draft this month.  

Yes. A record amount of college students are being buried in debt post-college, end up working awful jobs or can't find any at all, and then are forced to live at home, unable to support themselves and buy a place or even rent... Which is part of the core of the economy. The more this happens, the more this country goes down the tube. But sorry I interrupted your sunshine and rainbows, carry on.

Yeah the job market is horrible for young Americans but revolting that could result in a conviction of disorderly conduct is not the answer.  If I couldn't find a job, I would do whatever it takes to get my skills up.  Computer skills. Construction. Go back to school and earn another degree, etc.  
By the way... you got 20,000+ posts which equates to what a few thousand hours on NT?  Imagine all the revolutions and protesting you could have done in real life instead of wasting all that time online.  But sorry I interrupted your sunshine and rainbows... carry on Che.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

There's no need for a whole article and 8 different "reasons".

It's very, very simple: It hasn't gotten bad enough yet.

We simply haven't reached the critical point at which the grievances outweigh the comforts of doing nothing. Let's face it, our economy isn't bad enough. Our freedoms haven't been trampled on enough. Not enough has happened to rock the populace out of the lull of every day living and into action. Look at history as a guide to the conditions generally found in societies before a major revolution. Look at the history of countries currently undergoing revolts with the "Arab Spring"... our situation is no where near as dire. There's just no reason for most Americans to buck the status quo and risk their lives and the country plunging into the chaos of the unknown.

Activists can try to incite action all they want, but i'll repeat once again: It hasn't gotten bad enough yet.
I think you're dead on.
Even a "broke" young American has a smartphone, decent clothes,  video games, cable, netflix, internet, etc. 

Of course it's not that bad in the US because of all the welfare, SSDI, section 8, medicaid, etc. payments by the Feds and State. Why do you think the politicians are so afraid of cutting spending? Cut spending and we'll have a revolt in this country real quick. 

Sooner or later, they'll have to cut down on the spending but it's a question of whether it can be wound down over a long enough time line where we don't have a revolt. 

Like TkT stated; it's just not bad enough. Where it is pretty bad the Feds have stepped in to placate the masses. 
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by finnns2003

SunDOOBIE wrote:
So you're saying because of foreclosures/unemployment... young people here in America should fight back and revolt? 
  Yeah that's a good enough reason for young Americans to not do their Fantasy Football draft this month.  
Yes. A record amount of college students are being buried in debt post-college, end up working awful jobs or can't find any at all, and then are forced to live at home, unable to support themselves and buy a place or even rent... Which is part of the core of the economy. The more this happens, the more this country goes down the tube. But sorry I interrupted your sunshine and rainbows, carry on.

By the way... you got 20,000+ posts which equates to what a few thousand hours on NT?  Imagine all the revolutions and protesting you could have done in real life instead of wasting all that time online.  But sorry I interrupted your sunshine and rainbows... carry on Che.


we've gotten too comfortable mentally and many of us young adults are too caught up in college dumb %*@ reality shows or chasing that dollar

we got that wool over our eyes
Revolt for what though?

America sounds like the spoiled lazy child who's mad because "it's not fair". If you're too lazy to get involved in the political process and make some changes, the answer is what... force political change with unspecified action? (dumb)

The economy is falling off because of all of us and apparently we're fine with that. If you don't do @!!% to change it, I don't want to hear any complaints. Our reputation as innovators is falling off because instead of doing hard work, people would rather take the easy route... then they complain "America has no industry, blah, blah, blah". Ok, who are you waiting on to innovate?

Our problem is we have come to expect things to be done FOR us and not BY us. It's like that Keith Olbermann rant. He's trying to encourage people to get angry and take to the streets while he sits behind a desk and collects checks for talking about it and not being about it. Who's stopping him from getting involved? He's like the rich men who send poor children off to fight their wars except he's draped himself in an intellectual/liberal safety blanket.

I gave up on complaining and started making moves to be a changer of our society, but I realize that NOTHING happens over night. It didn't break over night and won't be fixed over night. My interest happens to be technology now. It'll be a long grind, but I'm down for it.

What's everyone else going to do? Complain? Come up with all the answers and go back to doing nothing? Eh...

Not everyone cares and I'm cool with that. Most people are fine with their routines and it has ALWAYS been that way. It's the few who shape history, not the many. Lead, follow or get out of the way. But if you're not going to lead, please, stop complaining.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by tkthafm

There's no need for a whole article and 8 different "reasons".

It's very, very simple: It hasn't gotten bad enough yet.

We simply haven't reached the critical point at which the grievances outweigh the comforts of doing nothing. Let's face it, our economy isn't bad enough. Our freedoms haven't been trampled on enough. Not enough has happened to rock the populace out of the lull of every day living and into action. Look at history as a guide to the conditions generally found in societies before a major revolution. Look at the history of countries currently undergoing revolts with the "Arab Spring"... our situation is no where near as dire. There's just no reason for most Americans to buck the status quo and risk their lives and the country plunging into the chaos of the unknown.

Activists can try to incite action all they want, but i'll repeat once again: It hasn't gotten bad enough yet.
I think you're dead on.
Even a "broke" young American has a smartphone, decent clothes,  video games, cable, netflix, internet, etc. 

Of course it's not that bad in the US because of all the welfare, SSDI, section 8, medicaid, etc. payments by the Feds and State. Why do you think the politicians are so afraid of cutting spending? Cut spending and we'll have a revolt in this country real quick. 

Sooner or later, they'll have to cut down on the spending but it's a question of whether it can be wound down over a long enough time line where we don't have a revolt. 

Like TkT stated; it's just not bad enough. Where it is pretty bad the Feds have stepped in to placate the masses. 

The time is coming soon.  This next recession will push things closer to the edge.  You can't outsource all of the jobs. 
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Revolt for what though?

America sounds like the spoiled lazy child who's mad because "it's not fair". If you're too lazy to get involved in the political process and make some changes, the answer is what... force political change with unspecified action? (dumb)

The economy is falling off because of all of us and apparently we're fine with that. If you don't do @!!% to change it, I don't want to hear any complaints. Our reputation as innovators is falling off because instead of doing hard work, people would rather take the easy route... then they complain "America has no industry, blah, blah, blah". Ok, who are you waiting on to innovate?

Our problem is we have come to expect things to be done FOR us and not BY us. It's like that Keith Olbermann rant. He's trying to encourage people to get angry and take to the streets while he sits behind a desk and collects checks for talking about it and not being about it. Who's stopping him from getting involved? He's like the rich men who send poor children off to fight their wars except he's draped himself in an intellectual/liberal safety blanket.

I gave up on complaining and started making moves to be a changer of our society, but I realize that NOTHING happens over night. It didn't break over night and won't be fixed over night. My interest happens to be technology now. It'll be a long grind, but I'm down for it.

What's everyone else going to do? Complain? Come up with all the answers and go back to doing nothing? Eh...

Not everyone cares and I'm cool with that. Most people are fine with their routines and it has ALWAYS been that way. It's the few who shape history, not the many. Lead, follow or get out of the way. But if you're not going to lead, please, stop complaining.
agree 100%. literally took the words out of my mouth. great post. 
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by finnns2003

SunDOOBIE wrote:
So you're saying because of foreclosures/unemployment... young people here in America should fight back and revolt? 
  Yeah that's a good enough reason for young Americans to not do their Fantasy Football draft this month.  
Yes. A record amount of college students are being buried in debt post-college, end up working awful jobs or can't find any at all, and then are forced to live at home, unable to support themselves and buy a place or even rent... Which is part of the core of the economy. The more this happens, the more this country goes down the tube. But sorry I interrupted your sunshine and rainbows, carry on.

Yeah the job market is horrible for young Americans but revolting that could result in a conviction of disorderly conduct is not the answer.  If I couldn't find a job, I would do whatever it takes to get my skills up.  Computer skills. Construction. Go back to school and earn another degree, etc.  
By the way... you got 20,000+ posts which equates to what a few thousand hours on NT?  Imagine all the revolutions and protesting you could have done in real life instead of wasting all that time online.  But sorry I interrupted your sunshine and rainbows... carry on Che.


Skills are one thing, experience is another. It's the excuse employers come up with to reject students.

20k posts huh? If you average that over 8 years, that comes out to about 6 posts a day. Hardly groundbreaking. But I have participated in protests, if it counts.
Good article and even better thread. A lot of people dont think Outisde of the little box that is your world. I don't think the question is should we revolt. But why aren't we more aware as people. Especially with the rise of social networks its almost disgusting.
I only started to notice how self obsorbed and content people are with their lives we are as a nation when I got a civil service job.

People are so scared to lose the benefits they literally let supervisors #+*+ on them and they fall back and be quiet. It's not that serious you are a person first your job/career second. All they do is kiss %@# and complain. But they don't realise they are making their problems worst by not standing up for themselves.
Serious question, are all you guys that are rebelling and blah blah the same ones who think if a tree falls down its a government conspiracy? Just trying to put this together
Originally Posted by heavenlee777

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by tkthafm

There's no need for a whole article and 8 different "reasons".

It's very, very simple: It hasn't gotten bad enough yet.
This, everybody has a breaking point and I don't believe we've gotten there just yet
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Yes. A record amount of college students are being buried in debt post-college, end up working awful jobs or can't find any at all, and then are forced to live at home, unable to support themselves and buy a place or even rent... Which is part of the core of the economy. The more this happens, the more this country goes down the tube. But sorry I interrupted your sunshine and rainbows, carry on.

Yeah the job market is horrible for young Americans but revolting that could result in a conviction of disorderly conduct is not the answer.  If I couldn't find a job, I would do whatever it takes to get my skills up.  Computer skills. Construction. Go back to school and earn another degree, etc.  
By the way... you got 20,000+ posts which equates to what a few thousand hours on NT?  Imagine all the revolutions and protesting you could have done in real life instead of wasting all that time online.  But sorry I interrupted your sunshine and rainbows... carry on Che.

Skills are one thing, experience is another. It's the excuse employers come up with to reject students.

20k posts huh? If you average that over 8 years, that comes out to about 6 posts a day. Hardly groundbreaking. But I have participated in protests, if it counts.
This is exactly what is being used against us.  They just try to find any excuse not to give out jobs.  Getting 15 out of 15 questions is good but you sneezed in the interview so you dont get the job.  Then people sit and go Im going back to school.  Now schools and people that give out the loans are getting rich then you get out you got a masters or MBA or JD or whatever and then you still dont get  a job for the same reason plus you got debt.  Its a huge scam.  But what is the alternative.  Drop out of highschool and go work at keyfood?  Imo youre screwed either way. 

And if you do have a job youre overworked and your boss treats you like !@*! but you have to smile and take it cuz its impossible to find another job. 

But I mean its still not bad enough to rebel.  Theres worse places.  Like in africa they think the cure for HIV is to have sex with a 12 year old virgin.  So they just rape and spread the disease. 

Honestly Theres nothing you can really do.  Just work your **@ off to get yourself out of whatever funk you think that you are in.  Like that guy up above said hes making moves.  Look out for yourself and dont worry if everyone else is dumb,

News flash most people are dumb anyway.  The only smart thing to do is to watch out for yourself. 
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Revolt for what though?

America sounds like the spoiled lazy child who's mad because "it's not fair". If you're too lazy to get involved in the political process and make some changes, the answer is what... force political change with unspecified action? (dumb)

The economy is falling off because of all of us and apparently we're fine with that. If you don't do @!!% to change it, I don't want to hear any complaints. Our reputation as innovators is falling off because instead of doing hard work, people would rather take the easy route... then they complain "America has no industry, blah, blah, blah". Ok, who are you waiting on to innovate?

Our problem is we have come to expect things to be done FOR us and not BY us. It's like that Keith Olbermann rant. He's trying to encourage people to get angry and take to the streets while he sits behind a desk and collects checks for talking about it and not being about it. Who's stopping him from getting involved? He's like the rich men who send poor children off to fight their wars except he's draped himself in an intellectual/liberal safety blanket.

I gave up on complaining and started making moves to be a changer of our society, but I realize that NOTHING happens over night. It didn't break over night and won't be fixed over night. My interest happens to be technology now. It'll be a long grind, but I'm down for it.

What's everyone else going to do? Complain? Come up with all the answers and go back to doing nothing? Eh...

Not everyone cares and I'm cool with that. Most people are fine with their routines and it has ALWAYS been that way. It's the few who shape history, not the many. Lead, follow or get out of the way. But if you're not going to lead, please, stop complaining.

You're right but you have the solution part and what TkT said explains why many young folks aren't involved. 
Also, it's not as simple as you claim. If, by the time you succeed (lets assume you will), you better hope that things aren't too far down the hole. In some countries, getting after change earns you chunks of lead in your head or indefinite detention in an underground cell. Are we there yet? No. Can we get there? Of course. It all depends how entrenched the status quo becomes and to what extent they'll go to defend their interests.  At that point it just becomes  a waiting game. My parents came from the USSR and plenty of people wanted change but didn't act on it. What good were you if you were sent off to a labor camp in Siberia? I'm not insinuating we're at that point now (or were ever there) but the situation can get too far gone. 
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

You're right but you have the solution part and what TkT said explains why many young folks aren't involved. 
Also, it's not as simple as you claim. If, by the time you succeed (lets assume you will), you better hope that things aren't too far down the hole. In some countries, getting after change earns you chunks of lead in your head or indefinite detention in an underground cell. Are we there yet? No. Can we get there? Of course. It all depends how entrenched the status quo becomes and to what extent they'll go to defend their interests.  At that point it just becomes  a waiting game. My parents came from the USSR and plenty of people wanted change but didn't act on it. What good were you if you were sent off to a labor camp in Siberia? I'm not insinuating we're at that point now (or were ever there) but the situation can get too far gone. 

I can't live my life worrying about that. If #%*% gets that bad I'll move, but for now I'm making moves to do my part. If everyone sat around waiting for the worst to happen then nothing would get done. Fear is an excuse for too many people. If I fail, I fail, at least I'm trying.
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