7/27 WWE Smackdown - Bryan v Kane v Del Rio v Mysterio #1 Contender Match for Sheamus @ Summerslam

Would be great if the long awaited NTWT invasion took place during the 1000th episode of RAW.

Raw 1,000 Predictions:

- New GM for both shows will be Teddy Long.
- AJ/D Bry wedding will be interrupted by Dean Ambrose.
- Shocking appearance by Batista. Warrior would be

- Raw rating will do a 3.75
- Rock will cost CM Punk his belt. Rock/Punk at Summer Slam or Survivor Series.
- Undertaker appears during Brock promo.
If there is a good time to debut Ambrose, tonight would be it.  All dark match reports say he comes out and no one knows him, and within minutes the crowd is really into him.  I have no doubt he could make a huge impact tonight.

Teddy Long would be the biggest disappointment ever.  I can't take his shuckin and jivin and stupid suits.

I think they do better than a 3.75.

I also don't see a title change tonight.  Rock's summer is booked solid with movie filming.  I don't think he wrestles at Summerslam.

Taker and Brock makes sense, but like I said, I can't see HHH allowing himself to be overshadowed.
How great would it be if it was just one giant mess and one of the worst Raws of all time?

...and I'm finally done for the day. It was cool to waste time up to the big show this way. For those of you I didn't get to, I apoligize, but I've been doing this since like 3 PM ET today and the show is about to start and I really just want to enjoy the show without having my mind on avys. Peace!

Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice :pimp: :pimp: Thank you man

And it's bout that time...
"DITTO" dude was in the 1000 RAW opening package :pimp:

I really hope this is a great crowd.
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Man this opening video brings back so many awesome memories.  Kaientai, Shawn losing his smile, Jericho's debut, Ric Flair's retirement, Eddie RIP, Austin on the zamboni, Punk cashing in MITB, SWAGTISTA IN THE WHEEL CHAIR!!!! The Crock.  Too much to name.

And of course they had to show when they embarrassed JR dancing 
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