7/27 WWE Smackdown - Bryan v Kane v Del Rio v Mysterio #1 Contender Match for Sheamus @ Summerslam

Hernandez and chavo actually wrestled here in san Antonio not to long ago as a tag team at some independent show......so I kinda saw that coming
Can comeone explain to me what this Bound for Glory Leaderboard is? With the number ranking system and all? Reminds me of something WCW/NWA did in the early 90s.
werent they JUST on Commercial? they show blackjack mulligan for 5 seconds and then go back to commercial

TNA must be reeling in the bucks
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I like the attention being brought back to Storm and Roode.  They have put it on the back burner the past few weeks since Roode lost the title, but it's still going to be the main event at Bound for Glory, so it's good to keep it fresh in people's minds.  I liked that opening segment.
werent they JUST on Commercial? they show blackjack mulligan for 5 seconds and then go back to commercial

TNA must be reeling in the bucks
Yea I peeped that. I was like what?

This was a cool match. AJ and was it Bobby Roode? But of course there has to be a run in. American wrestling..........
Can comeone explain to me what this Bound for Glory Leaderboard is? With the number ranking system and all? Reminds me of something WCW/NWA did in the early 90s.
There are 12 wrestlers in the Bound for Glory Series.  It's a round robin series, so everyone wrestles 11 matches.  The wrestlers with the 4 highest point totals wrestle a one night tournament at No Surrender.  The winner of the tournament gets the World Title shot at Bound for Glory.

Full details here:

Man the end of that Knockouts match was screwy.  I don't know if it was botch or meant to be that way with Earl screwing over Mickie to give Madison the win.  I think it was supposed to be Earl giving Madison the win, but it was still ugly.

And whatever the double leglock Mickie and Tara did on Gail was ugly as hell, too.  It looked like Mickie was yelling at Tara.
There are 12 wrestlers in the Bound for Glory Series.  It's a round robin series, so everyone wrestles 11 matches.  The wrestlers with the 4 highest point totals wrestle a one night tournament at No Surrender.  The winner of the tournament gets the World Title shot at Bound for Glory.

Full details here:
I am a fan of it.

4W, I have to remind myself to watch TNA. But I want a good product without having to watch 90s stuff. What is TNA doing wrong right now? I hear they are WCW'ing with the usage of old folks.
There are 12 wrestlers in the Bound for Glory Series.  It's a round robin series, so everyone wrestles 11 matches.  The wrestlers with the 4 highest point totals wrestle a one night tournament at No Surrender.  The winner of the tournament gets the World Title shot at Bound for Glory.

Full details here:
I am a fan of it.

4W, I have to remind myself to watch TNA. But I want a good product without having to watch 90s stuff. What is TNA doing wrong right now? I hear they are WCW'ing with the usage of old folks.
The only thing they are doing wrong is the Claire Lynch/AJ Styles pregnancy angle which is awful.  I enjoy just about everything else in TNA.  Not sure where you heard about using old guys.  Hogan is the the GM, doesn't wrestle.  Sting rarely wrestles.  They really don't feature any other "old" talent.
Zima Ion. Who the hell is this fake Rick the Model Martel dude. How is he in the ring?

And this Kenny King dude, how is he?
Zima Ion. Who the hell is this fake Rick the Model Martel dude. How is he in the ring?
And this Kenny King dude, how is he?

King was one of the finalists for 'Tough Enough' back in 2002, was a jobber in TNA for like 2 years, and has been in ROH kicking *** for the last 5-6 years in Ring of Honor til pretty much jumping ship to TNA. His in ring improvement from 2002 to now is amazing. I've seen a handful of his ROH matches and looking forward to a lot of his TNA stuff.

Sneakers, board shorts, awful tattoos? I never want to see Sam Shaw on my tv again.

Kid Kash and Gunner's matching tattoos had me :rofl: I'll wait to judge Shaw since that was my first time seeing him.
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Oh damn, I didn't even know that was KidKash. That fool got big and he cut his hair. That used to be my man. I have a Yahoo email account named after him. 8)
werent they JUST on Commercial? they show blackjack mulligan for 5 seconds and then go back to commercial

TNA must be reeling in the bucks
You must have never watched a wrestling program before.  It's called getting a commercial break in so the match starts at the top of the hour and isn't interrupted.

Dammit that was a really good match.  The Aces and Eights run in is better than a Big Show run in because it makes more sense, but it's still frustrating and not a satisfying finish to such a good match.
I like how they're playing up that Storm is behind Aces and Eights, especially with them not attacking him during the beatdown.  Though in the end, I think it will end up being Jarrett behind it.

Gut Chuck is another thing I don't like about TNA right now.  The guys/girls get a contract and then are never seen again.  Joey Ryan, the only person not get a contract is the only one we ever see on TV.  All they have to do is say they are getting the contract, going to OVW, and we will keep you updated on their progress by showing you a clip each month of them performing in OVW.

What the hell did Sam Shaw do to earn a contract?  He's a boring character with a generic look.  And calling WWE "the big leagues"... he deserved to be cut right there.
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