These are definitely in my top 10. There may be better matches than some of those, but I have such a connection with those as far as who was involved, and that time period. Malenko/Benoit vs Rey/Kidman vs Raven Saturn from '99 (Slamboree?), and RVD vs Jerry Lynn from Hardcore Heaven would be up there too.

Benoit vs HHH vs HBK (WM XX)

Kurt Angle vs Shane McMahon (KOTR 01)

Rock vs Austin (WM 19)

Bret Hart vs Austin (WM 13)

Bristish Bulldog vs Owen Hart (European Title, Raw 97)
Might be going to MITB tonight. Homie got an extra ticket.

Praying my job doesn't call me in if I do, which means they will :smh:

Who's all going? Maybe ill bump into one of yall
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- WWE officials are getting close to picking a location for the 2015 and 2016 WrestleMania events. One of the frontrunners is the new Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California, which opens for the San Francisco 49′ers in 2014, and is also hosting the 2016 Super Bowl. If Levi’s Stadium is picked, the Hall of Fame and RAW would take place from the HP Pavilion in San Jose. There is also said to be a major Northeastern location in the running

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

You know I am there if that's the case. I got my seat licenses for Santa Clara and I hope events do come here!.

:pimp: :evil:
Who wins the WHC MITB was almost impossible to answer.

Could honestly be any of them except Ambrose.
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Where has Ambrose been over the past week? I was pretty angry that I didn't get to see him live on Monday...
Also, even though I picked Orton for the contest, I'm starting to feel like DB is going to win and then cash in right after the Cena/Mark match to set up the DB/Cena storyline for Summerslam...
Also, even though I picked Orton for the contest, I'm starting to feel like DB is going to win and then cash in right after the Cena/Mark match to set up the DB/Cena storyline for Summerslam...

Read my mind.

I also would like CHRISTIAN to win, but it will be Sandow....it gives WWE the opportunity to break up RhodesScholars, too
- F4Wonline.com reports that WWE will be making a major announcement on Monday morning, likely to do with the upcoming WWE 2K14 video game. There will reportedly be a big press event as the announcement is significant.

This isn’t confirmed but the announcement may have to do with The Ultimate Warrior appearing in the video game.

The WWE Games Twitter account continues to post teaser photos and lines for The Warrior, as we reported on last week. They have noted that their big surprise had a feud with the nWo, won the Intercontinental Title twice, is not in the WWE Hall of Fame, wore facepaint and is a former bodybuilder.

Apparently Warrior was in the WWE Games offices on July 10th to film promos and an interview.
Also, even though I picked Orton for the contest, I'm starting to feel like DB is going to win and then cash in right after the Cena/Mark match to set up the DB/Cena storyline for Summerslam...

Read my mind.

I also would like CHRISTIAN to win, but it will be Sandow....it gives WWE the opportunity to break up RhodesScholars, too

"We will focus on tag teams..." -HHH

8 months later... Break them all up

Most expected thing ever.
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I chose Orton by weeding out the ones that don't seem to be in position for the title.

Punk: Apparently having a feud with Lesnar that culminates at SummerFest and I don't see that being for the title or the briefcase.

D.Bry: supposed to be facing Cena for the title at the same PPV according to "reports".

Christian: lol.

Sheamus: IMO I just don't see him winning anything major this year but who knows, dude won RR out of nowhere last year.

RVD: This one is the harder one to write off because of the hype that they've been giving dude leading up to the PPV, it seems weird to bring him back on a big PPV (imo) to have him lose but at the same time I can't see him being champion, I see him as a returning Jericho, someone who's gonna help the product and make other people look good.

Orton: My choice based on a couple of things, dude has been pretty much jobbing it out for the past 2 years since he lost the WHC to Henry and this win could give him a 10th World title reign. I'm assuming that he's been jobbing cause he's been in the doghouse for his 2nd strike but it's been pretty long so I think he's the one to get the win. Also if D.Bry goes on to face Cena @ SS and wins, you could always build off of the feud him and Orton had this past month.
I don'tsee Sandow winning. The one who I can actually see being WHC is Ambrose. can't see SanDow as a main eventer just yet. Ambrose is the total package man
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