What y'all making/bringing to work for lunch? Vol. $100/week since Jan 1

Mister Meaner

formerly super producer j
Mar 24, 2007
Lately I been going a little hard with the lunch spending. As I've decreased spending in one area I've increased the budget on lunch at work, but talk about waste! I'll bring the occasional cold cut sandwich but that gets old quick.

So I ask what y'all making for lunch at work?

Relative to the topic at hand, I am a novice cook with less than ideal patience.

Thx in advance.
I try my best to spend under 60 a week for lunch and dinner for both me and my gf. Grill chicken breast with salad for lunch, apples bananas yogurt and a protein bar for breaks, and I'll mix it with thighs or taco style lean ground beef with more salad for dinner.
Half a rotisserie chicken, rice, veggie. At least 3x per week.

I'll order out once a week. Twice max.

No fast food though.
Take leftovers from the night before.

Don't be that guy to microwave fish, tho.

i remember i had this 1 job and on my first day i was training in the conference room via skype with a coworker from another location... i was there all day and the microwave was there and this asian cat heat up his lunch which was some squid and it stunk up the room the whole day :lol:
I got into the habit of bringing leftovers for lunch. Or meal prep the night before.. frozen veggies, salad, cut up mixed fruit, and a protein like chicken breast or ground turkey. Eat quickly, then you have enough time to go for a 15-20 minute walk around my office building.
Leftovers, pb&j, couple pieces of fruit, and a grip of clif bars. If I worked a job where there was an opportunity to buy lunch I'd be blowing way too much $
Damn y'all wild with the lunch prices. I spend about $5-$7 on lunch max.

Chick Fil A and Zaxbys get me right.
i would think its unhealthy to eat out every day and also gets expensive... 10 a day could be 50 a week this is why i try to only eat out once a week max two times a week....i try to bring my food everyday and go some weeks without eating out... it is cool to buy food though once in a while... today i bought 2 slices of with toppings of course and a bottle of soda for 9.50... it was good but not worth 9.50 :smh:
2 Question for meal preppers

1. So y'all cook the food on sunday and then leave the meals in the fridge for the whole week? By Friday wouldnt the food be a lil stale?

2. Y'all don't get tired of eating the same grilled chicken everyday?
2 Question for meal preppers

1. So y'all cook the food on sunday and then leave the meals in the fridge for the whole week? By Friday wouldnt the food be a lil stale?

2. Y'all don't get tired of eating the same grilled chicken everyday?

Not for the whole week. Like up until Wednesday-ish. And sauces help with the grilled chicken (bbq, ketchup, etc) its just a matter of dedication to reach your goal.
$20-25 for a week's worth of stuff from Trader Joes...albeit its most of the same stuff, but i like it, until i dont...
I just get a salad from a local spot for lunch everyday, only costs about $6 and is pretty filling
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