3 teens posted taped sex assaults of girl, 12, on Facebook

It is very simple to blame it on environment because that IS the cause of the problem in the youth. The hard part is how to prevent things like this. Putting them in jail forever does not fix things at all. In a perfect world the best way to fix problems like these is to PREVENT it. Talk to these teenagers, uncover the source of their trouble minds which probably is the people around them. Put in role models and community centers in these areas of trouble and create heroes for these children to look up to. I want to go as far to say that these teenagers are a lost cause (which probably isn't the case but likely) but what we need to do as a society is to LEARN from these children and see how we can prevent it in the future. However it is much more profitable for us to put them in jail and call it a day. :smh:

Basically, people would rather just lock them up and not deal with it. It's more cost effective to the state budget just to "hope" they learned their lesson and when they come home they come home to NO job, education or life skills. Just the stigma of a misguided childhood mistake. 

Again, they're not angels, and it takes some level of deviousness to do what they did. But again, most people don't see how these kids grow up and really have no idea about the conditions.

Crack houses, domestic violence, neglect, starvation, rape, sexual molestation and NO ONE to talk to about...I've seen it happen, I have friends who live this live, I lived it myself.

When you get older and if you're lucky enough to be exposed to a different way of life, you'll start to see it truly psychotic conditions. I have cousins who raise their kids like that. It's sad because they don't want me to tell them how to raise their kids. But I can just look at some of them and see death and jail in their future.

so what you are saying is that these kids aren't the main problem, but in the grand scheme of things, it is the environment they are a product of which, itself is the main problem that should be ultimately addressed. right?


but its a rinse and repeat process. i've always wondered what could be an effective solution to this otherwise stagnant pattern of behavior.
No, but what is innate is that fact the some people have no care or feelings about what they do to other people (the ones I mentioned you can see for yourself). Don't feel bad for me, i'm doing just fine. There are some crimes in which I have no compassion or sympathy for the offenders. Also, I don't care if you think I'm ignorant for not wanting to give people like these a second chance or another opportunity. They've already proved themselves as monsters. It ends for me right there. I don't wanna send them to therapy, I don't want them released and living among innocent people for them to offend again.

You realize that people having no feelings or not caring about others is NOT innate right? I totally get where u come from and not wanting to send them to therapy but there is a underlying issue behind that. People aren't born monsters, they are bred that way. the issue at hand is how can we get it to stop. From my previous post i said that these kids are likely to be "lost causes" and in that regard i do agree with you that they shouldn't have another opportunity because it's probably hopeless. the point in my reasoning for sending them to therapy is to find out the causes of these character flaws and how they were created thus finding a solution. Would you rather just send them to jail, never find out what caused their behavior and just have it repeat again? or would you rather find the underlying causes and try to progress as a society and stop that from EVER happening again?
please do not post again until you come to your senses
What are you talking about?! I've expressed my condolences to this girl, she did not deserve what happened to her AT ALL! But at the end of the day, why was she a 12 year old going to see a 16 year old boy alone after school hours? Don't respond back to me unless you answer the question.
What are you talking about?! I've expressed my condolences to this girl, she did not deserve what happened to her AT ALL! But at the end of the day, why was she a 12 year old going to see a 16 year old boy alone after school hours? Don't respond back to me unless you answer the question.

because kids will be kids
Chicago is a war zone u just gotta Becareful where u are and be aware of ur surroundings, it gets bad fast before u know what's going on from the rich neibhorhoods to the bad not much of a difference but the people standing on the corners , rape and robberys happen same with guns and violence through out Chicago, can't believe the joke of a Mayor we have clown to the fullest , glad I didn't vote for him , sad story to say the lest
You're missing the point, even South-Side Chicago's white trash has exposure to civilized lifestyle choices. You gotta understand some black communities have remained stagnant since "The Great Migration".

A nation of uneducated people expect to teach themselves.

I know it's hard to believe but there have been anthropology studies done that prove this to be true.
you have valid points and I respect that but this is not an excuse for rape.  These kids still need to be held accountable for their actions is all I'm saying.  
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Chicago is a war zone u just gotta Becareful where u are and be aware of ur surroundings, it gets bad fast before u know what's going on from the rich neibhorhoods to the bad not much of a difference but the people standing on the corners , rape and robberys happen same with guns and violence through out Chicago, can't believe the joke of a Mayor we have clown to the fullest , glad I didn't vote for him , sad story to say the lest
Damn my girl wants to go to the Chi and I grew up in a rough part of San Fran and Houston but you boys got a dude legit shook, is the whole damn town like that??? Not so much worried about my safety but my girl is my priority.
so what you are saying is that these kids aren't the main problem, but in the grand scheme of things, it is the environment they are a product of which, itself is the main problem that should be ultimately addressed. right?


but its a rinse and repeat process. i've always wondered what could be an effective solution to this otherwise stagnant pattern of behavior.
This^ I agree with this and what Nomad is saying.    It's not the kids problem their a product of their environment but those 3 teenage gang bangers still need to be held accountable for rape.   No excuses for that.
Damn my girl wants to go to the Chi and I grew up in a rough part of San Fran and Houston but you boys got a dude legit shook, is the whole damn town like that??? Not so much worried about my safety but my girl is my priority.
Just stay on the north side by the tourist areas and you will be straight.  
Was gonna come in here and say that she was probably just a jumpoff and it became assault after the parents found out but then I saw 'gunpoint' smh . . .

What type of dudes are they where all three of them agreed it would be a good idea to rob some yambs smh
After a few months, most prisoners are genuinely sorry and ready to leave the prison.
Ummm, yes. I wish I could remember the name, but there was a TED talk from some guy high up in the prison system who said everything I am saying. When it comes to me I will post. 
Oh boy, you must go to the highest extremes in order to feel like a winner. Good for you, 'duder.'
You didn't answer the question nor address the rest of my post with any sort of coherent response so yea..I'm winning right now. Would you let ol boy from down the street, prone to make bad decisions and just got out of a three year bid come crash at your house?  
If he got the rehab and therapy I talked about, yes. 
Ummm, yes. I wish I could remember the name, but there was a TED talk from some guy high up in the prison system who said everything I am saying. When it comes to me I will post. 

Wait. You said that MOST inmates are remorseful after serving a period of time? Based on what? Because they get up in front of the parole board and say "I'm sorry for what I did?" That's comedy to me. In my experience working with violent offenders, the majority are sorry they got caught, get out and recidivate immediately :lol:
Ummm, yes. I wish I could remember the name, but there was a TED talk from some guy high up in the prison system who said everything I am saying. When it comes to me I will post. 
Wait. You said that MOST inmates are remorseful after serving a period of time? Based on what? Because they get up in front of the parole board and say "I'm sorry for what I did?" That's comedy to me. In my experience working with violent offenders, the majority are sorry they got caught, get out and recidivate immediately 
No, it was different than that. Very different.
You can't blame anyone but their parents and their environment. That's why I'm thankful to have had great parents, teachers & mentors.

Pretty much. It boils down to being a combination of nature and nurture. Genetics, conditioning, differential associations, environmental factors, social strains, social bonds, etc all play into the equation.
i feel bad for anyone that viewed it online and especially the girl

but thank god these morons were stupid enough to put in online, who knows what would have happened if not

could have been some he-said/she-said "she wanted it" BS
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We can go back and forth about righting wrongs, jail, blah blah blah.... Called me old fashioned, and maye it's the nee found country boy in me but I have no problem lining them up in a row with their necks tied together and doing the job with one shot...... But maybe that's just me. When it comes to crimes like this I show no sympathy. They had nothing to gain but the humiliation of that girl and her family.
People producing offsprings without taking care of them.
this^ children being born and raised with no pops just like how they're mom was brought up.      It's just gonna continue to get worse every generation if the dads aren't around. 
   Even some moms raising their kids by themselves are abandoning their kids to go run around and do drugs, party, and have sex.    
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