24/7/365 The Tomb Remains Guarded

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by HankMoody

rashi agreed, cannot deny facts, but what does all that have to do with this monument? These people volunteered to guard the monument. The US gov isn't making them do it.

Have to pick and choose the right times to go against the military/US. It'll work out better for you in the long run. More people will agree with you. And that's what you really want, right?

The problem I have is the love affair with the military. For what? What is the purpose of these monuments? To remember? Why would you want to remember pain and suffering?

They don't volunteer to guard the monument, they volunteer for their service and their service is unnecessary. We are not a threat from and invasion from anyone.
 you gotta be trollin..
if you can't respect those noble few in your country who have died for an idea, for ideals, for religion, for lies, for truth, for honor, for a country, for men, for women, for children, for your mother, for your father, for your son, for yourself, or even for nothing –– then you should honestly just get the %+*# out of your country and go somewhere you feel is better suited to your beliefs and ideologies.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What is happening in this thread is that people who idealize war in the World War 2 sense, a real war fought for real stakes, and try to compare modern conflicts with that value system.[/font]

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[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]There is honor in fighting the Nazis and maybe even honor in fighting for South Korea yet there is no honor in fighting in Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan. This isn't a knock against those serving in these modern combat theaters but is rather a fact.[/font]

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[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I also think there is a degree of truth for people joining the military for a pay check. You think everyone who joins the military is doing it out of patriotism or because there are no better options?[/font]

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Originally Posted by TheBlackHole76

This thread is ridiculous.

The soldiers who guard the tomb are already on military pay and thus virtually NO EXTRA TAX DOLLARS ARE WASTED doing this.... because they are ALREADY PAID (by virtue of the fact that they are members of the military)... it's not like we go out and hire some guys to do this. It's just an extra honor to be selected for this. This has nothing to do with extra tax dollars going towards this.

took way to long for this to be pointed out
my sister was just there in July. She told me about this without much info though.

It just seems stupid and like a waist of money

I would hate my job if I were one of those guards.
Originally Posted by ryair max 1

People are entitled to their opinions. There is no need to get bent out of shape for those that don't choose to follow certain ideas or beliefs. I think its pretty damn cool but some don't, and they are entitled to speak their minds and voice their opinions. Its the beauty of the 1st Amendment.
This and to dudes who are getting all riled up and telling us that if we don't like it we should move to another country....well guess what:

I totally understand the sacrifice SOME military personnel give up in order to protect my freedom(s)...but you guys think ALL military do it just to protect our freedom.  #%+% here...I went to h.s. with dudes who just weren't college material nor hustler types and their only way was to go into the military.  BUT I still do not understand the necessity to guard a tomb of dead soldiers who could not be found after wars.  Especially during hurricane conditions where he could have possibly lost his own life.  In all honesty it seems like it's all just for show.  Isn't arlington already guarded and patrolled?
I totally understand the sacrifice SOME military personnel give up in order to protect my freedom(s)...but you guys think ALL military do it just to protect our freedom.  #%+% here...I went to h.s. with dudes who just weren't college material nor hustler types and their only way was to go into the military.  BUT I still do not understand the necessity to guard a tomb of dead soldiers who could not be found after wars.  Especially during hurricane conditions where he could have possibly lost his own life.  In all honesty it seems like it's all just for show.  Isn't arlington already guarded and patrolled?
uh. yea.. thats the point.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]you don realize that the soldier guarding the tomb is purely symbolic? He is not physically guarding anything that is in the tomb, nor is he guarding the tomb. [/font]
Originally Posted by derrty6232

Has that place ever been under any danger??

For people who keep saying it's pointless or stupid, these guys are some of the finest men and women around. You think your sweet because you call them pointless on NT but these guys will have something you won't have, RESPECT.
Originally Posted by ayejreeun

Wow.  You're a @@++@%* idiot.  20 years and retire?  A paycheck?  If anyone joined the military for money they're as stupid as you are.  You don't get paid a ridiculous amount to be in the military.  Do you even know how hard it is to get to that 20 years?  And even then the pension isn't that great.  Most military members who retire after there 20 years go on to a job after retirement.

, you think Patriotism is the leading cause of enlistment in America?!??!!? The only traditions this country has is worshiping slave owning hypocrites on green paper.....

When it comes to the military in the US, the status quo is to praise these men and women for their service, sacrifice, blah blah blah, Most soldiers have killed more innocents than they have actual people who present a threat to your freedom. Civilians have borne the brunt of modern warfare, with 10 civilians dying for every soldier in wars fought since the mid-20th century, compared with 9 soldiers killed for every civilian in World War I.

no soliders = no wars.......

If you join the army, navy, marines and air force.............good for you.... hope you're good at it..............................dont meant I gotta kiss ya !*% though.........

BTW-Calling people who disagree with you morons, idiots and all the other things that 3rd graders resort to just makes you appear like the brainwashed sheep who some of us are rolling our eyes at.......
Originally Posted by Clone

Originally Posted by derrty6232

Has that place ever been under any danger??

For people who keep saying it's pointless or stupid, these guys are some of the finest men and women around. You think your sweet because you call them pointless on NT but these guys will have something you won't have, RESPECT.

Sorry you took that as some sort of disrespect to the guards, but I am genuinely interested and just want to know.  Care to drop any knowledge?
For the people and habitual conspiracy theorists who find a million faults w. the US, the government, the soldiers, etc...what's stopping you from packing up and moving somewhere else? Oh that's right...you enjoy your First Amendment rights/freedoms amongst other things.

Can't believe the amount of disrespect and overall stupidity in this thread.
Originally Posted by Clone

Originally Posted by derrty6232

Has that place ever been under any danger??

For people who keep saying it's pointless or stupid, these guys are some of the finest men and women around. You think your sweet because you call them pointless on NT but these guys will have something you won't have, RESPECT.
How do you gauge who the finest men and women around are?  If they give up 2 years of their life to guard a memorial that probably does not need guarding in the first place, not being able to watch t.v., or talk or whatever ridiculous requirements this position entails?  and they get a wreath?  All this sounds like programming at its finest.

The body is gone, the soul is in the everlasting, the memory of the fallen soldiers remain in their loved ones...so what are some of you really trying to prove?

what of the unnamed soldiers who don't get a memorial who aren't spoken of for whatever reason.  Whose graves don't have guards...or even graves for that matter.

Like the reasons some of you give respect is like:


Like I said I respect THOSE who have given their lives in order to better the world....But some of you dudes are respecting a position that is just ludicrous to me...2 years of a persons life is not some chump change...but then again I guess these individuals choose these positions for themselves.
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by bruce negro

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

So is that solider standing there for people like us to pay respect to; or is he really standing there for the sake of those unknown soliders?

If you answered that correctly, than no one should give a damn how we feel.

Stop being so sentimental.

He's standing as a symbol of our respect towards those soldiers. His presence is a representation of all of the respect that Americans should have towards the soldiers in that tomb. You don't need to pay your respect to the soldier himself, but he deserves a level of respect for carrying the burden of respecting those soldiers 24/7 so that others don't have to and so that those soldiers are never forgotten.

What I don't understand is why we HAVE to pay respect to soldiers. And don't come at me with that whole "they're fighting for your freedom", get the %!*% outta here with that bs. They're fighting a war that should have never even existed and they're over there killing civilians for sport. And is our freedom really at risk?
I thought it was just in the Music section, but your posts suck in all of Niketalk.
Damn shame. 
Originally Posted by xEpikRain

Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

It just seems stupid and like a waist of money

No, you're stupid, and your education was probably a waste of money.
I'm positive I have a higher IQ than you do, based off of the fact that you're assuming things without knowing a thing about me.
For your information I have not yet began paying for education. Public school FTW.
Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by xEpikRain
I'm positive I have a higher IQ than you do, based off of the fact that you're assuming things without knowing a thing about me.
For your information I have not yet began paying for education. Public school FTW.
son, you illegal
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by Clone

Originally Posted by derrty6232

Has that place ever been under any danger??

For people who keep saying it's pointless or stupid, these guys are some of the finest men and women around. You think your sweet because you call them pointless on NT but these guys will have something you won't have, RESPECT.
How do you gauge who the finest men and women around are?  If they give up 2 years of their life to guard a memorial that probably does not need guarding in the first place, not being able to watch t.v., or talk or whatever ridiculous requirements this position entails?  and they get a wreath?  All this sounds like programming at its finest.

The body is gone, the soul is in the everlasting, the memory of the fallen soldiers remain in their loved ones...so what are some of you really trying to prove?

what of the unnamed soldiers who don't get a memorial who aren't spoken of for whatever reason.  Whose graves don't have guards...or even graves for that matter.

Like the reasons some of you give respect is like:


Like I said I respect THOSE who have given their lives in order to better the world....But some of you dudes are respecting a position that is just ludicrous to me...2 years of a persons life is not some chump change...but then again I guess these individuals choose these positions for themselves.

And having an opposing view from someone else in regards to war, this government or someone in uniform (or better yet, not putting some
 for a picture) makes you a conspiracy theorist now?
.. Call me what you want if that's going to help you sleep better at night. 
I would like everyone who thinks this is stupid and a waste to leave my country today. Please if you cant even let a man respect the people who gave lives and will never come back home then I don't want your likes living in the same country as me.
Originally Posted by ElCatfisho

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by xEpikRain
I'm positive I have a higher IQ than you do, based off of the fact that you're assuming things without knowing a thing about me.
For your information I have not yet began paying for education. Public school FTW.
son, you illegal
i guess he is, must of never paid his taxes. 
but for real, as long as you can see the side where the Soldiers are paying respect towards their fellow soldiers, there's no need to Go out of your way to point out someone doing a good thing. 
a powerful memorial.

i always wondering what the guards are thinking about.....especially at night, when no one is around

just watched the video of the changing on youtube. can anyone shed some light and do they do the change like that at night when the cemetery is closed? or is that just a ceremonial thing during the day for the people watching?
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