24/7/365 The Tomb Remains Guarded

Would never think to disrespect any person that would offer their life for my safety and well-being. And I hope that thought remains beneath me forever.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by bruce negro

He's standing as a symbol of our respect towards those soldiers. His presence is a representation of all of the respect that Americans should have towards the soldiers in that tomb. You don't need to pay your respect to the soldier himself, but he deserves a level of respect for carrying the burden of respecting those soldiers 24/7 so that others don't have to and so that those soldiers are never forgotten.

What I don't understand is why we HAVE to pay respect to soldiers. And don't come at me with that whole "they're fighting for your freedom", get the %!*% outta here with that bs. They're fighting a war that should have never even existed and they're over there killing civilians for sport. And is our freedom really at risk?
Okay I've had enough with this crap.You want to know why you are supposed to respect a soldier .That soldieris not the one of baby killing illiterate ,sociopath.That is the one of man who would sacrifice his life to save you and your family from any enemy that rears his head.That Uniform is one that helped protect our nation in its darkest hours and it brightest days.That soldier risks his livelhood for your sake.He spends hours running ,marching,shooting,to make sure his family your family and your kids your grandkids,your great grandkids and every generation after yours remains safe from harm.He does this until his last breath.He wasn't born to do it,he wasn't bred to do it.He choose to do it.He made a choice that effects your life and his just as much.To disrespect your countries soldiers is the epitome of dishonor .You can respect athletes,rappers,actors yet you don't have the heart to respect the Men and Women who swear to defend this country to their last breath and two the last man.That is disgusting.I have my beefs with this government I too say Im not fond nor do I like various policies ,laws and actions.But I would never ever disrespect these men and women who are taken up arms to support me.They a do job many of us aren't cut out for ,aren't able too,and for some sadly can only dream of.Ironic you can type this because somebody had to die to give you this freedom.

Thank you.  Shut these clowns up please.

It isn't even about all that sacrifice and duty stuff.

This is jist one group of people protecting one its most revered shrines. Y'all think Monument Park doesn't have 24 hour security or something close to it? This goes for anything. People are trying to extrapolate implications of this ritual due to the nature of U.S. foreign policy when this type of guarding is replicated throughout any major organization.
Originally Posted by goldenarmz97

Originally Posted by rashi

The military worshiping and worshiping of these pagan like "monuments" in this country is really disturbing. I swear...

Similar to how people idolize football players & programs right? Oh, wait...

People always want to openly moan & complain about the military, which is fine, you have every right to express your opinion. Many of those American soldiers which some of you seem to have a problem with gave up their lives so you could express yourself over a message board without fear or retribution.
Its sad that people can be so selfish that they couldn't comprehend helping their fellow man so it's understandable that giving up your lives for a whole country of people is inconceivable.

Are you serious? They "gave up" their life so I can speak my mind? What country has invaded the United States? What country or people have ever threatened my life or any life of the people in this country? ZERO.

War is the health of the State. War is an excuse to rob you of your rights. Every lie the government tells you about going to war, they rob people of their rights. Every time this government decided to go to war, it was based on a LIE and propaganda that you obviously believe which serves the financial interests of defense companies.

The soldiers of this military who are suppose to bring "peace" are nothing but glorified terrorists who destroy the private property of people in other countries. The military strategically recruits low IQ kids, because they know they don't ask questions and do what they are told. We are told that anyone who fired at the U.S. military are terrorists, but these people are defending their land against these people who invade their country with helicopters, tanks, and drone missiles.

Ask the numerous amputee and handicapped soldiers what they were in these wars for. What was the purpose? To liberate? To free people? By dropping bombs and shooting innocent civilians? The U.S. military trains their soldiers to devalue human life. 90% of casualties of war since WWII have been civilians, but this government call them "collateral damage".

American soldiers don't sacrifice for duty, honor, country. They serve the interests of KBR and Halliburton, and alike. American soldiers are fighting for the permanent bases in the middle-east.

[h1]Supported US locations in the Middle East[/h1]
US Army Bases in Kuwait

Active Facilities
Ali Al Salem AB
Camp Arifjan
Camp Buehring
Camp Doha
Camp Fox
Camp Navistar
Camp New York
Camp Patriot
Camp Spearhead
Camp Victory
Camp Virginia
Camp Wolf
the Middle East IAP [KCIA]
the Middle East Naval Base
the Middle East Navy Base
Udairi Range

Old Facilities
Ahmed Al Jaber AB
Camden Yards
Camp Moreell
Failaka Island
Mina Al Ahmadi

The Kabals

US Army
Camp Big Sky Oasis
Camp Champion
Camp Fox
Camp Guardian
Camp Lancer
Camp Maine
Camp New Jersey
Camp New York
Camp Pennsylvania
Camp Spearhead
Camp Victory
Camp Virginia
Camp Wolf

US Marine Corps
Camp Betio
Camp Commando
Camp Coyote
Camp Matilda
Camp Pelelieu
Camp Ripper
Camp Ryan
Camp Shoup
Camp Soloman Islands

US Army Bases in Saudi Arabia

Dhahran AB
Eskan Village
Jeddah AB
Khamis Mushayt AB
Khobar Towers
King Khalid Military City
Prince Sultan AB
Riyadh AB
Tabuk AB
Taif AB
Khobar Towers
King Khalid Military City
Prince Sultan AB
Riyadh AB
Tabuk AB
Taif AB

US Army Bases in United Arab Emirates

Al Dhafra AB
Fujairah IAP
Jebel Ali
Mina Zayed
Port Rashid

US Army Bases in Bahrain

Mina Salman
Shaikh Isa AB

US Army Bases in Oman

Masirah AB
Mina Qabus
Al Musnana AB
Seeb AB
Thumrait AB

US Army Bases in Qatar

Al Udeid AB
Camp Snoopy
Camp As Sayliyah QA
Doha IAP
Umm Said
Falcon-78 ASP

US Army Bases in Iraq (general locations sorted by number of soldiers)

Abu Ghraib Prison
Al Asad Air Base
Al Tahreer
Al-Hurya Al-Awal
Balad Air Base
Camp Al-Nasr
Camp Blue Diamond
Camp Brassfield-Mora
Camp Caldwell
Camp Cedar
Camp Cuervo
Camp Danger
Camp Dragoon
Camp Falcon
Camp Fallujah
Camp Freedom I
Camp Hope
Camp Hurricane Pt.
Camp Junction City
Camp Liberty
Camp Liberty
Camp Lima
Camp Manhattan
Camp Performance
Camp Stryker
Camp Sustainer
Camp Taji
FOB Duke
FOB Echo
FOB Iskandariyah
FOB Pacesetter
FOB Pack Horse
FOB Ridgeway
FOB Scania
FOB Speicher
FOB Summerall
Log Base Seitz
LSA Blackjack East
Mosul Air Base
Tallil Air Base
Tikrit Palace complex

The military serves to rape these of countries of their natural resources for Big Business and nothing else. Iraq lives in a permanent Police State with checkpoints, curfews, and daily raids, same thing in Afghanistan in "U.S. controlled areas".

The real military heroes are the ones that tell the truth against these illegal and immoral occupations.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by bruce negro

He's standing as a symbol of our respect towards those soldiers. His presence is a representation of all of the respect that Americans should have towards the soldiers in that tomb. You don't need to pay your respect to the soldier himself, but he deserves a level of respect for carrying the burden of respecting those soldiers 24/7 so that others don't have to and so that those soldiers are never forgotten.

What I don't understand is why we HAVE to pay respect to soldiers. And don't come at me with that whole "they're fighting for your freedom", get the %!*% outta here with that bs. They're fighting a war that should have never even existed and they're over there killing civilians for sport. And is our freedom really at risk?
Okay I've had enough with this crap.You want to know why you are supposed to respect a soldier .That soldieris not the one of baby killing illiterate ,sociopath.That is the one of man who would sacrifice his life to save you and your family from any enemy that rears his head.That Uniform is one that helped protect our nation in its darkest hours and it brightest days.That soldier risks his livelhood for your sake.He spends hours running ,marching,shooting,to make sure his family your family and your kids your grandkids,your great grandkids and every generation after yours remains safe from harm.He does this until his last breath.He wasn't born to do it,he wasn't bred to do it.He choose to do it.He made a choice that effects your life and his just as much.To disrespect your countries soldiers is the epitome of dishonor .You can respect athletes,rappers,actors yet you don't have the heart to respect the Men and Women who swear to defend this country to their last breath and two the last man.That is disgusting.I have my beefs with this government I too say Im not fond nor do I like various policies ,laws and actions.But I would never ever disrespect these men and women who are taken up arms to support me.They a do job many of us aren't cut out for ,aren't able too,and for some sadly can only dream of.Ironic you can type this because somebody had to die to give you this freedom.
Shut up.
Don't give me that bs about them doing it for me and my family, they do it for a paycheck. PLAIN and SIMPLE. Serve 20 years and you can retire. That means if you enroll at 18 you can retire before you even turn 40! And then you can go and preach that same #$@$***% someone preached to you back when you were 18 to some underachieving youth and get paid to be a recruiter. 

If anyone is offended by what I'm posting, sorry, but that's how I truly feel. 
Originally Posted by Mag1c12783

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

What I don't understand is why we HAVE to pay respect to soldiers. And don't come at me with that whole "they're fighting for your freedom", get the %!*% outta here with that bs. They're fighting a war that should have never even existed and they're over there killing civilians for sport. And is our freedom really at risk?
Okay I've had enough with this crap.You want to know why you are supposed to respect a soldier .That soldieris not the one of baby killing illiterate ,sociopath.That is the one of man who would sacrifice his life to save you and your family from any enemy that rears his head.That Uniform is one that helped protect our nation in its darkest hours and it brightest days.That soldier risks his livelhood for your sake.He spends hours running ,marching,shooting,to make sure his family your family and your kids your grandkids,your great grandkids and every generation after yours remains safe from harm.He does this until his last breath.He wasn't born to do it,he wasn't bred to do it.He choose to do it.He made a choice that effects your life and his just as much.To disrespect your countries soldiers is the epitome of dishonor .You can respect athletes,rappers,actors yet you don't have the heart to respect the Men and Women who swear to defend this country to their last breath and two the last man.That is disgusting.I have my beefs with this government I too say Im not fond nor do I like various policies ,laws and actions.But I would never ever disrespect these men and women who are taken up arms to support me.They a do job many of us aren't cut out for ,aren't able too,and for some sadly can only dream of.Ironic you can type this because somebody had to die to give you this freedom.

Thank you.  Shut these clowns up please.

rashi agreed, cannot deny facts, but what does all that have to do with this monument? These people volunteered to guard the monument. The US gov isn't making them do it.

Have to pick and choose the right times to go against the military/US. It'll work out better for you in the long run. More people will agree with you. And that's what you really want, right?
Originally Posted by HankMoody

rashi agreed, cannot deny facts, but what does all that have to do with this monument? These people volunteered to guard the monument. The US gov isn't making them do it.

Have to pick and choose the right times to go against the military/US. It'll work out better for you in the long run. More people will agree with you. And that's what you really want, right?

The problem I have is the love affair with the military. For what? What is the purpose of these monuments? To remember? Why would you want to remember pain and suffering?

They don't volunteer to guard the monument, they volunteer for their service and their service is unnecessary. We are not a threat from and invasion from anyone.
Wow, after seeing the requirements to be a guard I have a great deal of respect for the dedication and discipline that is required to be a guard.

That is absolutely amazing how much you have to give up for that... inspiring.
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

What I don't understand is why we HAVE to pay respect to soldiers. And don't come at me with that whole "they're fighting for your freedom", get the %!*% outta here with that bs. They're fighting a war that should have never even existed and they're over there killing civilians for sport. And is our freedom really at risk?
Okay I've had enough with this crap.You want to know why you are supposed to respect a soldier .That soldieris not the one of baby killing illiterate ,sociopath.That is the one of man who would sacrifice his life to save you and your family from any enemy that rears his head.That Uniform is one that helped protect our nation in its darkest hours and it brightest days.That soldier risks his livelhood for your sake.He spends hours running ,marching,shooting,to make sure his family your family and your kids your grandkids,your great grandkids and every generation after yours remains safe from harm.He does this until his last breath.He wasn't born to do it,he wasn't bred to do it.He choose to do it.He made a choice that effects your life and his just as much.To disrespect your countries soldiers is the epitome of dishonor .You can respect athletes,rappers,actors yet you don't have the heart to respect the Men and Women who swear to defend this country to their last breath and two the last man.That is disgusting.I have my beefs with this government I too say Im not fond nor do I like various policies ,laws and actions.But I would never ever disrespect these men and women who are taken up arms to support me.They a do job many of us aren't cut out for ,aren't able too,and for some sadly can only dream of.Ironic you can type this because somebody had to die to give you this freedom.
Shut up.
Don't give me that bs about them doing it for me and my family, they do it for a paycheck. PLAIN and SIMPLE. Serve 20 years and you can retire. That means if you enroll at 18 you can retire before you even turn 40! And then you can go and preach that same #$@$***% someone preached to you back when you were 18 to some underachieving youth and get paid to be a recruiter. 

If anyone is offended by what I'm posting, sorry, but that's how I truly feel. 
Wow.  You're a @@++@%* idiot.  20 years and retire?  A paycheck?  If anyone joined the military for money they're as stupid as you are.  You don't get paid a ridiculous amount to be in the military.  Do you even know how hard it is to get to that 20 years?  And even then the pension isn't that great.  Most military members who retire after there 20 years go on to a job after retirement.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

  Right. As for your last sentence, I never said it was "fake"..planned and orchestrated by the people you trust? Absolutely. 

What is your take on the situation? I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you, but I always try and find out every side of the story when it comes to things like this.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by HankMoody

rashi agreed, cannot deny facts, but what does all that have to do with this monument? These people volunteered to guard the monument. The US gov isn't making them do it.

Have to pick and choose the right times to go against the military/US. It'll work out better for you in the long run. More people will agree with you. And that's what you really want, right?

The problem I have is the love affair with the military. For what? What is the purpose of these monuments? To remember? Why would you want to remember pain and suffering?

They don't volunteer to guard the monument, they volunteer for their service and their service is unnecessary. We are not a threat from and invasion from anyone.

Can't believe morons like this are real life.
Originally Posted by gambit215

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

What's so incredible and cool about this? 

How bad we waste our tax dollars

Making a Simp guard nothing regardless of the elements? Too Bad Obama would never grow some and get rid of this.................Matter of fact he would probably get impeached if he did that..
You guys are stupid... 
Gambit you aren't paying @*%!, they do it for free
Who would invade us and why would they do it?

Do you guy not understand the amount of resources it takes to actually invade a country? Look at Afghanistan, we've been there for 10 years and accomplished nothing against people who live in caves with 30 year old AK-47, gimme an effing break.

This government can't even build a fence on the border of this country.
Originally Posted by Mag1c12783

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

What I don't understand is why we HAVE to pay respect to soldiers. And don't come at me with that whole "they're fighting for your freedom", get the %!*% outta here with that bs. They're fighting a war that should have never even existed and they're over there killing civilians for sport. And is our freedom really at risk?
Okay I've had enough with this crap.You want to know why you are supposed to respect a soldier .That soldieris not the one of baby killing illiterate ,sociopath.That is the one of man who would sacrifice his life to save you and your family from any enemy that rears his head.That Uniform is one that helped protect our nation in its darkest hours and it brightest days.That soldier risks his livelhood for your sake.He spends hours running ,marching,shooting,to make sure his family your family and your kids your grandkids,your great grandkids and every generation after yours remains safe from harm.He does this until his last breath.He wasn't born to do it,he wasn't bred to do it.He choose to do it.He made a choice that effects your life and his just as much.To disrespect your countries soldiers is the epitome of dishonor .You can respect athletes,rappers,actors yet you don't have the heart to respect the Men and Women who swear to defend this country to their last breath and two the last man.That is disgusting.I have my beefs with this government I too say Im not fond nor do I like various policies ,laws and actions.But I would never ever disrespect these men and women who are taken up arms to support me.They a do job many of us aren't cut out for ,aren't able too,and for some sadly can only dream of.Ironic you can type this because somebody had to die to give you this freedom.

Thank you.  Shut these clowns up please.


Thank you, I hate war but i have the utmost respect for soldiers
Agreed with the love affair. Andrew Bacevich recently had a piece in TomDispatch that lamented the military acknowledgments at sporting events. I completely agree with those type of sentiments. But you cannot deny a group's history. This monument seems wholly different to me. War has happened and the military still exists. Let these soldiers remember the past. You cannot deny the sacrifice, whether right or wrong. A lot of people didn't really have a choice like they do now. Like I said and you mentioned, a lot of these guys come from low socioeconomic backgrounds and are exploited. This is probably the best option for many of them. Some are part of military families. All behavior is constrained right? I don't think it's the right move to go after them (in totality) or these type of monuments. Go after the policymakers. They make the real decisions.

You're only going to make people "love" soldiers more by disrespecting the wrong things.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Agreed with the love affair. Andrew Bacevich recently had a piece in TomDispatch that lamented the military acknowledgments at sporting events. I completely agree with those type of sentiments. But you cannot deny a group's history. This monument seems wholly different to me. War has happened and the military still exists. Let these soldiers remember the past. You cannot deny the sacrifice, whether right or wrong. A lot of people didn't really have a choice like they do now. Like I said and you mentioned, a lot of these guys come from low socioeconomic backgrounds and are exploited. This is probably the best option for many of them. Some are part of military families. All behavior is constrained right? I don't think it's the right move to go after them (in totality) or these type of monuments. Go after the policymakers. They make the real decisions.

You're only going to make people "love" soldiers more by disrespecting the wrong things.

My opinon is mostly directed at the people who order these pawns, but at the same time the soldiers are still the ones who pull the trigger and release the bombs. The real enemies and terrorists are sitting on Capitol Hill. If the military wants to defend the rights of people in this country, their first mission should be D.C. .
Originally Posted by rashi

Who would invade us and why would they do it?

Do you guy not understand the amount of resources it takes to actually invade a country? Look at Afghanistan, we've been there for 10 years and accomplished nothing against people who live in caves with 30 year old AK-47, gimme an effing break.

This government can't even build a fence on the border of this country.

Get the !@+% out of the country. 
Do you even understand what your talking about? We haven't accomplished anything? We got both bin laden and Al-qaeda's #2 guy. 

The Gov't can't build a fence? They can't build a fence because you and tin foil hat wearing idiots are complaining about your damn tax dollars.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Okay I've had enough with this crap.You want to know why you are supposed to respect a soldier .That soldieris not the one of baby killing illiterate ,sociopath.That is the one of man who would sacrifice his life to save you and your family from any enemy that rears his head.That Uniform is one that helped protect our nation in its darkest hours and it brightest days.That soldier risks his livelhood for your sake.He spends hours running ,marching,shooting,to make sure his family your family and your kids your grandkids,your great grandkids and every generation after yours remains safe from harm.He does this until his last breath.He wasn't born to do it,he wasn't bred to do it.He choose to do it.He made a choice that effects your life and his just as much.To disrespect your countries soldiers is the epitome of dishonor .You can respect athletes,rappers,actors yet you don't have the heart to respect the Men and Women who swear to defend this country to their last breath and two the last man.That is disgusting.I have my beefs with this government I too say Im not fond nor do I like various policies ,laws and actions.But I would never ever disrespect these men and women who are taken up arms to support me.They a do job many of us aren't cut out for ,aren't able too,and for some sadly can only dream of.Ironic you can type this because somebody had to die to give you this freedom.

Reading this gave me tingles
almost brought me to tears

To all the domestic America hater's. Go have a talk with your Grandparents. 

If you are a 1st or 2nd generation immigrant and don't give a $%%$, !*#%. I am a 1st generation American and I love this country and the people that serve this nation.
Who would invade us and why would they do it?

Do you guy not understand the amount of resources it takes to actually invade a country? Look at Afghanistan, we've been there for 10 years and accomplished nothing against people who live in caves with 30 year old AK-47, gimme an effing break.

This government can't even build a fence on the border of this country.

Because no country has ever planned to invade us right? What makes you think a "fence" will do any good? And you a fool if you don't think we've accomplished anything.
People are entitled to their opinions. There is no need to get bent out of shape for those that don't choose to follow certain ideas or beliefs. I think its pretty damn cool but some don't, and they are entitled to speak their minds and voice their opinions. Its the beauty of the 1st Amendment.
ok, this is the last time I will open this thread because I genuinely don't enjoy coming in here and reading the %++*$*#% that comes out of some of your mouths'..

listen up..

i'm sure that a good majority of nt, myself included, have parents that immigrated to this country in search of opportunity, and were able to make something for themselves and future generations, based on the freedoms afforded to them here.  now i'm not saying that the wars in vietnam, korea, afghanistan, iraq, bosnia and other places (to an extent) have had any direct influence on preventing others from taking those freedoms away from us and our loved ones nor am i insinuating that those wars were necessary to any degree. 

but the fact of the matter is that if we didn't have a military who was willing to sacrifice their lives in combat situations based on the "informed" decisions of our world leaders, then our nation's perception by the rest of the world might be much different at this point.  we would not be as feared, we would not be as respected (yes, less than we are now), and we would not hold the sociopolitical clout that we do now.  neither you, i, nor anyone else on this Earth can tell for sure whether or not a lack of military presence might have led to us losing the freedoms we so dearly cherish.

at the end of the day, whether or not I agree with our policy decisions as a nation over the last century, I applaud those who, relatively uninformed in terms of national intelligence, decided that they were willing to risk their lives.  It does not matter what they risked their lives for.  As far as they knew, they were risking their lives to protect their fellow countrymen, whether or not that was true is completely irrelevant.  

as a grown man, I respect their sacrifice and selflessness, regardless if they had any ulterior motives such as paycheck, etc.  We all have to eat.

it's appalling that there will always be people out there who wish to belittle simple acts of human courage to mere politics. 

just know that I am a non-european first generation Asian-American, whose parents immigrated to this country.  while we may not agree with everything that goes on here, or the decisions of those in power, we find solace knowing that there are those who have and will continue be willing to lay their lives on the line for us, regardless of the outcome. 

if you can't respect those noble few in your country who have died for an idea, for ideals, for religion, for lies, for truth, for honor, for a country, for men, for women, for children, for your mother, for your father, for your son, for yourself, or even for nothing –– then you should honestly just get the %+*# out of your country and go somewhere you feel is better suited to your beliefs and ideologies.
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