
Copped me a T-Mac Game Time T-shirt today.
He damn near average a triple double already, 30 PPG, 7.5RPG, 8.5 APG
eff. 32.43 lol
why is everyone all pissy? what did you expect? traded away half the team and chandler isn't even playing

only like 4 current players max will be on the team next year. just hibernate till the summer if you can't take losses thatw ill continue to come
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

That doesn't mean you can't play with pride and heart...
not when half of the team knows they won't be back and that the organization doesn't give a %$%+ about them. plus look at who is playing. bender. walker. house. buckets. injured tmac
we aren't gonna be lebron playing these people

anyone who give david lee 10 million dollars is on crack
lebron tries extra hard when he plays the knicks like a girl that dresses extra fly just to prove a point. Ok lebron we get it, we will sign you.
you really think this is dantonis fault?

just look at who is on the court. no coach will win you this game. no center. bad point guard who is really a back up. no chandler.

its dantonis fault lee is being outworked? and that gallo hit the wall for whatever reason?

i don't even like dantoni but yall calling for his head when he is playing with a pick up team and an injured tmac. they are playing lebron who goes all out to show off when he plays new york. and the cavs players play harder than usual because i'm sure they don't want lebron bouncing and hate the knicks. 
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