
Ehhh... first game with three new players, we had the chances we needed, and Durant is too dirty.

That's about it.

tmac should of shot it....


damn durant.....

a win would of obviously been real nice,
but tmac/eddie/segrio all had a nice 1st game....
Durant was amazing. Westbrook as well. Unbelievable effort from TMAC its great to see he still has it. Eddie House living and dying by the wild shots... smh good effort tho from knicks.... "Both teams played hard..." - sheed
This Knicks team should've won this. I'm really starting to think D'Antoni is someone who's just managed to "get by" throughout his career as a coach.  Like I said earlier, his moves are quite often questionable at the very least.
Kevin Durant, man. What else can you say?

Chandler had a bad game.

I hate Eddie House... a lot. It's difficult not to like him after this game though. AHHH
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by RavageBX

TMAC riding the bench in OT cost us this game.
he was probably tired. he played alot for his first game back
I don't give a damn if he was tired. In OT you put your best players on the floor.
Dang, Durant did his thing in the clutch. Questionable plays at the end for the Knicks. T-Mac is the designated in-bounder now? Naw, great games for House and T-Mac, but it wasn't enough this time. Oh yeah, even Sergio played well.
damn it would have been great if they won but with this lost you witnessed alot of things

tmac still got game, house will give you buckets, sergio can run the offense, duhon sucks @@!
it is a lost but its a great lost against a team that is up and coming with great talent.

KD is unbelieviealbe and west can not be guarded out there

lets be honest no one expected tmac to have 27 pts or whatever it was or expected the knicks to connect the way they did tonight.

walsh did it big by bringin mac. giving him a 2nd chance and puttin some life into knicks basketball
Originally Posted by copped

what is d'antoni doing????????????????


why wont he put the best 5 out there?

tmac, al, lee, chandler, and maybe house

why is he keep subbing in and out?

someone explain i just tuned in


Your opinion from  now on is voided.
You can;'t expoect T-Mac oto play a lot of minutes he's been out for damn near two seasons.

T-Mac missed two free throws, soft Chandler missed a point blank shot, not fouling with a foul to give, etc....you let em off the hook.

Knicks still have no interior defense and that's what lost the game.
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