
Just got in, how has Harrington looked tonight?

I remember when dudes thought Carney was gonna be NICE
Gallinari is like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz a lot of the time - dude's lacking heart

No rebounds. I think the Knicks practice to not get rebounds. They're doing that real well tonight
Good game, they played some D tonight

Chandler finally going strong to the basket too
good win tonight... it really could have went either way... it was a close game the last 5 minutes cuz everytime the knicks went on a run they wouldnt play Dafter having the lead... but good thing they played D in the end for the win
Let's be honest here folks, there was nothing good about this game. It was good that they won, but it wasn't a good win if you dig what I'm saying
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Let's be honest here folks, there was nothing good about this game. It was good that they won, but it wasn't a good win if you dig what I'm saying

I'll take it...didn't catch the game but from your comments I it wasn't much to see. Toronto up next, big game that would be tremendous help for usin the standings.\

Nice to hear Dalembert played well considering what he must be going through in with his family in Haiti.
Yea man, definitely good to see him play some inspired ball tonight. He's got a website w/a spot you could donate too gave my $5.
Just caught up on everything, was at the SJU/Cincy game tonight at The Garden (

Rodney +%%*+%% Carney, God damn.
I almost thought he was built like that had he made that buzzer beater.

Props to Jared, fool played his !## off tonight. Good road win fellas.

Did not realize we haven't won in that building since Dec. 2004, (H20, Crawford, Marbury, JUNKYARD DOG, etc..)
Rodney +%%*+%% Carney, God damn.
I almost thought he was built like that had he made that buzzer beater.

Yo when he was draining all them 3s earlier I was already sensing he was gonna do us dirty with that last 3. I'll def take the W because the sixers alwaysgive us trouble but im glad we executed at the end. I'll be at the game on friday lets get it
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