
Off topic but I went outside to the deli the wind is so bad I almost got slammed into a parked car by it. Stay indoors.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

well, tonight couldn't have gone any worse around the league.
man @%!% Mimai, that %*+% was supposed to be a guarentee
Yea I just saw the scoreboard
and I knew for sure Miami would handle Charlotte, you too Orlando

Meh, we still need to worry about ourselves first. Those losses from those teams will come, it's still just January remember? lol
I ain't even looking at the teams in front of us right now, I am just focusing on us getting W's consistently. Maybe I'll really care about thestandings after the All-Star Break.
I don't know if this was posted elsewhere, but the Knicks board on RealGM said there was a deal in place to acquire Nate Robinson. Alan Hahn, said the dealwas Marcus Williams and a pick (he didn't specify which pick) for Robinson.

The deal broke down when Robinson nixed it. I'm not sure if his one-year deal allowed him to veto the trade, or if he just showed opposition and the Knicksbacked off.

If true, damn no Knicks want to come to Memphis.
im not even worried about the season yet cuz its still jan... and ya i agree we shouldnt worry about other teams right now and instead worry aboutourselves...if we can get to .500 or better than we should be in a good position... but to keep it real just making the playoffs and losing would be wack... iknow its an accomplishment but if we lose it really defeats the purpose especially if we get swept werd to 04... but at least we will have progress with thisteam if making it to the playoffs...
Originally Posted by NYelectric

And if all you want is to win and you're a Knick fan you're completely $+*!*** insane.


Do you not know what us real knicks fan been through?
Ill start


Bench: MLK, Malcom X, Lewinsky (To make sure the team don't blow leads)
Coach: One of those dudes from Iran...

Originally Posted by Proshares

Off topic but I went outside to the deli the wind is so bad I almost got slammed into a parked car by
it. Stay indoors.
I'm sorry but that made me laugh.
Jan 03, 2010 10:51 AM EST

Knicks head coach Mike D'Antoni took Nate Robinson off the bench on Friday night and received 41 points.

Robinson, who was benched for 14 straight games, helped New York defeat Atlanta in overtime by scoring 21 of the team's final 25 points.

"He's playing," D'Antoni said of his change of heart. "I'm not going to grasp straws. Once you start to go down that road, I'm going to go down that road for a while.

"We're going with him."

The coach said he went to Robinson to help provide an offensive spark.

"We needed an offensive spark because I thought we were sputtering the last four or five games," D'Antoni said. "It seemed like we were slipping.

"I knew he could give us that. I just hope that the intensity, the level of concentration on defense, all of that stays the same. If it does, then he becomes a real good player for us and that's what we need."
Source: Nate Rejected Trade To Grizzlies

A source told Alan Hahn of Newsday that Nate Robinson exercised his right to veto a trade that would have sent him to Memphis for Marcus Williams and a draft pick.
Earlier, a source with the Grizzlies denied that a deal was ever in place.

Robinson appears to be back in New York's rotation after his 41-point performance Friday night.
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