
When you don't box out, it'll show up at the worst times.

Every Heat player should have been put into the 5th row before they got a finger on the ball.
Originally Posted by coolgy023

Out of curiosity, Knicks fans, does Al Harrington take this many shots every game? More importantly, does he always have such a terrible field goal percentage?

You can tell the whole team just stops doing anything when he gets the ball.

hell yeah he does i can't stand him and can't wait till he leaves next year. i would love to be in his position. no one cares if he shoots 20 shots. all of the knicks actually look to him to score and let him shoot as many shots as he wants. gallo should be taking all of his shots. al harrington is themost selfish basketball player i've ever watched that actually thinks hes playing team basketball.
Originally Posted by TheStephZone

we coulda used Nate in a game like this
i agree, kinda beating a dead horse though

whens our next game against the heat?

April 11th.
Buckets may take a lot of shots, but he carries us on a lot of nights.

when no one makes those jumpshots, whose the one making layup after layup?
Missed the game... damn my family wanting to spend time together... how did they look despite the loss?
he's my favorite knick and he got his buckets today, but gallo missed WAY too many open shots. for a player that's the "best shooter" mikehas ever seen he didn't look like it today.
Knicks looked so off from the start. They never really got it together until the last five minutes maybe. Can't believe I woke up early for this
I was hoping Nate would make an appearance. Early starts have a habit of starting before the players' minds do.
I was watching the game with my mom who has never followed basketball closely. At one point in the third quarter after another ridiculous 3 point attempt shevery seriously said, "I wish they would stop doing that."
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

he's my favorite knick and he got his buckets today, but gallo missed WAY too many open shots. for a player that's the "best shooter" mike has ever seen he didn't look like it today.
ray allen has his off nights as well. gallo doesnt really force anything, lets the game come to him. unlike Al the over passionate, overreacting,black hole, chucker we have. yes i dont like buckets
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Missed the game but
at an L, i expected MIA to take the game tho
um........what? lol

LOL @ NYelectric. *daps your mom*
i missed the game and we lost.. but i kinda knew we would of lost this game
[h1]Source: Nike Hoping LeBron Lands In New York[/h1]
Dec 25, 2009 5:43 PM EST

Where LeBron James decides to signas a free agent will have an effect on more than the NBA.

Mike Lupica of the New York Daily News wrote on Sunday that Nike is hoping one of their main spokesmen lands with the Knicks.

"I am hearing," a sports, a mogul-type told the Daily News, "that Nike wants LeBron in New York even more than ever, because ofTiger."

Tiger Woods' recent media scandal is bound to have an effect on his marketability.

"And the reason they want it more than ever is because they know Tiger is going to continue to regress. That there's going to be a void to fill,even when he comes back and starts winning," the source added.
Come on Bron, Money from Nike, your own channel, Knicks, D'antoni, All the NY ho3s....
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