
i agree, I wish the young guys would play more, and i think as the L's continue to pile on, they will.

It's still very early. We will see.
The only thing I'm upset about right now is the lack of playing time to Douglas, Hill, and Gallo. Chandler hasn't shown me anything this season, andI've been disappointed completely in him. He's getting his minutes but he just hasn't impressed.

Not having a draft pick does make this season feel like a waste, especially since we're missing out on John Wall.

I expected to be bad this year, maybe not this bad, but still... the plan hasn't changed so I'll stick it out until we get some cap space.
Ill be at MSG tomorrow.

3rd row under the basket on the Orlando side.

Wearing a purple Jwill Kings Jersey.


When I was at the Nets vs Magic game I wore my Black Kings Jersey.

After the game he was walking toward the locker room and turned around and pointed at me. ( I was in the 2nd row in where the players walked out)

I pointed back and my gf called me a gay.

It made my year.

Originally Posted by whyte1der05five

Ill be at MSG tomorrow.

3rd row under the basket on the Orlando side.

Wearing a purple Jwill Kings Jersey.


When I was at the Nets vs Magic game I wore my Black Kings Jersey.

After the game he was walking toward the locker room and turned around and pointed at me. ( I was in the 2nd row in where the players walked out)

I pointed back and my gf called me a gay.

It made my year.



He going to think you stalking him.

Or you going to get some sneakers or something if he sees you again.
Well, we gotta be real to ourselves..Why would Bron come here with a team like this? I think everything
is in place with him knowing a lot of peeps, attention, the coach, and his desire to wanna play here but…

Like I said before, to think realistically, in next summers free agency.. Our best shot to signing anyone next offseason is Amare. He saidhe would and he wasn't even mentioned in the Wade/Bron discussion. + him and coach are in love with each other..

Now if we get Amare.. I can see Bron coming to us..

And this would be where this comes into play
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

I wouldn't be surprised if a few role players come to the Knicks next summer to play with LeBron (if he signed) to help round off the roster. Not just a player like Chris Bosh but veterans like Marcus Camby or Raja Bell. Similar to the Celtics situation a few summers ago.
People seem to forget how Celtics did it... The Celtics record in the 2006-07 season was 24-58.

And we could probably have a good Defense/Offense lineup of

Camby/Hill (Lee) If he's here)



Lebron/Bell (Knows coach & system+ Will want to leave Golden State)

---------------- Maybe Felton/Nate If he's here)

With Felton..like I said realistically.. we can get him..

Cablevision is in the top 5 cable companies so we probably can offer dude a tv channel to teach us how to crab dribble
im sorry, yeup, but im glad you're not the GM. that team wont be getting anywhere, same about your past lineups

felton is too TO prone, and shoots a horrendous percentage. hes just a better version of duhon, but thats not saying much.

my lineup

douglas-wade-gallo-hill-bosh. chandler, al, jefferies, curry, off the bench. i would even take hughes back, if hes willingly to take a vets minimum, which isan huge paycut from his 13mil. per year salary.
i rather us have a real center (darko anyone?) but ill take bosh at the 5 since i see no good option. (lopez would have been great on this team
team is young, can run the floor, play defense if they put the heart to it, and would def. be fun to watch.
Originally Posted by BangDak

im sorry, yeup, but im glad you're not the GM. that team wont be getting anywhere, same about your past lineups

felton is too TO prone, and shoots a horrendous percentage. hes just a better version of duhon, but thats not saying much.

my lineup

douglas-wade-gallo-hill-bosh. chandler, al, jefferies, curry, off the bench. i would even take hughes back, if hes willingly to take a vets minimum, which is an huge paycut from his 13mil. per year salary.
i rather us have a real center (darko anyone?) but ill take bosh at the 5 since i see no good option. (lopez would have been great on this team
team is young, can run the floor, play defense if they put the heart to it, and would def. be fun to watch.
But you gotta remember.. i'm talking realistically, i put the best team that we can get possible.. Notwhat i would wish for..

If that's the case i would of just said hopefully Yao don't pick up his player option and sign with us.. There is noooooooooooooooo stopping Bron+Yao..but i didn't say that
I see Wade stayng in MIA with Bosh joining him.. if not then going to CHI..

I listed Amare cuz im almost positive we can sign him..
I listed Felton.. cause we will need a PG.. and these will be the best available unrestricted PG (Ridnour/ Alston/ Blake/Watson /Ford/ Telfair)

Which is why i put what we have the best chance of getting not the best we can possibly be.. there's a difference
i honestly see wade staying too. or most likely chi town.
i do see bosh leaving the raptors though. look at them. everyone on their offseason thread said 4/5th thread, which was def. a reach. they have the talent toget there, but they're just not playing hard enough. sort of like our team in a way.

if they're not winning, hes going to want to leave. lets hope mike picks up the phone and calls bosh to tell him to join us here

and yao cant stay healthy. as much as i want him on our team, especially with me being chinese, i rather dude stay away from here. hes a loyal dude too, so idont see him leaving the rockets.
and im still not sure if bron may actually leave bummy ohio, so i dont know if it would be "realistic"
^^ Well, you said Wade and Bosh, then you said honestly you see Wade staying also.. so that probably wasnt a realistic answer either..
Its just more likely Bron would come before Wade..

but hey wha can we do but wait.. 213 days- "July 1, 2010 is going to be a very, very big day" - Lebron James
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You don't need a great point guard to play with Lebron. Felton would be good because he's lightning quick, can lead the break, and score a little.
And the Celtics used their pick to get Ray Allen.
Amare is BUNS. I'm sorry, but dude has a bit of a limited game now.

Meaning, he doesn't block shots anymore, he doesn't rebound anymore, he's not a willing passer, and he has an awkward post-game.

Add in the fact that he's injury-prone and I'd stay FAR away from him.

I mean, he'd be a decent second banana to LBJ. But NO franchise should try to build around Amar'e.

Put it this way... If - IF - the Knicks decided to pursue Amar'e, they better make sure they already have LBJ or Wade first.
^ I think Amare is kinda buns on defense, So is Lee...But he's an upgrade over Lee and is shooting 57.5% so far,
That eye injury don't count for me, but when was the last time he had to sit out cause of his knee? not bein sarcastic.. cuz idk
I don't want Amare. Dude might as well be a SG.

The most realistic/best option is probably Chris Bosh. I still see us ending up with Joe Johnson, though. I don't know what it is, but I have this gutfeeling that he's the best we'll get.
You're right, I don't think he's had to sit out due to the knee for a minute now.

But it still seems to have robbed him of some of his explosiveness.

Either that or it has made him tentative. Only way to explain the drop in rebounds and blocks.


Any of you want to hit up the Orl game last minute today, there is a promo going on for section 200 and 300 seats (half price).

Not sure if you guys want me to just post the code or send it via pm requests due to lurkers.

Let me know.
douglas-wade-gallo-hill-bosh. chandler, al, jefferies, curry, off the bench.
how are you signing two max guys with Eddy and Jared's deals still on the books? And re-signing Al?
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