
why duhon! why!
and damn, we really needed that charge
He can finally silence the dudes who said how can he be the best scorer in the L and never score 50.
Nate should have made the attempt. We let Melo drop 50 on us, at least it wasn't at The Garden.
i dont blame nate at all. make it, hes a savior. miss it, coach hates him even more.

regardless of that, i think he did the right thing.
How is anyone shaking their head at nate though? He had 2 or 3 people on him. Hughes had a better chance than he did.
Tough loss tonight, could've won the game if Al would've made all his ft's. Sad part is Tdoug and jhill had no burn and watched the vets do nothingagain
Gallo needs to get out of his slump
the room i was in cheered when duhon went down.Then we were all pissed when he came right back. messed up i know lol
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