2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

People are asking way way too much for these Janos.

There's something inherently wrong with selling a charity shoe for 3 times retail.

Only resell of a charity shoe I respected was when PYS bought some mags and redonated the profits into the Michael J Fox Foundation

I like
I must be the only one that's not feeling he jano maxs. I hate them, I dunno kf it's the sole orthecloth material that they always use but id like to see a canvas jano Max and see how I feel then.

Those low to hi de las just don't translate into a high to be honest. I feel the lows were made this way because of less real estate for the album cover, but on a high you shouldn't do it this way. It seems like a lazy effort on nikes part. They should just call up de la and get them to do another collab instead of release this garbage.
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Nah u guys are crazy those de la highs r nice lol but if u do look threw my post history I have said it a million times I like the "loud ugly" shoes as people put it lol
i kinda liked the DB janos. In general the DB series if really weird but I won't hate on it - i mean they're designed/inspired by children lol
The De La lows-to-hi look a little better than the original lows but still hideous. Now that's a shoe that I wouldn't mind someone saying is the ugliest shoe Nike's ever made (Sorry Dan, haha)
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Personally sad they're "retro-ing" all these SB classics. Just doesn't feel the same, and tarnishes the OG pairs a bit. Just my opinion. 
Personally sad they're "retro-ing" all these SB classics. Just doesn't feel the same, and tarnishes the OG pairs a bit. Just my opinion. 
i feel ya, but at least they are reversing (high to low, or low to high) them. still kinda keeps the value of the OG pairs
I feel exactly the opposite...unlike Jordan Brand retros, SB retros actually seem to draw more allure and value to OG pairs.
Ya because the OGs are so much better compared to these retros. Like if they actually drop those Pigeon highs...geez..I dunno anymore.. Again just my opinion, but I've always loved SB and I feel they're just not sticking to they're roots and losing some creativity. 
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