So heres the result of jason markk on my new WPF after about 30hrs of drying time and a few minutes of gentle brushing.. FML. Not crazy noticeable on feet but def not the deep pink hue and really not soft like it should be.
May not work for everyone, but I get all my Suede Dunks treated by my Shoe Cobbler.
He sprays them with a material similiar to Scotchgard, BUT it's more Industrial.
It's used for all Suedes...Jackets, shoes, purses, son on...
I know stores sell Water Repellent sprays also, but I prefer the one that my Shoe Guy uses....
I have walked in the rain, dropped liquids, and they have been splashed on, and the liquid(s) just bead up and slide right off.
I don't wear any of my Suede sneaks until they have all been treated....Viotechs, Taun Tauns, Birchwoods, Red Devils, When Pigs Fly, Slayers, Stussy's, Skunks, etc...
Haven't had any issues at all
BUT, I have been told by my Shoe Guy, that the more wear and tear, then they should be re-treated....
Just my 2 cents.