2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Nice!!! this is the kind of discussion that I was hoping to spark, and hopefully keep going. I'd rep you guys but apparently I'm over my limit right now, I will as soon as I'm able again. And I will def. start up over on n-sb.org too. I check there a lot for news but never really got into the forum much.
I was mostly a lurker on NSB 
 different type of crowd over there. I did take advantage of a few transactions. But I did learn a lot. 
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I was mostly a lurker on NSB 
 different type of crowd over there. I did take advantage of a few transactions. But I did learn a lot. 
haha "different type of crowd over there".. i remember lurking once its like a different world.. remember one dude calling NT "the jungle" haha
 but they do have some mint deals on sb's in their market place
I really like the St. Patty's but I am waiting for the 420 drop to see if I would prefer those. What are the chances the St. Pattys will sit. I am having a hard time gauging that one. And for how long? You think I will be able to get em on sale?
if your a size 10.5 they have them for 192 on n-sb.org (feel guilty promoting that on NT) haha
I am a size 11, but I like the size 10.5 tight fit. either or is good.
St. Pattys are 9.5s everywhere else. Or where you talking bout the dooms?
Okay people, remember when I talked about Nike SB having the same team behind them that Nike Sportswear does? He's more proof. Civilist (a skate shop in Berlin) has teamed up with Nike SB to open a store (Nike SBs version of House of Hoops, basically). It's like the partnership between Nike and Footlocker, which gave us House of Hoops. Civilist already has TONS of limited stuff on the shelves that has come out in the past couple months and the store looks good. Thoughts anyone? My mind is spinning with possibilities. Good job SB, I knew you wouldn't let me down.

damn , would love to see this store in the us . i could see one in LA, NY
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I've got a question for some of the more seasoned SB heads in here....I'm wondering how you guys determine if "resale" prices on certain older and QS SBs are decent or way too high/rape? I actually feel like I know less about SB values/prices and resellers than I do about Jordans. FlightClub, kixclusive and sites like it are obviously charging crazy prices but I'm just trying to figure all of this stuff out. Also wondering are there a lot of fakes and/or B grades?...what sort of stuff to watch out for etc.... I'm relatively new to SB's(I used to wear mostly Etnies), but really dig em and just want to learn more.
*Okay, let's see how I'm going to attack this one.*

Let's start with pricing and value.

Understand that when you try to attach a dollar amount to certain SBs, that dollar amount can vary drastically depending on the source that you use to acquire your SBs.

Let's cover the positives and negatives of certain sources next, shall we.

Consignment shops (Flight club, Kixclusive, ect.): Understand that most times this will be your MORE expensive route to cop anything. Don't let that scare you though, there are steals to be had, even on Flight club. Long ago when I was first getting into SB, I had a friend that bought ALL 3 Supreme dunk high SBs for $650 total. Those sneakers now go for $650 each, if not more. Recently, I remember when FC had the Blue Levis Lows up (size 9-11 I believe), for $150 a piece. Well, when you factor in that only 12 skate shops in the entire USA/WORLD got a size run of that sneaker to sell (on top of the fact that most shops that got them sold them for WAY above $150 *BP stay in the RAPE zone*), that WOULD MOS DEF be considered a steal. So much of a steal that they sold out instantly and FC sobered up REAL fast and started charging $350 and up from there on out for that SB. They must of not known how truly limited they were. Understand that when you go the consignment route you're not just paying for the sneaker, you're also paying for the legitimacy of the sneaker. YOU WILL NOT GET A FAKE SNEAKER FROM FLIGHT CLUB, nor any other true consignment shop. Those dudes do ALL kinds of fake checks. If you're looking to be totally safe and you want the "for sure legit pass", consignment is the way to go. There's dunks out there that I would even attempt to buy outside of a consignment shop because people have managed to make PERFECT replicas of them. I've seen perfect replicas first hand, it's scary.

EBay, Craigslist, hell even NT and other forums: Understand that these routes may be the least heavy on your wallet. A lot of dudes on EBay and sneaker forums are looking to get rid of this stuff and they don't mind haggling with you to make sure the deal is fair for both parties. Yeah, here and there you'll run into a a*shole that wants to charge you an arm and a leg for some recent release that NO one even paid attention to but usually you can wait them out. I've bought stuff through forums and EBay before and had good experiences, but with good the comes the bad. I STRESS that if you go this route, DO YOUR DAMN RESEARCH! EBay is flooded with fakes. It's not so bad now for Nike SB as it used to be when SB was popping, but it's still bad. Off the top of my head, don't even bother trying to find the Jedi SB on EBay because 9 times out of 10 they'll be fakes. That was an SB that was SO popular the fake man got that shoe DOWN packed, down to the mold. I've seen fakes of that shoe that had to be cut open to determine legitimacy. Like others have said, N-SB.org has an encyclopedia of dunks and how to do fake checks on them as well. Take advantage of that! That site most def has a "different" crowd though. I used to chill there from time to time but those dudes are too damn weird for me. Lots of guys still living in their moms basement, sitting around all day in 3 week old underwear, bi*ching about the glory days of SB on some SUPER antisocial steez. I couldn't deal. Stayed on NT and never looked back.

*N-SB.org weirdo*

At the end of the day, it really depends on what size you wear and what era you're looking to buy from.

Sizes: Size 9-10.5, the world is you're oyster, literally. I still see Medicom SBs floating around in size 9-10.5. Sizes 11-13, you'll be fighting a uphill battle as far as pricing. Resellers know that after 10.5 there was only 1 pair of every sneaker made until size 13 in every size run. That means out of it all, those sizes were the most limited.  

Eras: Orange box-Pink Box will be the most expensive for the most part. There's your usual stand outs (Tiffanies, Unkels, Supremes, Pigeons ect.) but for the most part you can get some stuff pretty cheap still in the $100-$200 range.

I hope I was able to help.    
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N-sb.org is a great resource to rely on if you're looking into older model SB. I know being a noob I'm always lurking there and try to contribute where I can but they don't seem that friendly however the info is there for the taking if you want to put in the work.

Pricing is another animal completely, it varies so much except when it comes to the super exclusive stuff (supremes or whatever). Just do some research and have a price point in your head and go from there. Also, don't miss out on sneakercons and dunkexchanges if there's any in your town. They are filled with "hypebeast" and usually you can find some good prices on dunks because they're usually looking for the next hyped release and they need money.

Not a seasoned vet just bored at work killing time decided to add my 2cents

sunshineblotters I know how you feel on the st. Pats, but I would hold off I believe they'll sit. I still think they're too plain to sell out that fast IMO.
*Okay, let's see how I'm going to attack this one.*

Let's start with pricing and value.

Understand that when you try to attach a dollar amount to certain SBs, that dollar amount can vary drastically depending on the source that you use to acquire your SBs.

Let's cover the positives and negatives of certain sources next, shall we.

Consignment shops (Flight club, Kixclusive, ect.): Understand that most times this will be your MORE expensive route to cop anything. Don't let that scare you though, there are steals to be had, even on Flight club. Long ago when I was first getting into SB, I had a friend that bought ALL 3 Supreme dunk high SBs for $650 total. Those sneakers now go for $650 each, if not more. Recently, I remember when FC had the Blue Levis Lows up (size 9-11 I believe), for $150 a piece. Well, when you factor in that only 12 skate shops in the entire USA/WORLD got a size run of that sneaker to sell (on top of the fact that most shops that got them sold them for WAY above $150 *BP stay in the RAPE zone*), that WOULD MOS DEF be considered a steal. So much of a steal that they sold out instantly and FC sobered up REAL fast and started charging $350 and up from there on out for that SB. They must of not known how truly limited they were. Understand that when you go the consignment route you're not just paying for the sneaker, you're also paying for the legitimacy of the sneaker. YOU WILL NOT GET A FAKE SNEAKER FROM FLIGHT CLUB, nor any other true consignment shop. Those dudes do ALL kinds of fake checks. If you're looking to be totally safe and you want the "for sure legit pass", consignment is the way to go. There's dunks out there that I would even attempt to buy outside of a consignment shop because people have managed to make PERFECT replicas of them. I've seen perfect replicas first hand, it's scary.

^^^^^^^^ rep'd for truth.

I couldn't have said this any better.

Most of the time when I'm looking for older SBs, I use Flight Club as my guide.

I know that whatever they are charging I may be able to go elsewhere and find or offer 100-200 less and acquire some of the same items

This is the reason I still haven't grabbed a pair of SBTG's
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Good post up there John00.

I was away from SBs in 2008 and due to things, I had to sell so many gems from my collection that I didn't miss them at the time. Now that I have my finances in order, I want to get my 1st-3rd series stuff back. At one point, I had EVERYTHING. We are talking about Reese Forbe Denim Lows, Chocolates, all the Supremes, Lucky/Unlucky...you name it, I had it. However, if there was one pair that would make me stop collecting SB all together, it would be the Paris Low. I remember looking back in 2004 and seeing the price of $800 to $1000 for a pair and even then, I thought that was too much. I saw a pair again in Summer 2011 but the shop wanted $3300 for them. I had the means to get them at the time but it was so much money and I was selling off most of my doubles.

This forum was also dead too and has recently started popping up again. I miss the old pricing of $65 for lows and $70 for highs. But hey, buying these pairs doesn't hurt your wallet and you get a stylish yet comfy shoe at the same time. I can see the appeal coming back and I see a bunch of old faces I knew from back in the day aka Cy.

For those of you who are just starting, don't be driven to get the latest/rare SBs. Get some of the GRs...some of those are the most slept on shoes and when they catch fire, they are usually gone (i.e. Mint Lows). Bunch of people in here are willing to help and this is what makes this thread great. Don't be afraid to ask questions (as long as they are well thought out) but don't expect a lot of hand me downs. Tip? When you see information being put out here, save it. Write it down. For when the next releases come, you will be well prepared. This goes for anything else you want in life. Not everything is gonna be handed down but put in the work and time, you can achieve anything.

Ending rant. Back to SBs. :D
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This thread continues to deliver.

Co-sign the hell out of what was said about finding anything older in a bigger size.  I'm always SOL with my 11.5/12.
this thread, & this thread alone was the reason i registered again after losing my original profile during the reboot.

size 11.5/12, so i can vouch for what john said earlier...always wished i was a sz 9 so i could cop some of the samples nike sb puts out...these come to mind


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Good post up there John00.

I was away from SBs in 2008 and due to things, I had to sell so many gems from my collection that I didn't miss them at the time. Now that I have my finances in order, I want to get my 1st-3rd series stuff back. At one point, I had EVERYTHING. We are talking about Reese Forbe Denim Lows, Chocolates, all the Supremes, Lucky/Unlucky...you name it, I had it. However, if there was one pair that would make me stop collecting SB all together, it would be the Paris Low. I remember looking back in 2004 and seeing the price of $800 to $1000 for a pair and even then, I thought that was too much. I saw a pair again in Summer 2011 but the shop wanted $3300 for them. I had the means to get them at the time but it was so much money and I was selling off most of my doubles.

This forum was also dead too and has recently started popping up again. I miss the old pricing of $65 for lows and $70 for highs. But hey, buying these pairs doesn't hurt your wallet and you get a stylish yet comfy shoe at the same time. I can see the appeal coming back and I see a bunch of old faces I knew from back in the day aka Cy.

For those of you who are just starting, don't be driven to get the latest/rare SBs. Get some of the GRs...some of those are the most slept on shoes and when they catch fire, they are usually gone (i.e. Mint Lows). Bunch of people in here are willing to help and this is what makes this thread great. Don't be afraid to ask questions (as long as they are well thought out) but don't expect a lot of hand me downs. Tip? When you see information being put out here, save it. Write it down. For when the next releases come, you will be well prepared. This goes for anything else you want in life. Not everything is gonna be handed down but put in the work and time, you can achieve anything.

Ending rant. Back to SBs.
To Civickid's point, a lot of people have moved on from Dunk SB's.

A lot of what was considered "HEAT" in 2003-2006 still carry the same value (e.g. True Reds, Unkles, Calis, Homers) today.

Not many Dunk SB's appreciated in value aside from the Tiffany's, City Series, Jedi's and a few others....

I'm actually happy that people moved on from SB's, it made things so much easier in my area (SF Bay).
This thread is awesome thanks for everyone who responded, this is how the sneaker community should be. John00 thanks for all of that info as well, you have a wealth of knowledge and I appreciate you and everyone else taking the time to write those posts up. Repped all around!
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*Okay, let's see how I'm going to attack this one.*

Let's start with pricing and value.

Understand that when you try to attach a dollar amount to certain SBs, that dollar amount can vary drastically depending on the source that you use to acquire your SBs.

Let's cover the positives and negatives of certain sources next, shall we.

Consignment shops (Flight club, Kixclusive, ect.): Understand that most times this will be your MORE expensive route to cop anything. Don't let that scare you though, there are steals to be had, even on Flight club. Long ago when I was first getting into SB, I had a friend that bought ALL 3 Supreme dunk high SBs for $650 total. Those sneakers now go for $650 each, if not more. Recently, I remember when FC had the Blue Levis Lows up (size 9-11 I believe), for $150 a piece. Well, when you factor in that only 12 skate shops in the entire USA/WORLD got a size run of that sneaker to sell (on top of the fact that most shops that got them sold them for WAY above $150 *BP stay in the RAPE zone*), that WOULD MOS DEF be considered a steal. So much of a steal that they sold out instantly and FC sobered up REAL fast and started charging $350 and up from there on out for that SB. They must of not known how truly limited they were. Understand that when you go the consignment route you're not just paying for the sneaker, you're also paying for the legitimacy of the sneaker. YOU WILL NOT GET A FAKE SNEAKER FROM FLIGHT CLUB, nor any other true consignment shop. Those dudes do ALL kinds of fake checks. If you're looking to be totally safe and you want the "for sure legit pass", consignment is the way to go. There's dunks out there that I would even attempt to buy outside of a consignment shop because people have managed to make PERFECT replicas of them. I've seen perfect replicas first hand, it's scary.

EBay, Craigslist, hell even NT and other forums: Understand that these routes may be the least heavy on your wallet. A lot of dudes on EBay and sneaker forums are looking to get rid of this stuff and they don't mind haggling with you to make sure the deal is fair for both parties. Yeah, here and there you'll run into a a*shole that wants to charge you an arm and a leg for some recent release that NO one even paid attention to but usually you can wait them out. I've bought stuff through forums and EBay before and had good experiences, but with good the comes the bad. I STRESS that if you go this route, DO YOUR DAMN RESEARCH! EBay is flooded with fakes. It's not so bad now for Nike SB as it used to be when SB was popping, but it's still bad. Off the top of my head, don't even bother trying to find the Jedi SB on EBay because 9 times out of 10 they'll be fakes. That was an SB that was SO popular the fake man got that shoe DOWN packed, down to the mold. I've seen fakes of that shoe that had to be cut open to determine legitimacy. Like others have said, N-SB.org has an encyclopedia of dunks and how to do fake checks on them as well. Take advantage of that! That site most def has a "different" crowd though. I used to chill there from time to time but those dudes are too damn weird for me. Lots of guys still living in their moms basement, sitting around all day in 3 week old underwear, bi*ching about the glory days of SB on some SUPER antisocial steez. I couldn't deal. Stayed on NT and never looked back.

Great response, John.

A few points to add

1. In addition to paying the premium for legitimacy at FC, etc. you are also paying for convenience. As a vintage AF1 lunatic myself - and FC doesn't really cater to that - I know how hard it can be to track down old items in your desired size, condition, etc. Well, consignment shops are the easiest and safest way out there to find older, desired items, so that is all reflected in their pricing. They have done some of the "work" for you - but that work isn't free.

2. Flight Club, for example, is 80/20 consignment, as are many of the best known consignments - some of the smaller ones are 85/15. So, that means that the person actually selling the shoe is only getting 80% of the price. That's a main reason why stuff is cheaper when people sell via the DYI route. If you are trying to buy something from a private party that is also listed on FC and you want to use the FC price as your reference, feel free to immediately knock 20% off the top.
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Good post up there John00.

I was away from SBs in 2008 and due to things, I had to sell so many gems from my collection that I didn't miss them at the time. Now that I have my finances in order, I want to get my 1st-3rd series stuff back. At one point, I had EVERYTHING. We are talking about Reese Forbe Denim Lows, Chocolates, all the Supremes, Lucky/Unlucky...you name it, I had it. However, if there was one pair that would make me stop collecting SB all together, it would be the Paris Low. I remember looking back in 2004 and seeing the price of $800 to $1000 for a pair and even then, I thought that was too much. I saw a pair again in Summer 2011 but the shop wanted $3300 for them. I had the means to get them at the time but it was so much money and I was selling off most of my doubles.

This forum was also dead too and has recently started popping up again. I miss the old pricing of $65 for lows and $70 for highs. But hey, buying these pairs doesn't hurt your wallet and you get a stylish yet comfy shoe at the same time. I can see the appeal coming back and I see a bunch of old faces I knew from back in the day aka Cy.

For those of you who are just starting, don't be driven to get the latest/rare SBs. Get some of the GRs...some of those are the most slept on shoes and when they catch fire, they are usually gone (i.e. Mint Lows). Bunch of people in here are willing to help and this is what makes this thread great. Don't be afraid to ask questions (as long as they are well thought out) but don't expect a lot of hand me downs. Tip? When you see information being put out here, save it. Write it down. For when the next releases come, you will be well prepared. This goes for anything else you want in life. Not everything is gonna be handed down but put in the work and time, you can achieve anything.

Ending rant. Back to SBs.
N-sb.org is a great resource to rely on if you're looking into older model SB. I know being a noob I'm always lurking there and try to contribute where I can but they don't seem that friendly however the info is there for the taking if you want to put in the work.

Pricing is another animal completely, it varies so much except when it comes to the super exclusive stuff (supremes or whatever). Just do some research and have a price point in your head and go from there. Also, don't miss out on sneakercons and dunkexchanges if there's any in your town. They are filled with "hypebeast" and usually you can find some good prices on dunks because they're usually looking for the next hyped release and they need money.

Not a seasoned vet just bored at work killing time decided to add my 2cents

sunshineblotters I know how you feel on the st. Pats, but I would hold off I believe they'll sit. I still think they're too plain to sell out that fast IMO.
This thread continues to deliver.

Co-sign the hell out of what was said about finding anything older in a bigger size.  I'm always SOL with my 11.5/12.
Dude, some of the things I see in size 8.5-10.5 these days make me SMH. Just plain steals laying out there.
this thread, & this thread alone was the reason i registered again after losing my original profile during the reboot.

size 11.5/12, so i can vouch for what john said earlier...always wished i was a sz 9 so i could cop some of the samples nike sb puts out...these come to mind

Bro, if I was a sample size, you don't even want to know some of the stuff I'd have. Repped.
^^^^^^^^ rep'd for truth.

I couldn't have said this any better.

Most of the time when I'm looking for older SBs, I use Flight Club as my guide.

I know that whatever they are charging I may be able to go elsewhere and find or offer 100-200 less and acquire some of the same items

This is the reason I still haven't grabbed a pair of SBTG's
I'm at my rep limit, but when that gets removed, REPPED!
This thread is awesome thanks for everyone who responded, this is how the sneaker community should be. John00 thanks for all of that info as well, you have a wealth of knowledge and I appreciate you and everyone else taking the time to write those posts up. Repped all around!
No problem bro. This what NT is all about. Hell, this is what THIS thread is ALL about.
Great response, John.

A few points to add

1. In addition to paying the premium for legitimacy at FC, etc. you are also paying for convenience. As a vintage AF1 lunatic myself - and FC doesn't really cater to that - I know how hard it can be to track down old items in your desired size, condition, etc. Well, consignment shops are the easiest and safest way out there to find older, desired items, so that is all reflected in their pricing. They have done some of the "work" for you - but that work isn't free.

2. Flight Club, for example, is 80/20 consignment, as are many of the best known consignments - some of the smaller ones are 85/15. So, that means that the person actually selling the shoe is only getting 80% of the price. That's a main reason why stuff is cheaper when people sell via the DYI route. If you are trying to buy something from a private party that is also listed on FC and you want to use the FC price as your reference, feel free to immediately knock 20% off the top.

BIP coming through with the add! Good to see you're still around. When limit gets lifted, repped!
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