2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Trust. If I could make that much in profit for Tiffs, I would flip in a heartbeat. Same with the Red October ( I know it's not an SB). But you would have to be really thirsty or an idiot to pay that price for the Tiffs.

there clearly are though, whats the market at for mens? im guessing 300-350 is what the "majority" are calling fair? wih anything above being overpriced and then of course theres the people who say 20 bucks over retail is too much. Its crazy to see some listings start at .99 and end at like 378+shipping.
The hype is real. I struck out. I'm passed it. More SBs will come along that I can get. I'm personally not gonna waste that much on them but to each it's own
If anybody is in the central MA area. Theres a pair of size 8 diamonds on craigslist for 250.
i dont need to, you would have a better chance at getting them without a bot being non TLO and its not like it was a struggle either they sat for a bit if you wanted them you couldve gotten them dont blame bots for them selling out. thats people buying the shoe.

For some the internet IS the only place to cop.

Why are you complaining if you didn't want them? You're complaining about an imaginary problem.
Before we go off on a tangent let me explain it differently. I didn't expect the hype of SBs to grow like this. No I didn't want them so I'm not complaining. Yes these were non TLO but in order to understand a bot you must first understand that the twitter link is just an obstacle to the true purpose of the bots. Bots main focus is to snatch your size at a faster rate than any of us can click on our size and add to the cart. It's the easiest bot to create. Add in the TLO and it gets more complicated but the goal is still the same. So yes and no bots aren't needed for this release but best believe bot users still gonna use their bots regardless as they think it's "faster" to use a bot than use their hand (hate to see how they feel when sex robots come out :lol:) so no disrespect to either one of you, I should've just made myself a little more clearer.
The hype is real. I struck out. I'm passed it. More SBs will come along that I can get. I'm personally not gonna waste that much on them but to each it's own

at prices like that im tempted to sell that second pair, could possibly turn one shoe into 2 or 3
I'm sick that i missed the Snake Eyes and Floridians yesterday.. Pretty good to hear/see that they're GRs..

Blazers for today. Terribly underrated. I love the big swoosh. Wish the sole was stiffer tho
If anyone is still looking for the all white dunk lows.... classic skateshop  (201-243-0400)  has a couple sizes on sale for i think $60, not sure if they're doing phone orders but you could give them a call and ask!
Just paid 475 shipped for both yoth and Tiffany's
not bad but not good smh
not to many skate shops around and work had to bite the resell bullet
If anyone is still looking for the all white dunk lows.... classic skateshop  (201-243-0400)  has a couple sizes on sale for i think $60, not sure if they're doing phone orders but you could give them a call and ask!
Wow $60 is a steal and for that price I may end up picking another pair up (and I never double up on shoes)
I have a BRZ; shoveled it out this morning before it never gets out with this winter :lol:

With nice kicks I hate driving stick shift. My left shoe creases Like a** after. I have bad habit of clutching with my toes only instead of the middle part. I'm learning to break that habit tho.
With nice kicks I hate driving stick shift. My left shoe creases Like a** after. I have bad habit of clutching with my toes only instead of the middle part. I'm learning to break that habit tho.

i feel your pain, i remember unds a pair of shoes and getting into my car and immediately thought to myself here come the creases. For me one minute i shift using my toes the next the middle of my foot, really no consistency in that regard i guess. What do you drive?
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