2023 MLB Thread; Say Hey, Charlie Hustle: Rest In Power, Willie. RIP, Pete.


At Globe Life for a Padres roadie !
Buxton is about to get paid this off-season and I’m happy for him. Dope to see it.
Nats sold their soul for a ring in 2019. The Eaton trade and Corbin signing will cripple them long term. Neglecting to resign Rendon. Letting Harper walk. So many poor decisions. They’re going to be left with Soto and nobody else.
Yanks will take Soto from them eventually

Heck even the Dallas Morning Newspaper was saying Padres own Globe Life Field because of Slam Diego starting here last season, then Padres came back to play the Dodgers here in the NLDS, Java Joe’s no hitter last Friday night, and now the 3 game weekend sweep.

Gotta give credit to Rangers fans at the game they were chill & respectful even though there were a ton of Padres fans in the stadium today. I never felt unsafe or un comfortable like I would at other pro mlb or nba stadiums
They need to get rid of instant replay. If they are afraid to overrule a clear missed call, what's the point?

The rule that I really can't stand is the automatic base runner on second in extra innings. So dumb & stupid.

Also MLB should already just put in the universal DH rule for both AL & NL.
Game should of at least went into extras. Was a disgrace on that replay call. What's the point of having replay if it was so clearly and blatantly wrong.
I am so sick of "not enough evidence to overturn the call." Not just in baseball. In any sport. That is nothing but bulls**t. Once a play is asked to be reviewed, the umpire/referee in the booth should review all angles and make a call. What the ump/ref on the field/court called should be irrelevant at that point. The call is being challenged. Why should what was seen by the field ump/ref in real time trump what a replay official can see with multiple angles, split screens, slow mo, pausing, etc.? It literally makes no sense. Last night I am sure they thought "its really hard to see if he touched the plate or not." Well guess what? If you didnt see him definitively touch it, then he didnt freakin touch it!

Get the calls right!
They need to just get the VAR system. Same with the NFL and NBA. If something very obvious is missed signal down to the umps to review, if not play on.

Baseball needs to speed up. Less reviews is better.
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