2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Happy Thanksgiving, Knicks fellas. I am thankful for my family, my girlfriend, my friends, my favorite sports teams, my fellow sports fans, and especially twitter.

Melo hopes to return soon. Can we tell him to take a rest for the whole year? Pull a 1997 Spurs' bright tank move.
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Thought earlier this week we might be able to get a W from te Thunder then looked a few days ago and it said Durant/Westbrook might both come back today? Any word if that's set in stone yet?
Thought earlier this week we might be able to get a W from te Thunder then looked a few days ago and it said Durant/Westbrook might both come back today? Any word if that's set in stone yet?

Anything can happen, they almost beat the Mavs and they were full strength, the things is, the Knicks beat themselves with every turnover.
whole lot of nothing in that article. gist of it, melo didn't wanna leave new york.

we get a top 5 pick we have that cap space, we could build a contender easily if we don't do something stupid and become the 8th seed this year.
Happy Thanksgiving, Knicks fellas. I am thankful for my family, my girlfriend, my friends, my favorite sports teams, my fellow sports fans, and especially twitter.

Melo hopes to return soon. Can we tell him to take a rest for the whole year? Pull a 1997 Spurs' bright tank move.

Given the teams medical staff, Melo isn't ever coming back, they've already amputated his back.
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