2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Tyson Chandler got 17 points and 24 boards against us smh 
feel bad that certain players like calderon had to work so hard just for the team to end up losing

can't understand why the team insisted on trying to get stoudamire the ball in the last few minutes when other players were playing a lot more reliable ball
This was an encouraging loss though, overtime with one of the best teams in the West without your star player...
Turned out to be a pretty good game against a great Western team. The Knicks always come through with the entertainment.

I was joking last game with my friends that this team look better without Melo. That just miight be true.

With that note I'm out, happy thanksgiving ya'll.
Why are we handcuffed to the triangle? I mean cool, let's run it, but pick and roll can work with Stupidmire, he has a quality pnr pg, but whatever, it is what it is.
From now on until I see some improvement, when I'm asked what is my squad I'm just going to give a generic answer like " I'm a fan of the league and gritty hard nosed effort"
watched all 4 Q's but missed OT smh. :smh:

why was Amare and JR out there for most of the 4th?!?!
i wouldve went with Acy and Tim in that situation. they each had 7 TOs too

Amare cost us the game.
dude didnt do anything at all.

what a waste of a good Jose and Pablo shooting night.

im pissed bc we had this game. damn you red wine bath havin ***
Destroy and rebuild. Let's start with trading JRs bum *** at the deadline. Inconsistent *** motherflower :smh: :lol:
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