2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Why do people think Wade is going to be devasted if he's left by himself?? He has more championships than Bron at this point. A HOF'er, top 5 sg all time. If I was him I would've opted in, collected my money and chilled. Miami fans dont care about winning anyway so there would be virtually zero backlash.

Its a moot point because I still think all 3 will stay but I dont get why anyone would think if bron+bosh left Wade would be all miserable. It makes no sense.
Why do people think Wade is going to be devasted if he's left by himself?? He has more championships than Bron at this point. A HOF'er, top 5 sg all time. If I was him I would've opted in, collected my money and chilled. Miami fans dont care about winning anyway so there would be virtually zero backlash.

Its a moot point because I still think all 3 will stay but I dont get why anyone would think if bron+bosh left Wade would be all miserable. It makes no sense.
Aint no one said Wade would be miserable
Lebron going back to Cleveland makes me think he will go down as a Top 5 but not top 3. If he stayed with Miami his legacy would probably be better. But son is the Maajin Buu of basketball, he lands in your city and sucks the life out of a team

Bron is a parasite. LeechBron
Exactly. I don't see why any of them would be miserable. Bosh stays or gets paid in Houston. Wade finishes up on his hometown team after 3 chips and lebron ring chases where he pleases.
Normally if agree with this but Bron has a lot of shoes to sell and to move product after retiring you have to have a legacy.
exactly, his retros gonna sit on them shelves like them shaqnosis if he dont start getting on his robert horry ring leech game and scoopin them badboys.
****** really be hating women. :x :lol:

You don't know the chick or anything about they relationship, how you sound?

Lotta estrogen in here.

I know she's bougie, talentless and insufferable with a reality show nobody watches. She's a vacant brained thot with an expensive wardrobe. Lucked up and hooked hall a famer. I'm not a hater, she brings it on herself with her attention whoring ways.
Were u abused as a child? Scared to smile? they called u ugly?
If lebron leaves wade will probably just get the same deal. I don't think he cares that much. I'd much rather see Riley in private. Talking about the character if lebron when damn well knew what he was getting

Dude Wade will be a minority owner of the Heat in 5 years. He has nothing to worry about.
Aint no one said Wade would be miserable

Uh are you paying attention? A lof of people are saying "I cant wait to see how Wade reacts if hes left by himself" and things along that line. In here. On my twitter timeline. And I'm just thinking, he wont give a single ****.
Damn wade is an idiot if he left all that money for nothing

If lebron to cleveland rumors are true good for him

Gonna be sick seeing him play with that young talented roster.

Who better than lebron to teach these young guys how to win in the nba?

Plus the east needs more balance

Would be hilarious if the heat replace lebron with melo :lol:
spurs bring back diaw for 3/22M
more than i expected
guess they got all the pieces back
****** really be hating women.

You don't know the chick or anything about they relationship, how you sound?

Lotta estrogen in here.
I know she's bougie, talentless and insufferable with a reality show nobody watches. She's a vacant brained thot with an expensive wardrobe. Lucked up and hooked hall a famer. I'm not a hater, she brings it on herself with her attention whoring ways.
Were u abused as a child? Scared to smile? they called u ugly?
If lebron leaves wade will probably just get the same deal. I don't think he cares that much. I'd much rather see Riley in private. Talking about the character if lebron when damn well knew what he was getting

This is what I'm thinking. Like wade and Riley have an agreement that if the team improves he'll take his money over 4 years, otherwise he'll get the same deal he opted out of.
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You sir are correct but if Melo is really playing pick up wit kobe at UCLA then it aint soundin too good for derrick fell and the Chicago Bulls

Derrick fell..??? Terrible. not even nearly funny.. Try again
Uh are you paying attention? A lof of people are saying "I cant wait to see how Wade reacts if hes left by himself" and things along that line. In here. On my twitter timeline. And I'm just thinking, he wont give a single ****.
Still waiting for quotes where people said he would be miserable. I want to see Wade's reaction too, not because I think he'll be miserable
LeBron possibly going back to the Cavs is intriguing as hell.

Wherever he goes, he probably signs short term (2 years) so he can re-up when the new TV deals go into place so he can really cash in.
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