2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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The owner just wants to get that money after all these teams being sold :lol: ...how you gonna own a team in Atlanta and complain about the % of blacks at the game...it's like the Green Bay Packers taking about getting getting more minorities to Lambeau field :lol:

Having lived in ATL, most ppl only care about the Hawks if they super good or a star is coming to town...the white ppl there care more about college football than the NBA also

The Braves got white crowds but they still have empty seats at games ...n the Falcons only filled up the dome when they had Vick ( star) or they make the playoffs/Super Bowl...give the Hawks a super star or a team going to the finals and the arena gonna be filled regardless of what color is in the crowd
Yeah man. That boston series in 08 was the first Playoff game I've ever been to...and the atmosphere was Crazy!

I hate the way the media makes the hawks seem like they've been a 35win team that can't get out the 1st rnd in the weak east the past decade.

Atl has bad fans. Mainly cuz of transplants. But they've put out an above average-good bball product for quite some time now.
As said before ATL gets more hype for the opposing superstars than they do their own team. Case in point...
just read what Ferry said......was more offended by that then the owner. Owner was right about southern whites 
 .......dude wasn't lying at all to be honest 

conservatives down here are a different breed then yall western/northern liberals 
I live in Georgia and have my whole life. I went to the Falcons season opener yesterday, and sat two rows across from Josh Smith, and barley anyone knew him. As an aivid basketball fan, Atlanta will never become a basketball city. Like someone posted earlier, people here care about the nightlife and post game parties, than the game itself, even Joe Johnson did
. However, I will also say that when teams like the Heat, or Thunder come in town, games sell out, sadly, they root harder for other teams, than the home team, unless the game is close.
it was diff when nique etc... was playing. But then again at that time the falcons sucked... the braves sucked... and that was at a time before downtown and atl went thru its gentrification stage... aka lets make it look all lily white and wholesome for the olympics and the out of towners.

Ga in general is a bandwagon sports place... outside of the rednecks who are devouted uga fans... the yuppies in like alpharetta etc... who are diehard gt fans, and the longtime older atl folks who been down with the braves... everyone else pretty much just jumps on whatever/whoever is hot.

YO! this is SICK!!! Never seen this. I wish they continuned this every year. It would've been dope to see Randy Moss, TO, etc in this. Some of these dudes look hella natural like they are REAL nba players.
Bomani made a good point on Twitter, I think it's more than a fickle fanbase, the gentrification of many of the cities leans itself to a certain demographic response and representation. We'll get a better idea after the Braves move out of Turner into Cobb Co and they all of a sudden are selling out games. That may give credence to what the Hawks owner is alluding to.
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