2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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I'm not even a laker fan but the trade block was a joke

"The other team would of got nothing", who cares? That's what they agreed and wanted to do. Who's business is it?
This is so stupid. If that trade had went down the new owner would've been completely justified in firing every bum involved with that bull **** deal. Talking about "what they agreed and wanted to do" sheeeeeit who the **** is in charge? You don't just trade the best player on the team cuz you the gm. Run that **** by the owner. Oh wait who was the owner then? David Stern. Blocked. Simple as that. It's really no different than when you hear of rumored blockbuster trades that were in place but the owner doesn't want it to happen for w/e reason. In this case Stern has the clear and most reasonable excuse. Letting them make moves to appear more desirable to buy is a good thing (small trades, dumping bad contracts, etc.), getting trash for their best player, not so much. **** I wish Stern fired the GM before the team got bought for trying to sneak that **** past him in the first place.
Crazy thing is that the one they put in charge of the Hornets at the time knew that was the best deal to win right away and make the playoffs
Stern was the best thing that ever happened to the NBA, he knew it but never showed it, but it shows.
Built it into a powerhouse.

Illoquent you posted some good stuff there. Don't know where it's from, or if it's true, or if it's "Woj" being Woj but, I can tell you this, the business of it makes sense, and makes it believAble

How much was it stern actually being a good commissioner, and how much was it just him being the commissioner during the MJ era, the globalization of basketball, and the internet boom?
I'm not even a laker fan but the trade block was a joke

"The other team would of got nothing", who cares? That's what they agreed and wanted to do. Who's business is it?
This is so stupid. If that trade had went down the new owner would've been completely justified in firing every bum involved with that bull **** deal. Talking about "what they agreed and wanted to do" sheeeeeit who the **** is in charge? You don't just trade the best player on the team cuz you the gm. Run that **** by the owner. Oh wait who was the owner then? David Stern. Blocked. Simple as that. It's really no different than when you hear of rumored blockbuster trades that were in place but the owner doesn't want it to happen for w/e reason. In this case Stern has the clear and most reasonable excuse. Letting them make moves to appear more desirable to buy is a good thing (small trades, dumping bad contracts, etc.), getting trash for their best player, not so much. **** I wish Stern fired the GM before the team got bought for trying to sneak that **** past him in the first place.

Bro the deal would of had them in the playoffs the same year, instead they got eric gordon on a max contract who has yet to play a full season and till this day hasnt made the playoffs

The gm tried to make that trade cause he believes in winning, instead of tanking, but the trade was vetoed cause the recipient of the best player was the Lakers
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Stern was the best thing that ever happened to the NBA, he knew it but never showed it, but it shows.
Built it into a powerhouse.

Illoquent you posted some good stuff there. Don't know where it's from, or if it's true, or if it's "Woj" being Woj but, I can tell you this, the business of it makes sense, and makes it believAble

How much was it stern actually being a good commissioner, and how much was it just him being the commissioner during the MJ era, the globalization of basketball, and the internet boom?

It was 90% Stern capitalizing and being a good commissioner, and 10% being the era including Jordan.

Jordan becoming Jordan was 90% him capitalizing on his skill, and 10% Stern making globalization of the Jordan brand possible.

Magic and Bird years and back, Stern also Governed, with less opportunity, when opportunity arose, Stern killed it.
Completely killed it, NBA is what it is, because it had Stern. Straight up
**** Dan Gilbert. He's such a ******* lame.
I'm not even a laker fan but the trade block was a joke

"The other team would of got nothing", who cares? That's what they agreed and wanted to do. Who's business is it?
This is so stupid. If that trade had went down the new owner would've been completely justified in firing every bum involved with that bull **** deal. Talking about "what they agreed and wanted to do" sheeeeeit who the **** is in charge? You don't just trade the best player on the team cuz you the gm. Run that **** by the owner. Oh wait who was the owner then? David Stern. Blocked. Simple as that. It's really no different than when you hear of rumored blockbuster trades that were in place but the owner doesn't want it to happen for w/e reason. In this case Stern has the clear and most reasonable excuse. Letting them make moves to appear more desirable to buy is a good thing (small trades, dumping bad contracts, etc.), getting trash for their best player, not so much. **** I wish Stern fired the GM before the team got bought for trying to sneak that **** past him in the first place.

Bro the deal would of had them in the playoffs the same year, instead they got eric gordon on a max contract who has yet to play a full season and till this day hasnt made the playoffs

The gm tried to make that trade cause he believes in winning, instead of tanking, but the trade was vetoed cause the recipient of the best player was the Lakers
You talk as if the whole point of tanking is to just tank :lol:

He believes in winning? Like losing in the first round winning? Cuz they don't do any better than any Paul led team so what would be the point in creating another Jazz team?

The trade was vetoed because trading the best player on your team while the NBA owns you while they're looking for buyers of said team would not be wise for business. Who the **** would want to buy a team after their best player was shipped away and the team was left in fringe 8th-10th seed limbo?
David Stern's NBA wasn't doing too great after Michael Jordan retired
According to who?

Retired from the Wizards?
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If your in the playoffs, your most likely selling tickets, which at the end of the day successful

If you believe no one would buy the hornets without chris paul you must be crazy, they were selling regardless they vetoed it cause of hidden motives

Edit: Chris Paul was traded 5 months before team sold anyways
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If your in the playoffs, your most likely selling tickets, which at the end of the day successful

If you believe no one would buy the hornets without chris paul you must be crazy, they were selling regardless they vetoed it cause of hidden motives

Of course they were selling the team regardless but now we're getting in to what the potential buyer wants, how much he buys the team for, etc.

Edit: Chris Paul was traded 5 months before team sold anyways
Yeah and I bet the new owner knew about it before it happened and gave the okay himself.

Any fan thinking this was all some conspiracy to keep LAL from being great immediately again or it was some vendetta against them got a screw loose.
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The trade wasnt vetoed cause the owner wanted chris paul on the team, for any reason whatsoever

At the end of the day the league as a whole top to bottom didnt want the lakers reigning over the league so they blocked it

Edit: CP3 was traded like 2 weeks before the season, and they sold they team like a week before playoffs started, the reasons they vetoed wasnt financial for any reason, the writing is on the wall
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All the crazy team stacking moves that have been in the last 5 years and CP0 to the Lakers was the one that would have put the league on its head?

F outta here yall sound slow.
Nothing will put the League on it's head.
No one team, no one man, is bigger than the League, period.
Lebron and Miami just proved this, stacked to the heights and, knocked off half the time.

The house always wins
This is another big reason why(and I hate to bring it up again but it's relative) a league with no cap would be ideal.

Edit: Finally watching the 14' HOF ceremony,
Mitch getting the nod with Zo, dope! Memories are there
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Jordan was bigger than the NBA

He elevated it..entertainment wise marketing wise internationally/globally brought fans to the league..

Give a **** what anyone thinks

Magic and bird saved it

Mike elevated it

deal with it
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Mitch Richmond quote from his 14' HOF speech yesterday (watching it now, thought I'd answer your question do work son do work son )

"During my era, the NBA emerged as a Global League, and I want to thank my fellow enshrine, David Stern. The man who served as NBA Commissioner. Under his leadership, the NBA Rose to incredible heights, on and off the court".
I'm just trying to figure how Gilbert was wrong.

You don't want a trade vetoed? Don't try to trade for a player on team that's owned by the 29 other owners you are competing with.
What type of silly reasoning is this?

So the Clippers weren't competing with the rest of the league when they were gifted CP3? I'm not even sure you know what point you're trying to make.

And Dan Gilbert has proven to be a hypocrite and a fraud. He was still reeling from LBJ dipping on his *** and the scorn hadn't washed away yet after a full NBA season and 5 month lockout. Dude brought up a deal which had NOT YET HAPPENED as a reason why Chris Paul couldn't go to the Lakers. He basically said, "If you allow this to go through, it makes it easier for them to get Dwight Howard. It's not fair!!"

Nah...you know what ain't fair? Winning a franchise altering lottery for the homegrown generational talent...and your own mismanagement causes him to leave.

Mismanagement led to him leaving...which led to a new CBA that benefits small-market teams with rules slanted in their favor and more revenue sharing money in their pockets. So your own incompetence indirectly led to more rewards. That's not fair.

"Winning" the lottery THREE times in four years isn't fair.

Having that same generational talent decide to return home DURING HIS PRIME despite the fact you're STILL as incompetent as ever and you wrote a scathing letter denouncing him for life. That's not fair.

All your recent good fortune and luck now allowing you to acquire a major player who originally wanted nothing to do with you. While possibly having some sort of shady agreement for a long-term deal after he opts out. That's not fair.

Going on a tireless crusade against the formations of big 3's...having enough major influence in CBA negotiations to drive that point across...yet still ending up with your own iteration while most teams are restricted by the current CBA that YOU campaigned for. That's not fair.

There was a HUGE conflict of interest which came into play in the failed CP3 trade. From more than one party. Basketball reasons had very little to do with it. Those were the issues.
illoquent aka dsk illoquent aka dsk You are spitting some knowledge tonight.
Appreciated here.
The more you say, the more I realize how much the players will get sucked up again in the next CBA, they are going to be worse off after the next agreement than they are now. CP3 is going to head it all up, unbeknownst to himself.
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What type of silly reasoning is this? :lol:

So the Clippers weren't competing with the rest of the league when they were gifted CP3? I'm not even sure you know what point you're trying to make.

And Dan Gilbert has proven to be a hypocrite and a fraud. He was still reeling from LBJ dipping on his *** and the scorn hadn't washed away yet after a full NBA season and 5 month lockout. Dude brought up a deal which had NOT YET HAPPENED as a reason why Chris Paul couldn't go to the Lakers. He basically said, "If you allow this to go through, it makes it easier for them to get Dwight Howard. It's not fair!!" :lol: :smh:

Nah...you know what ain't fair? Winning a franchise altering lottery for the homegrown generational talent...and your own mismanagement causes him to leave.

Mismanagement led to him leaving...which led to a new CBA that benefits small-market teams with rules slanted in their favor and more revenue sharing money in their pockets. So your own incompetence indirectly led to more rewards. That's not fair.

"Winning" the lottery THREE times in four years isn't fair.

Having that same generational talent decide to return home DURING HIS PRIME despite the fact you're STILL as incompetent as ever and you wrote a scathing letter denouncing him for life. That's not fair.

All your recent good fortune and luck now allowing you to acquire a major player who originally wanted nothing to do with you. While possibly having some sort of shady agreement for a long-term deal after he opts out. That's not fair.

Going on a tireless crusade against the formations of big 3's...having enough major influence in CBA negotiations to drive that point across...yet still ending up with your own iteration while most teams are restricted by the current CBA that YOU campaigned for. That's not fair.

There was a HUGE conflict of interest which came into play in the failed CP3 trade. From more than one party. Basketball reasons had very little to do with it. Those were the issues.

The sermon for the day.

At the end of the day, both the Hornets and Lakers got jerked with their trajectories being put off course. Basketball reasons played a hand in the Lakers current predicament and is the reason why the Pelicans aren't a playoff team and won't be one in the near future. There's no way you can argue what they got back from the Klippers is better than what LAL and Houston sent. Zero. When people associate conspiracies with Stern, this is why.
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