2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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its all about $$$$

$$$$ from tickets at the arena

$$$$ from the game being on ESPN and ad's


Why are you *****ing and moaning about something that was done for your entertainment.

I for one thought the game was awesome and felt extremely lucky to get to watch the best players in the world play a pickup game that I could watch. I hope it happens again.

money money ESPN wahhhh wahhhh

Im not complaining about anything..

guy said why are the players putting on this game when all they could do is practice for a week and pretty much know who makes the roster.

the game was player in a huge arena and on TV for MONEY

thats all i said.

who complained? because it wasnt me
watching that again, that base def caused it momentum in his leg back towards his body and snap.

I only say that because someone said it would have snapped even with nothing there because he landed so hard. def not the case
can't prevent this injury... he could have done this working out for a Carmelo visit

sports arenas and stadiums just have way too much **** so close to the court and field.. seen dudes damn near die crashing into band stands, mobile heaters, the mascot cage... **** is stupid and dangerous

camera men are also way too close
Lol a lot of comment police in here, mad when someone blame the coach, mad that Roy only tweeting with one word. :lol: ya boys need a drink
When you participate in weak sessions,
It says everything someone needs to know about you.
Especially if it's on purpose, learn from me BOY. You boy
NBA definitely needs to look at providing more space for players especially having those damn photographers so close to the baseline. player safety should be a top priority after something like this, regardless if you want to classify this as a "freak" injury.

This wasn't a NBA arena though, has this happened anywhere else?
That post is too damn close..no room for him to land...

Precautions r never taken till things happen in everything in life
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