2013 New York Yankees season thread Vol. (85-77) OFFSEASON

So after all that nonsense A-Rod will appeal and play tonight?

What a waste of time. All the evidence MLB claimed to have. Just a bluff. They made a giant scene for nothing.

Good old witch hunt.:smh:
Says who? Cashman?

I remember Michael Kay saying that when he opted out. Cashman didnt want to resign him to that contract, Randy Levine and ownership wanted to.

I hope AROD jacks 2 tonight.

**** MLB and Selig. All the "evidence" they allegedly have, and the MLBPA stating they wont defend a player with overwhelming evidence, if that was the case just ban him for life. Dont waver around.

Alex Rodriguez, the worst thing to have happened to the Yankees since the luxury tax.
That trade is going to go down as the least beneficial trade for both sides of all time!
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re: Signing ARod. hindsight is 20/20

no one and I mean absolutely no one saw this self implosion coming. The whole idea was the chase for 756, the "clean home run king." Then it just all soiraled out of control. The Miami PED report, the admission, the hip injuries, the playoff strikeouts then all of this scandal as the cherry on top
Steinbrennar passing is the worst thing to happen to the Yankees.

I feel you on that one, but thats life you know. We couldnt do anything about Steinbrennar passing, but we couldve passed on A-Rod.

Steinbrennar passing hurts so bad because his kids are morons. They don't care about the team or winning like their father. They just want to make as much money as possible.

As for Alex. The contract hurts but at the time, it wasn't as bad as people think. He was going to get old BUT he hadn't had a bad year in his career. He was expected to break the HR record, get 2,000 RBI's (only Aaron and Ruth have done), 3,000 hits and 2,000 runs. It was an expensive contract but in 07 he was still a top 5 player in baseball and was going to bring in plenty of money. So if he reaches all of those, think about the press, TV ratings, interviews, publicity, ticket sales, merchandise sales and etc that the Yankees would have received.
No the Rodriguez contract was bad in 2007.. He was turning 32 the first season of a 10 year contract.. Already played 11 full seasons. Not one Team Option anywhere in there.. Not one. Not one buyout in the contract.

Had we signed him for 10 year / $275mil, but a team option after Year 7 & Year 9, then fine.

But to say it was a bad contract in 2007, is only hindsight, is wrong.. It's common sense.

It's the Yankees, not Bingo Long's Traveling All-Star
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^ 07, he had 54 HRs, 156 RBIs, 183 hits and so on. Like I said, no one had any idea that he was going to have injuries or steroids. Up to 07, he was on pace to be the greatest baseball player of all time. If he reaches all those milestones, the Yankees easily make over 300 mil by year 6 or 7.
Yes he had 54 homeruns in 07. But he was also 32. Anyone who didn't think he would hit a cliff or injury bug is lying to themselves.

The problem is more so the Yankees did not create a single out of that contract.. And that's preciously why giving $275mil over 10 years to a 32 year old was 100% a bad idea in 07, and even worse in '13

I don't like A-Rod. But I will cheer him and hope he can contribute 25HR a year for the life of his contract. Except come playoff time when he's an automatic out
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They were banking on all the records he was set to break.

They weren't really signing him to have a super productive third baseman in the last years of the contract. They were planning on having a productive DH ready to break a number of records and capitalizing off the revenue that would create.

Sure, having a team option would have been nice, but no one expected or foresaw the Yankees needing a way out of the deal.
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I'm so sick of that douche Curt Schilling. Apparently, when Juicer's such as Manny and Ortiz (who actually had a failed test) help you win a WS it's ok. **** clown.
He went bankrupt.. That's how I deal with his nonsense..
I agree but not only that he went against his word... Somebody show'd clips of him talking smack before he made that company how the bail outs were such a bad thing. He then accepts goverment money to bring jobs to Rhode Island and defaults on the loan closes the company and declares bankruptcy to avoid the liability.... :smh:
Why's it terrible. Jeter will be back and A-Rod will be gone possibly forever soon enough.:lol:

I'll just sit back and enjoy the entertainment.:lol:
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