2013 College Football Thread (Realer than Real Deal Holyfield -->S/O Craftsy)

Thus far this season, how have your respective teams (or any other teams for that matter) performed based on your preseason expectations? Exceeeded? Underwhelmed? About where you thought?

Any surprising (could be in a negative way or a positive way) players so far?

Ducks haven't played anyone to really give a full picture of how good they are. After this weekend the picture will be much clearer I think.
I think the team is going to pan out to be just as good as last year team, which is no complaint coming from someone who has been watching the Ducks since the late 80s :lol
The defense is still performing well, but I think that the youth at linebacker will begin to show with the Washington, UCLA, and Stanford games coming up.
Offense I feel has remained about the same to last year with perhaps a minor regression due to a case of dropsies from the receivers and Mariota's reduction in accuracy (though 14 TDs and no INTs makes up for that in my opinion).

Pretty much sums up my thoughts. Gotta clean up the penalties, as well.
Thus far this season, how have your respective teams (or any other teams for that matter) performed based on your preseason expectations? Exceeeded? Underwhelmed? About where you thought?

Any surprising (could be in a negative way or a positive way) players so far?

Offense hasn't been as good as I expected, partly due to Morris having an ankle issue.

Defense is better than last a little bit, but still needs work. Underclassmen are growing fast tho.

Still a year away from what I really want in terms of deepening the roster, but the problem will be losing a SR QB and the uncertainty that comes with that.

So, so far so good. But haven't really faced a true test outside of Florida, and we didn't play well, and were at home. So still a lot of work to be done. At UNC, and Florida St/Va Tech back to back should show if we are a mirage or not.
knew the offense would be the same if not better implementing more running backs. was hoping for more from cam clear and RSJ, but it is what it is. didn't think the defense would be this bad, but then i probably also had loft expectations. 2nd in the SEC West is very attainable, even first if bama can slip against LSU and we can beat LSU.
They just asked Clowney

1. If he enjoys playing football


2. Have you played your last game in college

:{ Dude is more than cordial in answering these dumb questions....
tOSU has been very underwhelming IMO.

-Offense looked decent to start the year but now it seems pedestrian. I STRONGLY feel that Miller either isn't 100% or he doesn't trust his knee. Either way we need to do something so we aren't one dimensional, Hyde can't carry us every game. Was very disappointed that Dontre Wilson didn't play at all against Northwestern, that kid is DANGEROUS.

-Defense is god awful but knew that was going to happen before the season started.

-If we run the table and somehow play in the title game (which I don't think we will be there with our schedule), we will get blown away
Thus far this season, how have your respective teams (or any other teams for that matter) performed based on your preseason expectations? Exceeeded? Underwhelmed? About where you thought?

Any surprising (could be in a negative way or a positive way) players so far?

Disappointed in Clemson so far. Haven't played anyone good yet and the 1st & 3rd games were way too close. Pretty sure we'll lose to FSU and 1 other.

Vic Beasley has been great as a pass rusher though. QB 10 is okay.
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shidddd we're without 4 of our top 5 WR's so the plan better be to use the TE's more.

At WR we're starting Chris Conley and Rhett McGowan (walk-on). We still have Wooten (5th Yr Sr), Reggie Davis and a couple more guys tho that can get it done.

What about Jonathon Rumph?
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Arizona is right where I thought they would be. 3 soft out of conference wins and a loss against Washington. The defense is slightly improved, but it couldn't get any worse than last year. The offense is struggling with Denker at QB and doesn't look like its gonna get better. In short, we are a bottom tier Pac12 team :{
Syracuse is right where I'd thought they would be. Should have beat Penn State in what was a very winnable game. Could end 5-7. Pretty much a new team from last year so it's somewhat expected.
Disappointed in Clemson so far. Haven't played anyone good yet and the 1st & 3rd games were way too close. Pretty sure we'll lose to FSU and 1 other.

Vic Beasley has been great as a pass rusher though. QB 10 is okay.
I seent it.

USC & Texas :{
Northwestern :hat Baylor :hat
John O'Korn :hat :hat Thank you Tampa St. Pete again...
Thus far this season, how have your respective teams (or any other teams for that matter) performed based on your preseason expectations? Exceeeded? Underwhelmed? About where you thought?

Any surprising (could be in a negative way or a positive way) players so far?
Why you asking these Detailed *** questions? Feel like I gotta compose a thesis statement just to begin responding
 right? I should get paid for the article that just popped in my head...yall got it on this one.

SoS your arms to short to box with God.

Joshuatree - Rumph is one of the 4/5 I was speaking of, he has a lingering hamstring injury, he's still out but look for Kenneth Towns (#37 6'3 200 RFr had a scholly to UAB but chose to walk-on at UGA) he's been playing but hasn't been targeted yet and RFr Blake Tibbs might get some snaps too.

Bennett should be back by the Florida game.
LOL @ anything other than weed smoke being in his head.

Has anyone mentioned the news of Condoleezza Rice being a part of the playoff selection committee? :{
Oh, but she loves football
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Thus far this season, how have your respective teams (or any other teams for that matter) performed based on your preseason expectations? Exceeeded? Underwhelmed? About where you thought?

Any surprising (could be in a negative way or a positive way) players so far?
Arkansas - Bielema keeping them in the game through the G&P, expected, but they are heavily lacking on defense and at WR. :x

On par for what I expected, including Alex Collins and Hunter Henry :smokin

It's going to take 2 years for Bielema to get where he needs to, but he'll be set at QB and OL, that's for damn sure.

Buckeyes - About what I expected, offense still getting caught in the weeds and defensively needing to grow up, but Urban has them playing with a confidence I haven't seen in a few years. I expect them to win the B1G, but of course, everyone expected a scare along the way. Hopefully Northwestern, hats off to them, was the only one.
I think this is probably the most explosive Ohio State offense since 2006.

Currently 7th nat'l in scoring; no reason for me to think the offense is struggling. Turnovers are problematic but aside from that I think they could put points on anyone.

The secondary is atrocious. Missed assignments, missed tackles, Roby doing whatever he wants, biting on every double move and assuming his speed can negate mistakes... 
Offense hasn't been as good as I expected, partly due to Morris having an ankle issue.

Defense is better than last a little bit, but still needs work. Underclassmen are growing fast tho.

Still a year away from what I really want in terms of deepening the roster, but the problem will be losing a SR QB and the uncertainty that comes with that.

So, so far so good. But haven't really faced a true test outside of Florida, and we didn't play well, and were at home. So still a lot of work to be done. At UNC, and Florida St/Va Tech back to back should show if we are a mirage or not.

I think the offense has been fine outside of the Florida game.
Thus far this season, how have your respective teams (or any other teams for that matter) performed based on your preseason expectations? Exceeeded? Underwhelmed? About where you thought?

Any surprising (could be in a negative way or a positive way) players so far?

USC defense has been great for the most part, ASU was a blemish but overall they've been great. Our corners worry me at times but overall def above my expectations. Offense is just :x

Marqise has been having a pretty bad year :\

did not expect kiffin to get fired mid season

excited to see how the guys play thursday with a new coach and a new attitude :smokin
Thus far this season, how have your respective teams (or any other teams for that matter) performed based on your preseason expectations? Exceeeded? Underwhelmed? About where you thought?

Any surprising (could be in a negative way or a positive way) players so far?

Offense and Jameis are exceeding expectation. Defense is about where I expected in the middle of transitioning to a completely different system. Biggest Surprise is Bobby Hart. Vast improvement over the past two seasons to this season. Underwhelming is Christian Jones, but I expect him to improve after switching to his more natural position at OLB
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