2013 College Football Thread (Realer than Real Deal Holyfield -->S/O Craftsy)


have some respect. that's somebody's daughter.

have some respect. that's somebody's daughter.

[COLOR=#red]Don't take it serious, if you know anything about how I post it's usually from a humorous (many say corny) perspective.

On topic though: I wonder how serious Texas Tech is about Kingsbury, and I wonder if he would leave regardless of his relative lack of experience. Couldn't blame him.[/COLOR]
Kliff does call the plays, but for the most part it's the same offense Sumlin has been running since he was OC at TAMU back in the 90s.

Whatever happens we need to keep David Beaty.
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Kliff's name was thrown around for the UK job... which somehow produced this picture to surface.


was a fan of Kliff at Texas Tech....wish much success to him 

wish he held off and went somewhere else in the future but it's hard to turn down your alma mater 
True but his buyout is the remainder on his contract. $1.3m for 5 years = $6.5m, if A&M is willing to pay that, so be it. Put that money in some duffle bags and do work.

[COLOR=#red]We have the 10th largest endowment (money pool with $7 Billion) out of all the colleges in the U.S. Richest in the SEC for sure.[/COLOR]
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