2013-2014 NBA Season Thread - Congrats to the Spurs, DBD is still a buster

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Go to love Van Gundy, sign Stephenson and hope he doesn't do something crazy when he gets the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Don't do this
its not as bad as it looks tho..... jordan had arguably the best coach in history, the best 3 man defender, the best rebounder.... while lebron for many yrs had arguably the worst playoff/finals team in nba history....(that iverson lead team is up there to)
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Hope they got that food table at the entrance of the Pacer locker room again. Someone gotta flip that ***** over
PG can't score at an elite level. Nor can he playmake at an elite level. TMac could do both of those things.

While Mac wasn't the defender PG is, Mac wasn't a slouch on that end. The disparity between Mac and PG on Offense is far greater than Mac and PG on defense. Stop trolling.
for awhile tmac was a better scorer and all around better offensive player then Kobe... ppl tend to forget this

No we don't, because NT won't let us forget.

tmac in his young raptors days could defend. that's why he got the pippen comparison for awhile. some of ya mustve forgot, but dude was a defender in toronto.

You just contradicted yourself in the same sentence...

Pretty sure Dirk had teammates, check their roster.

they only one once.... you cant win multiple chips with a ok mediocre team... in any sport

How can those Pistons/Mavs teams be considered ok/mediocre? They won the title. I feel like people always low-ball these teams just to fit other arguments.

Wait, this was about dynasties? I thought this was about people claiming 1 person can lead a team to a title?
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tmac in his young raptors days could defend. that's why he got the pippen comparison for awhile. some of ya mustve forgot, but dude was a defender in toronto.

He was a defender in Orlando too, just not on the consistent basis. Being asked to score 35 a night will do that to you
tmac in his young raptors days could defend. that's why he got the pippen comparison for awhile. some of ya mustve forgot, but dude was a defender in toronto.

He was a defender in Orlando too, just not on the consistent basis. Being asked to score 35 a night will do that to you

yeah, but once grant went down, dude had to focus on carrying the team. remember he was suppose to be the third piece in the grant/timmy/tmac "big 3" :x
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