2013-2014 NBA Finals - Spurs SMASH Heat 4-1 - San Antonio Spurs NBA Champions [RIP Dwyane Wade]

Who will Lebron James play for next year?

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via sc

It was close,

51% of SC fans

think Duncan winning 5th title would be more impressive than LeBron winning 3 in a row.
^ See, I think the reason for that is specifically THIS potential 5th title.

If it was just "What's more impressive, a player gunning for their 5th ring, or another player gunning for 3 straight?", the majority would say 3 straight.

But for Duncan to beat the team that beat them last year, w/ Parker injured (maybe playing, maybe not, but still injured)... THAT'S more impressive.

both are impressive. i just think 7 yr gap between chips with aging core is pretty difficult.
58% of the country rooting for the Spurs via ESPN, 49 outta 50 states
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i think duncan for the same reason dman said. being an integral part of a championship contender, 7 years after they won their last championship where he was still in integral piece is pretty impressive.
1) The Way Miami defended D Green in games 6 & 7 last year is how they'll defend him for most of the series. I can't fathom how he goes absurd this year from deep against them. Spo and co. already figured out how to shut him out completely. Also Gary Neal was going stupid too, and while they still have capable shooters, I don't think any of them will be going that ballistic and be that prolific from downtown like Gary was last year in the finals. Whatever D Green and the others do from deep I think Battier, Allen, Chalmers, Cole, and Lewis will be able to replicate. Lewis confidence is at an all time high right now, that's a good thing for Miami

2) Miami defense is the best it's been all season. While the Heat's defense hasn't been what it was the last two years, the last two, three games of that Indy series they were swarming. Straight flying around the court. Have to like the fact that they are peaking defensively at the right time. Rotations are crisp and hard, people aren't getting beat and if they are the help and recovery is swift and quick. I just loved what I saw defensively from them to end this series.

3) The Big 3 for Miami is peaking at the right time as well. The Big 3 have played their finest the last three games of that series. Wade was really good throughout, and Bosh has found his confidence in his game again. Both were not nearly this good going into the finals last year. Bosh is a confident shooter going into the finals which makes him a legit threat offensively from deep and opens the floor more than it was in the series last summer.

4) Bron and Wade both have played a grueling 7 game series against the Spurs already. This is important to me because they now know what the spurs are going to do, and how they are going to play them. As a basketball player, they know what they did that was successful against them and I feel like that experience of playing against the spurs on defense will allow them to come into this series confident and prepared for what they are going to see. Thus, i expect both to be better against them

5) The Lebron James factor. The best player in not only the series, but the league. If he catches fire from the 3 or just from a overall scoring perspective, it's lights out because when he's scoring well, great things happen for Miami due to his ability to create open shots for their shooters.

For the aforementioned, that's why I originally had the Heat in 5 but I changed that to Heat in 6 because I think they'll split at home instead of stealing the first two which I originally thought. Also, if I'm wrong on this....it won't be because they are "tired" :lol: The Big 3 are in great shape right now from a health and age perspective, and haven't had to extend themselves this season and postseason thus far.
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Maybe fake but if it is somehow true this is gonna just fuel the fire for both teams. Im going spurs in 6. But I have a small feeling it goes 7 and spurs still win.
only reason i want the spurs to win is because there's an outside chance pop and TD call it quits. the southwest division is the rockets for the taking
58% of the country rooting for the Spurs via ESPN, 49 outta 50 states
:lol: :lol: :lol: Spurs nation just Decupled

My heart says 5, my brain says 6. As well as Miami has been playing, they do seemed sort of gas. Maybe not LeBron and Wade, but everyone else around them does. They dont have stellar defensive players to begin with and with how lazy people have been, I dont think theyre going to chase around the ball all game long and you know we'll be swining it around.

I havent heard much about TP and his ankle, I'm assuming thats because its a non issue. As much as he struggled against Russ, that wont be an issue agianst the likes of Mario Chalmers and Norris Cole.

only reason i want the spurs to win is because there's an outside chance pop and TD call it quits. the southwest division is the rockets for the taking
As much as that would be awesome to see, I think Timmy has one more left in him, and even if he doesnt Pop wont be coaching, but he'll be behind the scenes pulling strings for at least two years. Sure he cant replace Duncan but I honestly dont expect us to fall out of contention the minute Duncan walks. If we did though I wouldnt be disappointed, I've been fortunte to witness all of the success that this franchise as seen live.
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I say Timmy winning 5 is better than Lebron's 3 in a row. Timmy had to fight way more good teams over the span of their run while being in a tougher conference during this time. Lebron's threats at Miami included....the Bulls (maybe, who I think is still an incomplete team even with Rose), the old Celtics, and the Pacers. Not a whole lot of comp. Just my thoughts on it. 
Based on all those news stories, the Grizz have a better chance of getting moved to Seattle than taking over the SW division.
58% of the country rooting for the Spurs via ESPN, 49 outta 50 states
:lol: :lol: :lol: Spurs nation just Decupled

My heart says 5, my brain says 6. As well as Miami has been playing, they do seemed sort of gas. Maybe not LeBron and Wade, but everyone else around them does. They dont have stellar defensive players to begin with and with how lazy people have been, I dont think theyre going to chase around the ball all game long and you know we'll be swining it around.

feel the same way,
from espn 

What would be more impressive:

5 titles for Duncan

or 3 in a row for LeBron?

good question
3 in a row for Lebron/ Miami

Those Spurs titles were spread out over a 15 season run.  Very impressive but them never repeating as champs is the one flaw on their record.

Aside from Jordans Bulls and the Shaq/Kobe Lakers you gotta go back to the 60's and 50's to find teams who 3 peated as champs.

Plus for Miami doing it in their 4th consecutive finals with the fatigue factor coming into play.  that would be a damn impressive accomplishment.
from espn 

What would be more impressive:

5 titles for Duncan

or 3 in a row for LeBron?

good question
3 in a row for Lebron/ Miami

Those Spurs titles were spread out over a 15 season run.  Very impressive but them never repeating as champs is the one flaw on their record.

Aside from Jordans Bulls and the Shaq/Kobe Lakers you gotta go back to the 60's and 50's to find teams who 3 peated as champs.

Plus for Miami doing it in their 4th consecutive finals with the fatigue factor coming into play.  that would be a damn impressive accomplishment.
Idk, look at the teams they had to beat and compare. Yeah consecutive runs are great, but they did it in a weaker pool of competition. I don't have time now but later, I'll look at the runs and compare. I just feel that Miami only really had one or two teams per championship run that really made them work. 
Manu is also in much better shape than last year so who knows. Wade's going to have to play at a superstar level the entire series for Miami and Bosh is going to have to show up each game to push this to at least 6 in my opinion. SA has proven they can withstand a two headed superstar attack and still prevail rather easily, when Ibaka showed up with his production is when they had trouble. I just don't have confidence that Wade and Bosh show up for EVERY game.

Danny Green has hit 39 3s in 18 games so far shooting 48% including 4 games where he's hit at least 4 3s and 1 game where he hit 7, he's been on fire at home in 10 games (29 for 48 a staggering 60%) and San Antonio's ball movement this entire playoffs has been excellent for the most part so he'll get open shots.

Miami's defense hasn't been spectacular all season, they're not playing at the level they were last year coming into the Finals either. Could be that they haven't had to ratchet up the pressure going against anemic teams offensively like CHA, BKN, and IND. It's a whole different story with the Spurs.

Miami's defense is better than anyone the spurs have played in the west tho and all the teams the spurs played were a bunch of jump shooting teams.
Diaw on LeBron is not a good idea (it's probably the real reason they lost G6). That piece of the puzzle got solved late in the series. Spurs can throw that out there on occasion but it has to be Leonard.
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