**2012-13 "Gentlemanly" NBA PG Discussion Thread**

The reason why Bron on Rose was so effective because Rose wasn't mature enough to try and facilitate for his guys against Miami. You knocked out Rose, the Bulls are toast. That doesn't work against Russell, because you have KD. That doesn't work against Rondo, because he can still distribute for others.
dont worry ill wait

Again, it's not like Russell and Rose play LeBron James every night.

Russell had to face tough defenses like Derek Fisher, Jason Terry, Tony Parker, Steve Nash. Lock down guys.

i might be missing you point & lmk if thats the case but

no one will ever play russ or rose with that sag off & look d like with ronho

& if they did they would be cooked...... crunchy black before the 2nd quarter

thier %'s would be MUCH MUCH higher
i might be missing you point & lmk if thats the case but
no one will ever play russ or rose with that sag off & look d like with ronho
& if they did they would be cooked...... crunchy black before the 2nd quarter
thier %'s would be MUCH MUCH higher

The main reason that no one ever leaves those dudes that wide open in the mid-range area is because they can take one step and be at the basket. They are athletic freaks. They are both so freakishly skilled and athletic that you can't slouch on them at all. Rondo, while being great around the basket, doesn't possess the same athletic ability, the same ability to slash that those two do. It's not like Russ or Rose are elite mid-range shooters. KD and Dirk are elite mid-range shooters.

I don't get it, I really don't. Someone show me the light. And not just a picture showing that Rondo is wide open. I KNOW that Rondo gets wide open shots a lot. But he still knocks down the same shots that Rose and Russ do, more of them are wide open that those two.

Dirk takes the same shots as these guys do in the mid-range, but he shoots 46-48% from the area. THERE'S a difference. Do defenses slouch on him? Sometimes. Do defenses get tough on him? Sometimes.

But through an 82 game season, there are good defenders and there are bad defenders. You can't look at the Playoffs because the sample-size is far too small. You face different match-ups every night, and throughout the season, midrange numbers are similar.
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Are some of Rondo's jumpers wide open? Absolutely.

Is it a result of people thinking he's a bad shooter? Absolutely.

Is every single shot he's ever taken been wide open? Absolutely not.

Is every single shot that Russell or Derrick taken contest? Absolutely not.

Is Rondo close to being as good scoring the ball as Russell/Rose? Absolutely not.

Are Russell/Rose close to being as good distributing as Rondo? Absolutely not.

There are times when each of those guys are open. LeBron doesn't guard Rose every night, and Russell plays in a conference where there aren't many good back-court defenders. I'm not trying to say that Rondo is as good as Russ/Rose. But there is not an astronomical difference between the three.

Steve Nash gets a TON of open threes, but he's one of the best three point shooters in NBA history.
JA, read this slow, to help you.

It doesn't matter if it's Bron or Fisher (yes it does, but I'm trying to help you) even if it is Fisher, Fishers hand in your face, or jumping/lunging at you makes a shot much tougher to make than shooting by yourself, nobody within 10 feet of you.

Go outside, shoot some J's by yourself.

Now get your little sister to jump in front of you and shoot some more.

There's a difference.

Now, imagine that with NBA players, even bums like D Fish.

Wide open shots are much easier than contested shots. Please, get that thru your thick *** skull.

Then say "stats don't lie" again, cuz that **** is funny. :rofl:

The stats don't lie.

Because not every shot Rondo takes is wide open.

Is he open more than Russell or Rose? Yes.

Steve Nash is open for a ton of his threes too, he just happens to be one of the best shooters in the League.

I stand by my statement. Neither Russell or Rose are that much better than Rondo shooting the ball, especially mid-range.

Let's not forget, two years ago Russell shot 36% from mid-range. No one wants to bring that up. He was just trigger happy. That year, Rondo shot about 41%. But it was because he was wide open every time right? >D
Are you really this slow? If Rondo is open 100 times, and Russ and Rose are open 5 times, the stats are the same to you?

How many people need to come in here and tell you you are wrong? And mind you, we ain't talkin trolls or nothin, Allen told you, JD told you, Rondo fans tellin you, non Rondo fans tellin you, who else do you need? :lol:
JA is one of them dudes that have never played a competitive sport on a real level in their life. You just gotta let them keep talking and pulling stats out of their *****.
Are you really this slow? If Rondo is open 100 times, and Russ and Rose are open 5 times, the stats are the same to you?
How many people need to come in here and tell you you are wrong? And mind you, we ain't talkin trolls or nothin, Allen told you, JD told you, Rondo fans tellin you, non Rondo fans tellin you, who else do you need? :lol:

Rondo is not open THAT much.

If someone is wide open, yes the odds of the shot going in is higher. Of course.

But it's not like it's Tyson Chandler taking a mid-range jumper.

Rondo and Rose both take about two midrange jumpers a game, and shoot about the same %s.

So it's Rondo's fault that he's left open yet hits the same %?

It's Rondo's fault that his overall FG% is higher than both of these guys?

He's not as dynamic of a scorer or shooter, no. But he's efficient. He won't take the shot if he feels like it's a bad shot.

Yet he still has similar shooting %s.

You honestly think Rondo is THAT wide open ALL the time that his numbers are shifted that much?
but arent you the same dude who started the "John Wall is a Bust" thread?"

What? Not at all :lol:

If anything I thought Wall was going to be a point god when came out and Kyrie would be the lesser of the two. Wall just has dissapointed me a lot, the Wiz suck and while the team "culture" was messed up, I think that is sort of a cop out argument. Kyrie is just better. I think Wall will get better and figure it out but as of now Kyrie is the superior of the two.
So by those standards you trust Rondo to take a mid range jump shot with the game on the line as much as you do Pooh?
So by those standards you trust Rondo to take a mid range jump shot with the game on the line as much as you do Pooh?

I don't trust any of those guys with a mid-range jumper with a game on the line. :lol:

Dirk. Sure. Kobe. Sure. KD. Sure.

Those guys? Hell no. :lol:
What? Not at all :lol:
If anything I thought Wall was going to be a point god when came out and Kyrie would be the lesser of the two. Wall just has dissapointed me a lot, the Wiz suck and while the team "culture" was messed up, I think that is sort of a cop out argument. Kyrie is just better. I think Wall will get better and figure it out but as of now Kyrie is the superior of the two.

Nah man...not you. Talking bout zyzzz's

he started the " John Wall is Terrible" thread

Rondo's my favorite player in the league right now.
If it can't be agreed that he's either the #1 PG (the only other I wouldn't argue against is CP3), the #2-but-soon-to-be-#1PG, then the's definitely the best Playoff PG
So since we're all convinced Rondo is a terrible shooter, when did Russell become that much better?

Just two years ago, he was 35-37% outside of the restricted area.

I know he's an elite scorer, and his midrange jumper got better last year, but by the looks of it, you guys are acting like I'm comparing Rondo to Nash.
I am mad that I am just seeing this thread. Let me touch on this near dead thread.

1. Rondo: I don't give a damn if Rondo can't shoot, other than CP3/Nash, I wouldn't trust anyone else running my mob. Leadership, coach on the floor. I just love ROndo's game man. I love his quirkiness while playing. I just love his game even if he can't shoot consistently. Positives heavily outweigh his inability to knock jumpers down.

2. Westbrook: Same with Rondo in he has a big flaw in his game that makes people want to write him off. Decision making is his issue. But fellas remember that he has only been playing the position for about 4 years FULL TIME. Give him credit for what he has done in terms of transitioning into the position. He is doing a helluva job. OKC wouldn't be OKC without him and we all know this. What I love most about him is how hard he goes. He doesn't care who is in front of him, he never backs down. He would try to rip God's head off if he could. I love his fighting spirit. I love it.

3. Rose: Hope he can get healthy. I love watching his floaty speed. Watching him dribble the ball up the court in transition is a thing of beauty. His bounce, my goodness. I wish he was more dominant on the defensive end but he has improved over the years with Thibs. Just get soon. I would rather him take it safe and miss all of this year.

4. CP3: My dude. Runs the team. Nothing else needs to be said. Firery little dude. Wish I could see him in shape though. Seems to have that Melo, PP, Caron Butler, fatboy gene. Never LOOKS in shape. But we all know how great he is.

5. Deron: Folks forgot about him in NJ. Didn't forget but his face wasn't even out there like that. He will be back in our minds once the season starts.

6. TP: I don't know why he is so underrated. Maybe because he is on that "boring" team in Texas. If he was on a bigger market maybe he would get more love. I don't know what it is to be honest man.

7. Nash: Reminds me of my favorite player of all time Mark Price. In terms of pure shooting, who else can do it better? When I think of Nash I think of shooting. Love watching the dude shoot and he is so shifty. Not quick, not fast, but he gets by folks no matter how slow his feet at. Will be concerned how he and Big Kobe work it out.

8. Wall: I wonder if he will ever get it honestly. I hope he does. Right now to me he is a helluva athlete. Has to turn into a basketball player between the ears. Isn't a dumb player but I wonder if he needs to get out of DC to flourish. Seems like everyone else does.

9. Kyrie: We will see. I am a fan. I love his pace. Not really quick but he is crafty with the ball. I love his shooting form.

10. Lin: Honestly, I am scared that he will be a bust. I am scared that folks will be so hell bent on proving him to be a fraud that he will get the best from everyone every night. I still remember how scared I was for him after Mario/Norris both plucked him in the open court last year when they played MIA. That whole game, my heart was beating fast hoping it didn't happen again. I know as if I was the one playing right? LOL

11. Tywon Lawson: Speed, Speed, Speed. Making the DC Area proud. I love watching him laying the ball up

12. Rubio: Get well soon my dude

These folks aren't in any order above.
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