2009 NFC North Trash Talk Thread...(Time to apologize for talkin crazy Bears fans/S4L3)


You beat us in 2007 when we didn't have Jared Allen, Bernard Berrian, Brett Favre or AP in the starting role.

What does that have to do with 2009?

For the hell of it....AND since you seem to like reminiscing about the past....

Why we trading T-Jax? He is going to be a solid pick up for whoever takes a chance on him. Send him and a pick to Frisco for Crabtree.
Originally Posted by RetroBaller

Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by RetroBaller

Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by THE GR8

I cant remember the last time ive seen fans of a team get this hyped over the preseason as Packers fans are for this upcoming season

Unlike the Bears they have a talented squad, a good HC and a TEAM that can take them far into the playoffs.

Go Pack
you are clearly a clown and a hater. Nothing you say is relevant at this point. ($30000 his response to that quote is "
Bears fans", very original even though we have sonned every outlandish statement you have made with facts)

If Crosby hit those 2 fields goals, (against minn and chi) and the Giants cared the last week we would have won the North
if i had a vagina id be a woman. Fact is yall went 6-10 last season, get over yourselves at least we had a winning record last season and now we got a new QB... and were garbage??

facts still remain that neither of us made the playoffs.
Ok you got a new QB, but looking how each team has played as first unit, the Packers has shown last year wasnt a true singal on how good this team is.
is this dude really trying to say that wat he has seen this preseason out weighs a full real season

then how can you judge the Bears with their new qaurterback?
The Pre-Season is the best way to judge a team with 10 days before the season starts.
Did the Falcons throw away the season last year cause they had a down year the year before.
The titans werent as good as the were last year the year before that.
Teams change over the offseason to get better, and the best way to judge a team, if they got better or not, is to look at the latest games they have played. Sure the Preseason doesnt count, the stats dont carry over. But playing well as a unit does, having a rythem does. Teams just dont sleep walk through the preseason then flip a switch week one.
so you really are trying to say that this preseason mean more then the last real season

let it go yo team is who they are its the same O from last year they having a good preseason and "oh last year isnt whothey are this is!!"

at the end of the day preseason mines nothing for nobody but the dudes fighting for a job everybody else do "sleep walk" thru it its to many reasonswhy one shouldnt look at the preseason as a sign of things to come

could it be a sign of things to come yes but its been a many of teams and players to look like a beast then turn into a 12 year old when the real season start

case and point the lions look at how great they was last preseason real season start and they couldnt buy a win
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

its proposterous to even say he is not at this point. and the really hillarious point is that you have made no argument against why he isnt except saying "
Bearts fans" and calling us all homers. Although me and mad other people have come back at you with facts and #*%% but you are just too big of a %#@%* to answer and act like you havent read #*%% and call us homers. Just leave this thread, arent you a Falcons fan?
Boy shut up, I stopped coming in with facts are you Bear Fans said Forte was Better than LT. You also said in the NFL your a top 10 player after one year. You don't deserve any "facts".

No, no you are right. You know it wasnt like AD was top 10 after last season, Matt Ryan SURE as hell aint a top 10 QB after having a great rookieseason last year. I dont care how old you are, if you get over 1700 yards from scrimmage you are usually at LEAST a top 10 player... and FTR you listed ChrisJohnson as one of your 10 backs better than Forte who is also a rookie... once again my man FAIL

Teams change over the offseason to get better, and the best way to judge a team, if they got better or not, is to look at the latest games they have played. Sure the Preseason doesnt count, the stats dont carry over. But playing well as a unit does, having a rythem does. Teams just dont sleep walk through the preseason then flip a switch week one.
I hear that logic, but until you actually do play better you are still the 6-10 GB Packers. As we are the 9-7 Chicago Bears. So stop getting sohyped over the preseason, if you think 1st units play with that same hustle as they do in the preseason as they do once the season starts your nuts...especially the veterans some of these dudes have solidified spots theyre not about to go out and risk injury to make a spectacular preseason play. And alot ofplayers are just getting back in the groove of things/figuring out their starting osters. Sure your preseason has been impressive, as have ours we completelyowned the Giants (NFC East champs) offensively and defensively, sheer dominance. Dont go crowning yourself champs just yet after a nice preseason following alackluster 6-10 season.

Why can't we call Forte a top 10 player? Since when is a guy who can get 1,700 yards from scrimmage mediocre? Even though Peterson is better than Forte, you're seriously a damned fool if you honestly think Forte is not in the top 10. There aren't 15 running backs better than Forte and I'm not being a homer, I'm being a realist. I have family in Minnesota who are die-hard Vikings fans and even they told me they believe Forte is a top 10 back. Your only ammo is saying "
Bears fans" which is completely dumb and childish. Your team hasn't even had back to back winning seasons and you want to talk about how we have nothing to boast about. You don't have any championships, we have 9. Call me when you at least win something of importance.

And this isn't the NFC South thread, is it? What the hell is a Falcons fan doing in here?

QFT, this dude needs to curve hard (waiting for his very original response and than waiting for him to claim to win the argument... again

You beat us in 2007 when we didn't have Jared Allen, Bernard Berrian, Brett Favre or AP in the starting role.
you say that like its an improvement
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11


Preseason wins have NOTHING to do with this argument.

hes got tunnel vison right now trying to make himself sound right. sad thing is im not trying to make him sound wrong.

all im saying is how can you base last years preformance on this year? esp. when when make changes. So with Cutler their offense will still suck. Fine by me.
casper jr- with all the new players on each team its probably easier to gauge where your team stands during the preseason than last season. even thoughprreseason means nothing. i think this is what he is trying to say lol. either way last year is done and the season starts sunday night and lets leave it atthat
Originally Posted by S4L3

This thread is a joke. 25 pages about a division where not one team will have above 9 wins? LOL.

NFC North is pathetic....

its 25 pages because maybe we have the most passionate fans
NFC North >> than your favorite division

Even though I disagree with half the thoughts that rival fans have expressed in here, I still love the passion. I honestly do not know what JetPac is doing inhere, he is bringing the hate.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

S4L made his way in here... This thread is now complete.

Cant wait for the Pack vs Boys this year... That dallas win streak is gonna end.

Whats stopping a Cowboys vs Patriots superbow??

The first round of the playoffs

Btw i thought you retired after that
Got tickets to the boys game.

And o yea JPZx if i manage to get tickets to the Vikings game at Lambeau, expect to see a sign on TV that says
To my fellow Nike Talker JPZx, whats hannenin?? Then i will continue to point at the scoreboard
King Beef what are the odds your a good Sig maker? We need a new one lol

But for real i like how you guys think we Packer fans are just being homers.
The first thing the announcers said on this pre game is the Packers are looking like one of the best teams coming out of training camp. Regaurdless that itspre season.
WOW!!!! cant believe i havent seen this thread....
1. Packers
2. Vikings
3. Bears
4. Lions

Mark it down!!!!

Im makin my first trip to lambeau for week 1....cant %@+@#!@ wait!!!!
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

And o yea JPZx if i manage to get tickets to the Vikings game at Lambeau, expect to see a sign on TV that says
To my fellow Nike Talker JPZx, whats hannenin?? Then i will continue to point at the scoreboard
What the hell is wrong with crosby? He just missed like his 5th or 6th field goal this pre season....he needs a hug
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Give him to us.
That's not how it works... We are the ones that take your players

Word to Darren Sharper and now Brett
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