2009 Concacaf Gold Cup Final: Mexico Champions. Vol. Aug 12 just got serious.

My mom and I are embarrassed of this joke of a team. Jesus Christ.

I can't wait to hear him get crucified tomorrow morning.
Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by SC415

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

He was goin for the ball but kept his foot up, not a big deal IMO..

It is a big deal. I think no coach should attempt anything. But, look what it caused..that dude phillips wouldn't leave.
Not only that the ball was still in play.

no it wasn't.
I'll say this though

My people gathered in bunches do NOT know how to act, whether it be the Salvis or the Mexicans, a toda madre
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

like dodger stadium all up in this thread.
Sad but true.

%@%@ like this is EXACTLY the reason why my pops never took us to see el Tri play @ the Coliseum or Rose Bowl when we were young bucks.

-"Dad why dont you ever take us?"

--"porque la gente ridicula no sabe como disfrutar el juego, puros pe**ejos y borrachos tirando bolsas de miados y peleando. Mejor en el sillon"
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

As my pops would say, "pura gente pen**ja"
same here

Bringing the race down; **@# no wonder why you always see massive cops and security at these events
Originally Posted by socluis90

Torrado is so slow out there it's ridiculous.
You're telling me. I remember before the start of the last Apartura, ole' boy was hyping himself up by saying he's leaningforward to a move to Spain.
Seriously, what was he goingto do out there? Work as a construction worker. This foo is straight BUNZ
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by socluis90

SC415 wrote:

NikeTalker23 wrote:

He was goin for the ball but kept his foot up, not a big deal IMO..

It is a big deal. I think no coach should attempt anything. But, look what it caused..that dude phillips wouldn't leave.
Not only that the ball was still in play.

no it wasn't.

he couldve been going for the ball, but the ball was still in play and he was late and his foot was almost hit phillips crotch.
panama ftw! they might not go on but at least they tied Mexico and for all the ppl who say philips is at fault ur wrong. what would u do if the coach of theopposing team did that to you? all he did was push him. IMO aguirres lucky he didn't get knocked.
Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

This is all because of Panama's sloppy/dirty #*% play..

Mexico = 23 fouls

Panama = 11 fouls

That means nothing when you take into consideration how awful the ref was. Panama played dirty ALL game.
Trust im a big Mexico fan, and what Aguirre did was grimy


Just finished watching the game now. Dos Santos is showing more huevos.

Love your Dad's quote cinco.

Torrado to Spain.

Maybe 6 years ago.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

There can't be controversy in regards to known facts.

I told u dog. uve already managed to get 2 direct replies in a matter of minutes hahaha.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

This is all because of Panama's sloppy/dirty #*% play..

Mexico = 23 fouls

Panama = 11 fouls

That means nothing when you take into consideration how awful the ref was. Panama played dirty ALL game.

It means Mexico was just as dirty (twice actually) then Panama. Mexico stooped down to their level which is exactly what Panama wanted. Everyone knew Panamawas going to play dirty and honestly Mexico should have beat them even with the *!#$$$ referee.

You can make up all the excuses about the ref if you want but the truth of the matter is that Mexico plays down to their opponents level all the time now andno longer is mentally strong to ignore the hacking and the bs calls they get from the refs. They'll rather *+++% about it and lose focus on the game thento move on and keep playing. They can't control themselves anymore and end up getting into the same hacking/dirty tactics battles with their opponents.(look at their recent red card history) I also think the media has really got to these guys and they play with that pressure every game.

Past Mexican teams knew better and would just ignore the sidetracks and keep playing. This team loses focus so easily it's laughable. How sad is it thatPANAMA was able to get into these guys heads today? PANAMA aka elminated before they had a chance to even qualify for the hex. Old Mexican teams were able towalk into any C.A. stadium and not be phased by the crowd, so far Mexico lost in ES and Hon and I'd put money on a Costa Rica !$* whooping too.

Time for Guadalupe and if I remember correctly they gave Mexico a lot of trouble last GC.
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