[::2009 Champion LAKERS OFF-SEASON THREAD Vol. Boring Non-News Days Causing In-Thread Tension::]

^ariza blew it.. LA LOVED that kid.. oh well. thats the NBA now.

we got a dude who wants to play for LA. wants to play tomorrow..

dennis rodman/rick fox 2.0 with an outside shot.

DANGEROUS - word to mj.
yea you got fans chanting dont go at the parade and at niketown. ariza was more than appreciated here. his agent *+*@** him.
We have enough money to resign LO though right?

I pray that LO stays, he said he would take less money to right?
23ska909red02 wrote:
^ I love that quote.

Like L.A. didn't appreciate Ariza.

If he's talking about the fans, he knows damn well we loved him.

If he's talking about being appreciated by being offered more money: negative, ghostrider.

So how exactly is your client more appreciated in his new home, Mr. Lee?

You goofed.

He knows LA loved him. He got the second biggest pop after Kobe at the ralley. So he knew...

But I really think Lee gassed him up. Also I guess he thought the fans would pressue Mitch/Buss into making dumb move like we did with Walton.

It just kills me that he would have gotten the same money.

Somebody isn't telling the truth. That's all I know.

Maybe Ariza just wanted to be the man. If he would have just come out and said that I would have understood...

But I think there is more...

Since Artest said he stayed in LA since we beat them I think talks might have started since then. I don't see how in ONE day we get the Artest deal done.Last year we were after him for a month or two, but one day we get it done?

Ariza got played...at the same time he played himself. If you love LA then make your own decison. I would not be surprised if he fires Lee and soon.

I want to see the Artest press conferance. I wonder what number he will wear.

Folks asking about Lamar, I wouldn't worry. Ron Ron is his boy. Plus we saved by not giving Ariza 7 to 8 mil (that he didn't get anyway...let me stop Iam hella salty about that) so I think we are ok.
Originally Posted by Matt Barkley Heisman Number 8

yea you got fans chanting dont go at the parade and at niketown. ariza was more than appreciated here. his agent *+*@** him.
He was getting the biggest cheers from the crowd too. He definitely got screwed over by his agent.
Ariza's gonna be making more money with the Rockets cuz of the tax laws in Texas compared to that of California.
Ariza's an idiot. I think he thought he was gonna get a big payday, and ended up with around the same deal. The only good thing about it is that hehasn't signed on the dotted line yet.
So do you all think that if and hopefully when we do sign LO he will still be cool with coming off the bench? I am sure he will be he has to love winning.Cuz if not and we cant sign him our bench is gonna need a lot of help. Maybe Grant Hill or Barnes? What do you guys think?
KobeFan4ever wrote:
So do you all think that if and hopefully when we do sign LO he will still be cool with coming off the bench? I am sure he will be he has to love winning. Cuz if not and we cant sign him our bench is gonna need a lot of help. Maybe Grant Hill or Barnes? What do you guys think?

He came off the bench for the championship run....

I think he is used to it.
Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by KobeFan4ever

So do you all think that if and hopefully when we do sign LO he will still be cool with coming off the bench? I am sure he will be he has to love winning. Cuz if not and we cant sign him our bench is gonna need a lot of help. Maybe Grant Hill or Barnes? What do you guys think?
He came off the bench in the last 2 rounds of the playoffs....

I think he is used to it.
I know he was used to it but is he still there are a lot of teams that want him and can offer him a starting job..ie: the sun's I'm surehes cool with it but even if we do sign him do you think we could add another guy to round out the bench?
With Ron you just gotta take the good with the bad and hope for more of the former than the latter.

Regardless of what a lot may think Ron was pretty bad last year and his defense was vastly overrated. He has to have the ball in his hands to be effective on offense and is a volume shooter. And not a good one at that which means poor efficiency. I frown upon poor efficiency
. He and T-Mac didn't gel well together. He's slow at running offensive sets and his lateral quickness is not there. Son unless Kobe's still the main individual defensive stopper, be in for long nights when a opposing scorer gets it going. He's clearly on the downside of his career

Sure he'll bring some newfound toughness to the team but as far as the overwhelming upgrade a lot of Laker posters seem to think it is, maybe marginal at best.

Take it from a Rocket fan who watched some painful hardships with him last year
1. We got Artest for cheap. This gives us more wiggle worm
2. Believe it or not Artest is a more versatile defender. He can guard 2s, 3s, and some 4s. I.E. Dirk, Boozer, etc. This makes our team extremelyinterchangeable. Every player MAJOR player plays multiple positions.
3. He's at a point where he just wants to win.
4. We finally get a true enforcer. He brings a physicality to this team. Even though the Lakers won the chip this year, I feel they still suffer from the"soft" stigma.
5. Techs Galore.
Idk bout Artest.. We can manage with Artest but I feel Ariza is more all around at this moment. But at least we got someone to replace Ariza instead of havingLuke carry the load.

So I'm not mad.
Dunno if it was said, but Trev did end up with more money from HOU, so I can't make fun of him for that and I can't hate on his agent..

LA only offered 3 years
HOU offered 5

Adande has an article that explains.

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Just as telling is the Lakers' decision to go with Artest instead of younger Trevor Ariza. It shows they're putting everything into these next three years and not worrying too much about the future. Ariza would have wanted a five-year contract; Artest was willing to come for three. The end of Artest's contract coincides with the reported opt-out clause for Bryant. We don't know whether Kobe will choose to leave in 2012, but we do know this: He'll be 33 that summer, turning 34 in August. The three years with Artest probably represent Bryant's last stages of physical superiority over the opposition. He'll still be ahead of the pack in knowledge and determination, but we've already seen some slipping in his athletic ability and it will only decline from here.
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