2 black girls brutally beat 1 white girl *Video*

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Except that white girl is really a MAN.

The Bilerico Project has broken a story concerning the beating of a transgender woman in a Baltiomore McDonald’s.  Apparently the woman got into an altercation with two other female patrons in the rest room.  What is tragic is the non-reaction of the McDonald’s staff, they did nothing except film the incident with their phone.  The incident which lasts over 3 minutes is very disturbing and we have chosen not to post it on LGBT Weekly.  You can view the entire incident on the Bilerico Project athttp://www.bilerico.com/2011/04/transwoman_severely_beaten_at_baltimore_mcdonalds.php.

LGBT activists in Maryland are investigating the incident and two arrests have already been made.  This is the third reported incident at McDonald’s involving a transgender person getting attacked.  If you want to tell McDonald’s that you are not “loving it,
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Except that white girl is really a MAN.

Apparently, the transgender man was in the woman's bathroom. Claim racism all you want, but im hearing the seizure was all act as well.

Dunno whether or not this is true, but if it is, does that make it acceptable for them to beat on him/her like that?
You don't beat someone damn near death unless they physically threaten your life..No reason why they had to continuously return and beat on the victim after they "got their point across"
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Except that white girl is really a MAN.

Apparently, the transgender man was in the woman's bathroom. Claim racism all you want, but im hearing the seizure was all act as well.

Dunno whether or not this is true, but if it is, does that make it acceptable for them to beat on him/her like that?
You don't beat someone damn near death unless they physically threaten your life..No reason why they had to continuously return and beat on the victim after they "got their point across"
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

They kept stomping her in the head, it's very easy to get a seizure from that many concussions in such a short period of time.
I 100% understand this. I am saying, from personal experience, when I arrive on scene from a seizure call, I have never seen a seizure from a beating/fight let alone stomping to the head.
Damn...I've seen a few on ufc youtube vids, they're not pretty.
The sad thing is though, that as a casual MMA fan, I am actually kinda surprised that there aren't more seizures in these types of fight
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Except that white girl is really a MAN.

Apparently, the transgender man was in the woman's bathroom. Claim racism all you want, but im hearing the seizure was all act as well.

Dunno whether or not this is true, but if it is, does that make it acceptable for them to beat on him/her like that?
You don't beat someone damn near death unless they physically threaten your life..No reason why they had to continuously return and beat on the victim after they "got their point across"

Its true, thats a man they beat up.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Except that white girl is really a MAN.

Apparently, the transgender man was in the woman's bathroom. Claim racism all you want, but im hearing the seizure was all act as well.

Dunno whether or not this is true, but if it is, does that make it acceptable for them to beat on him/her like that?
You don't beat someone damn near death unless they physically threaten your life..No reason why they had to continuously return and beat on the victim after they "got their point across"

Its true, thats a man they beat up.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

They kept stomping her in the head, it's very easy to get a seizure from that many concussions in such a short period of time.
I 100% understand this. I am saying, from personal experience, when I arrive on scene from a seizure call, I have never seen a seizure from a beating/fight let alone stomping to the head.
Damn...I've seen a few on ufc youtube vids, they're not pretty.
The sad thing is though, that as a casual MMA fan, I am actually kinda surprised that there aren't more seizures in these types of fight
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Except that white girl is really a MAN.

Apparently, the transgender man was in the woman's bathroom. Claim racism all you want, but im hearing the seizure was all act as well.

Dunno whether or not this is true, but if it is, does that make it acceptable for them to beat on him/her like that?
You don't beat someone damn near death unless they physically threaten your life..No reason why they had to continuously return and beat on the victim after they "got their point across"
there's always going to be one person in these threads making irrelevant excuses....nothing she did prior to that warranted their reaction.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Except that white girl is really a MAN.

Apparently, the transgender man was in the woman's bathroom. Claim racism all you want, but im hearing the seizure was all act as well.

Dunno whether or not this is true, but if it is, does that make it acceptable for them to beat on him/her like that?
You don't beat someone damn near death unless they physically threaten your life..No reason why they had to continuously return and beat on the victim after they "got their point across"
there's always going to be one person in these threads making irrelevant excuses....nothing she did prior to that warranted their reaction.
Originally Posted by taymane23

there is two sides to every story all we saw was the beating we don't know what was said or what caused it we just know shawty threw a seizure I still don't see how people say that she's dead though

would those two sides or whatever was said or whatever caused it matter if the person died?  if that "girl" is dead, they flat out murdered someone

as the girl sat there against the wall in pain, those other people could have left, she wasnt a threat to anyone at that point
Originally Posted by taymane23

there is two sides to every story all we saw was the beating we don't know what was said or what caused it we just know shawty threw a seizure I still don't see how people say that she's dead though

would those two sides or whatever was said or whatever caused it matter if the person died?  if that "girl" is dead, they flat out murdered someone

as the girl sat there against the wall in pain, those other people could have left, she wasnt a threat to anyone at that point
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Except that white girl is really a MAN.

Apparently, the transgender man was in the woman's bathroom. Claim racism all you want, but im hearing the seizure was all act as well.

Dunno whether or not this is true, but if it is, does that make it acceptable for them to beat on him/her like that?
You don't beat someone damn near death unless they physically threaten your life..No reason why they had to continuously return and beat on the victim after they "got their point across"
there's always going to be one person in these threads making irrelevant excuses....nothing she did prior to that warranted their reaction.
exactly. there really isn't an excuse for that
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Except that white girl is really a MAN.

Apparently, the transgender man was in the woman's bathroom. Claim racism all you want, but im hearing the seizure was all act as well.

Dunno whether or not this is true, but if it is, does that make it acceptable for them to beat on him/her like that?
You don't beat someone damn near death unless they physically threaten your life..No reason why they had to continuously return and beat on the victim after they "got their point across"
there's always going to be one person in these threads making irrelevant excuses....nothing she did prior to that warranted their reaction.

Where exactly did I make an excuse? My point is you have no idea what happened prior to prompt the fight... Did it need to go THAT far? No. but eh... +#++ happens.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Except that white girl is really a MAN.

Apparently, the transgender man was in the woman's bathroom. Claim racism all you want, but im hearing the seizure was all act as well.

Dunno whether or not this is true, but if it is, does that make it acceptable for them to beat on him/her like that?
You don't beat someone damn near death unless they physically threaten your life..No reason why they had to continuously return and beat on the victim after they "got their point across"
there's always going to be one person in these threads making irrelevant excuses....nothing she did prior to that warranted their reaction.
exactly. there really isn't an excuse for that
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Except that white girl is really a MAN.

Apparently, the transgender man was in the woman's bathroom. Claim racism all you want, but im hearing the seizure was all act as well.

Dunno whether or not this is true, but if it is, does that make it acceptable for them to beat on him/her like that?
You don't beat someone damn near death unless they physically threaten your life..No reason why they had to continuously return and beat on the victim after they "got their point across"
there's always going to be one person in these threads making irrelevant excuses....nothing she did prior to that warranted their reaction.

Where exactly did I make an excuse? My point is you have no idea what happened prior to prompt the fight... Did it need to go THAT far? No. but eh... +#++ happens.
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Dunno whether or not this is true, but if it is, does that make it acceptable for them to beat on him/her like that?
You don't beat someone damn near death unless they physically threaten your life..No reason why they had to continuously return and beat on the victim after they "got their point across"
there's always going to be one person in these threads making irrelevant excuses....nothing she did prior to that warranted their reaction.

Where exactly did I make an excuse? My point is you have no idea what happened prior to prompt the fight... Did it need to go THAT far? No. but eh... +#++ happens.
if you're not i apologize. I hope they get punished to the fullest extent of the law.
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Dunno whether or not this is true, but if it is, does that make it acceptable for them to beat on him/her like that?
You don't beat someone damn near death unless they physically threaten your life..No reason why they had to continuously return and beat on the victim after they "got their point across"
there's always going to be one person in these threads making irrelevant excuses....nothing she did prior to that warranted their reaction.

Where exactly did I make an excuse? My point is you have no idea what happened prior to prompt the fight... Did it need to go THAT far? No. but eh... +#++ happens.
if you're not i apologize. I hope they get punished to the fullest extent of the law.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

there's always going to be one person in these threads making irrelevant excuses....nothing she did prior to that warranted their reaction.

Where exactly did I make an excuse? My point is you have no idea what happened prior to prompt the fight... Did it need to go THAT far? No. but eh... +#++ happens.
if you're not i apologize. I hope they get punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Same here, #$@* was dumb they shoulda just left it alone. Im pretty sure there going to get hit with a "hate" crime. 
Originally Posted by Teymur85

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by Teymur85

Originally Posted by ErickM713

It disgust me when people record %!@+ like this.

But why'd OP even bother posting this?

This doesn't need a damn thread, just gonna incite some %!@+. 

This absolutely needs to be posted, and every single person on this planet needs to study this video. The only way we are ever going to fight the racism in this country and this world is by understanding how deeply rooted our problems are. You cant duck your head into sand and pretend like this crime never occurred. An analogy to what you said is 'it disgusts me why we teach our children about slavery and civil rights abuses of the past. All its going to do is incite some %!@+. Thats not right pal.

Did dis dude jus say dis? Bulls fan too? Cmon bruh.

Read a good article or book and you will learn far more.

Why don't more people post that type of content??
Son, I am pretty well read. Take some of your own advice. Of course everyone needs to see this, if not, then why do we watch the news? Your reply is contradictory because at first you say why should people learn about this crime and see what is actually happening in our world and then next post you say go read a book to learn something.

I don't watch the news on tv... people that do are fools. Online content surpasses tv news in every way: veracity, depth, opinions, et.

Everyone knows the human condition. Why must we continually post savage videos to understand something elucidated throughout our history? Again, these threads are beyond my understanding.
Originally Posted by Teymur85

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by Teymur85

Originally Posted by ErickM713

It disgust me when people record %!@+ like this.

But why'd OP even bother posting this?

This doesn't need a damn thread, just gonna incite some %!@+. 

This absolutely needs to be posted, and every single person on this planet needs to study this video. The only way we are ever going to fight the racism in this country and this world is by understanding how deeply rooted our problems are. You cant duck your head into sand and pretend like this crime never occurred. An analogy to what you said is 'it disgusts me why we teach our children about slavery and civil rights abuses of the past. All its going to do is incite some %!@+. Thats not right pal.

Did dis dude jus say dis? Bulls fan too? Cmon bruh.

Read a good article or book and you will learn far more.

Why don't more people post that type of content??
Son, I am pretty well read. Take some of your own advice. Of course everyone needs to see this, if not, then why do we watch the news? Your reply is contradictory because at first you say why should people learn about this crime and see what is actually happening in our world and then next post you say go read a book to learn something.

I don't watch the news on tv... people that do are fools. Online content surpasses tv news in every way: veracity, depth, opinions, et.

Everyone knows the human condition. Why must we continually post savage videos to understand something elucidated throughout our history? Again, these threads are beyond my understanding.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

there's always going to be one person in these threads making irrelevant excuses....nothing she did prior to that warranted their reaction.

Where exactly did I make an excuse? My point is you have no idea what happened prior to prompt the fight... Did it need to go THAT far? No. but eh... +#++ happens.
if you're not i apologize. I hope they get punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Same here, #$@* was dumb they shoulda just left it alone. Im pretty sure there going to get hit with a "hate" crime. 
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