16 year old murders his mother in cold blood in da bronx

You heard the story of the little child soldier forced to kill people in his village by own his father and brother, forced to sniff gun powder and coke, murder villages of people, rape and eat people, and cause terror? Well I've seen them and they are still living because they STILL have a PURPOSE and they didn't go kill their dad or brother. There is no excuse.

yeah and there is a standard way to handle extreme trauma :lol:
yeah and there is a standard way to handle extreme trauma
So in other words your supporting the kid murking his mom? That is plain out sick. You and DC have yet to provide a valid reason for his crime. There is no excuse. You telling me Steezy you would murk your mom if she molested you?

Like I said, only two reasons. He is mentally ill or he is just flat out sick.
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All I am saying is we don't know what this woman did to this child


A single 34 year old woman, with 2 kids, one of which was 16, working at White Castle. No good was gonna come from that.

She was at that age where she was beginning to realize she ****** over the best years of her life. Ain't no tellin how she reacted to that realization.
No excuse for who? I am not even trying to troll here but we don't know what this woman did to this boy to put him in a state of rage.
Yea it is easy for us to say, "There is never a reason to kill" but we don't know unless we have lived with something so traumatic that would push us over the edge.
Don't take this as me endorsing this behavior.

I have to agree. What a mess, im very curious as to what his motive was.
DC I get you.

But regardless of the fact it was in cold blood, it wasn't in the heat of an argument or something to that extent. And it was premeditated, if he had enough thought to get a gun, wait till she fell asleep shot her, and then finish her off with a bat and move her body he could've left the house or gotten some type of help.
Dude, how are you still defending this? There is no excuse. Even if she raped him or molested him or beat him up or starved him, no excuse. Why murk your mom? No excuse. Now please stop trolling.
 Did this guy just really say this ?

So if somebody starved you, you would not kill to survive and eat ?

Never mind you should have just left it at no excuse and said nothing else 

Are nike talkers really that far gone from reality or is this just a new troll thing to do.
RIP to the mom
.  Could never do that to my mom, and we've got into plenty of arguments.   I'll refrain from saying anything about the kid until more details come out...
I'm not totally against him. Many mothers world wide are emotionally abusive. I know for many people getting mad over stuff like that is weak and what not but when you have to deal with an emotionally abusive person who you are also reliant upon for survival it becomes infuriating.

I agree because I can relate. I do a good job of channeling it inside but yes it is infuriating. a lot of times I treasure every moment away from home.
wow that is sad man. **** that kid man i hope he gets violated in whatever cell he rots in...
RIP to the mother.

Did he offer an explanation at all? Not that it would justify such violence. Must be some mentally instability there.
Was not surprised the thread turned out this way. Yes there are plenty of bad mothers out there, but this thread isn't about that. Make another thread for that. Its about a sick kid that killed his parent like she was an animal. You have to feel for the younger sister. No father and now no mother.
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