14 Dead, 50 Hurt In Batman Movie Shooting

i just wonder, why would parents take their kids to a midnight screening? 6-year-old died in the shooting, a baby was hurt in the shooting.. why would you wanna take your kids to a movie, at midnight?:smh:

It's been asked numerous times (including by me) and I still don't understand it. :smh:
Hell i dunno, maybe because they are fans of the movie?
How hard is it to understand that people want to see the premiere of a trilogy on day 1?

Also it seems like y'all talk about these people like they knew someone would be shooting the movie up, give them a break :smh:
As if the US needed more reasons to track everything we do And take away any kind of privacy we do have. Watch as this somehow becomes a spearhead for more restrictive laws within this presidential election

it's always easy to say "they're gonna take away our rights" when the situation doesnt affect you personally
the fact that people can buy guns so easily is what caused this. if it would be more difficult to buy guns and ammo, you think he'd be able to kill so many people?

even though it is in the constitution, **** like this only happens in the US, not anywhere else
guess u aint hear what happened in europe a month back...

all gun control laws do is disarm law biting citizens....criminals can get guns whenever they want.
basically i saw a video on youtube of a dude saying how changing gun laws wouldn't do anything because dude would just have planned it with another weapon of choice its just some sick ***** people on this planet man 
One of the dudes that died :frown:

" Sullivan died on his 27th birthday, celebrating with a movie with a big group of friends.

"Oh man one hour till the movie and its going to be the best BIRTHDAY ever," he tweeted before the movie started. "

:frown: RIP again to all victims
This is really sad, but not a new concept to me. For those of you who live in NYC (Queens specifically) you know about the Sunrise Mall movie theatre. It used to be really bad years ago. There were shootings on the regular there. So much so, that movie to this day has metal detectors, that's pretty sad. This is why hype is so unnecessary. This doesn't make sense.
Hate that theater so ******g much.
When I first heard about this I only felt sorrow and sympathy. But when I went to go watch the movie it was terrifying! Everybody was scared every time a new person walked in.
the fact that people can buy guns so easily is what caused this. if it would be more difficult to buy guns and ammo, you think he'd be able to kill so many people?

even though it is in the constitution, **** like this only happens in the US, not anywhere else
guess u aint hear what happened in europe a month back...

Norway is what you're talking about right? Or maybe the one in France, but that one was a terrorist affiliated w/ Al Qaeda who was the equivalent of a suicide bomber in essence, not to diminish that horrible event in any way.

Norway's gun crime statistics make the US look like a 3rd world country in a civil war. You know how many spree killings have happened in the US just since Columbine? The fact that you can order 6,000 rounds within 4 months as a single person is an embarrassing indictment of our system. Having some kind of monitoring system where 6000 friggin rounds to the same address should have triggered a red flag.

Compare these numbers:

In France, the annual rate of firearm homicide per 100,000 population is

2008: 0.2310
2007: 0.1610 7
2006: 0.1810
2005: 0.2
2004: 0.22


In Norway, the annual rate of firearm homicide per 100,000 population is

2009: 0.19
2008: 0.06
2007: 0.0419 16
2006: 0.2119
2005: 0.11
2004: 0.26

In the United States, the annual rate of firearm homicide per 100,000 population is

2009: 2.985
2008: 3.12
2007: 3.36
2006: 3.42
2005: 3.43
2004: 3.20


Gun ownership in Norway is common, although strict gun regulations and limitations are in place on ammunition for certain kinds of guns.

A report last year by the Norwegian Broadcasting Co., or NRK, estimated that there are more than 1.5 million firearms in Norway, being used not only for hunting but also for shooting, one of Norway's most popular sports.

In addition to guns held legally, the NRK estimated another half a million had been smuggled into the county illegally.

The rules for having a gun at home have been tightened in recent years, with gun safes becoming mandatory, according to local Norwegian news reports, The end cap of guns must be removed before storage, and those without a gun safe must remove components of the weapon before it is stored, essentially disabling it. In addition, Norwegians have been told the vital parts of the weapon should be locked up separately.

Clearly this is a cultural and societal issue with us as Americans, b/c other countries don't seem to have this issue...or issues with limitations on guns like we do. Hell we have had American serviceman (Robert Bales) go on a damn killing crusade in another country...this stuff is so sickening and this probably won't be the last time unfortunately.
apparently this guy was raised up under an upper middle class, went to UC Riverside and graduated with the highest honors. Couldn't find a job so applied for PHD in University of Colorado. Dropped out, and went crazy ever since. He portrayed himself as the Joker. Looks like he took the anarchist philosophy to heart. Fool is crazy as hell. He even booby trapped his apartment in hopes of killing more ppl.

who the hell does that? :x:x
This is why I disagree with carrying guns legally, I.e the thread last month that happened in portland?

Id like to hear what excuse all those people in that thread that said its no big deal showing off and carrying your gun arouń.

You never know with people these days. H
I don't even watch movies in theaters anymore, I just wait and eventually can catch it everywhere on the web. This guy was a real psycho.
police confirmed he has been planning this for months buying supplies and preparing for the night
This is really sad, but not a new concept to me. For those of you who live in NYC (Queens specifically) you know about the Sunrise Mall movie theatre. It used to be really bad years ago. There were shootings on the regular there. So much so, that movie to this day has metal detectors, that's pretty sad. This is why hype is so unnecessary. This doesn't make sense.
Yall aint lying man. I live in Rosedale, and its walking distance from me. I never go there though. I either go to the ave or further out in Long Island. I really dont feel like going through that metal detector just to see a damn movie on those POS screens, but it seems Metal detectors might almost be necessary now... smh
One thing that really has me confused is why he told the cops that his place was booby trapped if his intent was to kill as many people as possible
Right now, live on CNN, they're burning the evidence they worked 2 days to pull from the suspect's apartment...

Something ain't right.
One thing that really has me confused is why he told the cops that his place was booby trapped if his intent was to kill as many people as possible
The more evidence that comes out, I'm figuring the focus is supposed to stay on the guns...
"He said pictures from inside the apartment are fairly disturbing and the devices look to be sophisticated, adding the booby-traps were 'something I've never seen.' One rifle, two handguns, a knife, a bullet proof vest, a ballistic helmet, a gas device, a gas mask, military SWAT clothing and unidentified explosives were also found in Holmes' car, a law enforcement source told CBS News. Oates said Holmes wore a gas mask, a ballistic helmet and vest as well as leg, groin and throat protectors during the shooting."

In other words, this guy was equipped with exotic gear by someone with connections to military equipment. SWAT clothing, explosives, complex booby-traps... c'mon, this isn't a "lone gunman." This is somebody who was selected for a mission, given equipment to carry it out, then somehow brainwashed into getting it done.


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come on now.. you can get those things with enough determination and know how.

dude wasnt an unemployed med student.. he was a grad student studying neuroscience.. they receive a stipend
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