14 Dead, 50 Hurt In Batman Movie Shooting

really terrible to happen to innocent people who just wanted to enjoy a film:smh:... RIP and condolences to the families
I highly doubt this dude would be hesitant....

Do you know how many nerds dress as the characters portrayed in movies on opening night? I doubt any eyebrows would have been raised had he walked in dressed as he was when he was arrested.
Kinda makes you fearful for a Ghostbusters sequel.

'The assailant claims to be the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.'
Just terrible...this has to be one of the worst places to have an attack. You're a sitting duck, nowhere to run and hide, and you're so focused on the screen that something like this is the hardest thing to comprehend when it happens. I bet some people still didn't even realize what was going on until minutes after he started shooting. Of course this could happen at a mall, grocery store, etc. but at least those places give you some chance of surviving or trying to fight back. There's nothing in the theater you can grab to use as a weapon unless you're carrying your own.
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Just terrible...this has to be one of the worst places to have an attack. You're a sitting duck, nowhere to run and hide, and you're so focused on the screen that something like this is the hardest thing to comprehend when it happens. I bet some people still didn't even realize what was going on until minutes after he started shooting. Of course this could happen at a mall, grocery store, etc. but at least those places give you some chance of surviving or trying to fight back. There's nothing in the theater you can grab to use as a weapon unless you're carrying your own.
The sheer sensory deprivation that theaters provide is also just a living hell when compromised. 
You know, I have a feeling copycats will be popping up, not only in the U.S, but around the world. :smh:
this is so sad on so many levels, a reason why I never goto movies on release and wait 4days-week. Doesn't guarntee anything but less people to worry about. And is sad but I feel you're right about copycats, new generation is FULL of followers.
I just can't comprehend the young victims (kids). I know most places school is out, but with a movie as loud and action packed as this....why are you bringing babies and kids under 10 to watch a movie at midnight?
I wonder if the murderer is a product of !!@#!@ parents raising a !@#!@# child

We'll find that out in a few days when all the news shows and experts analyze the parents and the guy's childhood. People are complex and sometimes there aren't easy answers. Someone's mind can be messed up no matter what type of upbringing or environment they grew up in. A person can just be naturally evil. I'm sure there are murderers who had normal childhoods.
We'll find that out in a few days when all the news shows and experts analyze the parents and the guy's childhood. People are complex and sometimes there aren't easy answers. Someone's mind can be messed up no matter what type of upbringing or environment they grew up in. A person can just be naturally evil. I'm sure there are murderers who had normal childhoods.

True. I wouldn't be surprised though if they blame this on Call Of Duty or something.
TMZ has his alleged profile on Adult Friend Finder. Has a few pics of him with the red hair and he put "Will you visit me in prison" on his profile :smh:
I know someone posted pics already of him with his red hair but look what he said on his profile :smh:
Also this stuff had me do research today on mental illnesses especially sociopaths. Sociopaths feel no remorse at all. Maybe this guy was one of them. They also mentioned that genetics MAY play a role in this, so it may not have anything to do with the way he was brought up. It did mention that all sociopaths aren't murderers though which is something that I recently thought. Watching too many of them criminal shows. Anyway the truth about will be coming out in a matter of no time.
FRIDAY, JUL 20, 2012 4:20 PM UTC
[h1]Aurora: We shouldn’t be surprised[/h1]
[h2]It's shocking that shootings like the one in Aurora don't happen more often: They're easy to carry out[/h2]


Eyewitness Chandler Brannon, 25, sits outside Gateway High School where witnesses were brought for questioning after a shooting at a movie theater showing the Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises," Friday, July 20, 2012 in Aurora. A gunman wearing a gas mask set off an unknown gas and fired into the crowded movie theater killing 12 people and injuring at least 50 others, authorities said. (AP Photo/Barry Gutierrez)  (Credit: AP/Barry Gutierrez)

America is a violent country – our homicide rate is four to 12 times higher than that in more civilized parts of the world – and Aurora, Colo., is more violent than the average American town. A down-market suburb of Denver, it sees an average of about 20 of its 325,000 residents murdered each year.

This fact is a matter of almost total indifference to the local – let alone the national – media, since the murders are rarely considered noteworthy by the news business, which is to say the victims are rarely either sufficiently rich or telegenic to garner more than cursory attention.

A lot of people – about 15,000 at present – get murdered in the United States every year. Most of these people get killed in places that, roughly speaking, look something like Aurora: places where the people are poorer and less white than in America in general, and who are therefore by definition not very interesting or important.

Of course these rules don’t hold if some lunatic kills a dozen people at once, especially in a normally innocuous public space, such as a multi-screen movie theater, which interesting and important people can picture themselves within. So today murder in Aurora, Colo., is an interesting and important topic.

Among other things, this kind of crime highlights the absurdity of “security theater” – the almost wholly symbolic rigmarole to which Americans subject ourselves in a few symbolic places, such as airports, government buildings and the like. Anybody in this country who wants to kill a lot of people in a crowded public space can do so fairly easily. The fact this almost never happens – and that when it does happen the act almost never has a political motive – indicates how wildly overstated the threat of terrorism is in America today.

If we faced any kind of real terrorist threat, incidents like the Aurora shooting (except with a political motive) would happen all the time, since, again, there’s nothing that can be done to stop them. That they don’t illustrates the extent to which “terrorism” is a politically useful bogeyman, deployed by the national security state for reasons that have almost nothing to with actual considerations of public safety and everything to do with cultivating a sufficiently fearful and docile populace.

Indeed, leaving aside considerations of terrorism altogether, the surprising thing about the Aurora shooting is that incidents of this type don’t happen more often. We live in a (compared to the rest of the developed world) extraordinarily violent, deeply economically stratified nation, with more than 270 million guns floating around – enough to arm every adult and half the kids in the nation.

A lot of Americans are broke, or angry, or paranoid, or all three, and a lot of these people are heavily armed. It’s not exactly a shock that this combination of factors helps produce 15,000 murders per year.
:smh: Its a senseless tragedy, but people are going to overreact and then we'll have a TSA style security entrance to get into the movie. :smh:
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