'12 Bulls

Giving up 100+ to the Kings is unacceptable.

We seem to always have problems with holding leads against these bums
Boozer played like +!#! as usual.  Despite his 16 points (many of which came on dimes he got right next to the basket that my grandmother could have made), his plus-minus was still -12, worst on the team.

On a positive note, Korver seems to have gotten his confidence back somewhat this season after a terrible season last year.

I wouldn't be surprised if Rose plays against the Celtics tomorrow.
was VERY dissapointed in our effort from Sunday. That being said last night wasnt the best, but I loved the effort and scoring from Jo. I think Deng needs to be defending and not shooting though if hes going 3-11 in the fourth. Can't wait for Thursday, but I'd rather have Rose sit out if he has ANY doubts. We don't absolutely need him until the playoffs, even though it makes the Bulls 10 times funner to watch.
Speaking of Boozer...

[h2] http://blogs.thescore.com/tbj/2012/02/15/the-evolution-and-devolution-of-carlos-boozers-hair/[/h2]
The evolution and devolution of Carlos Boozer’s hair
[h2] [/h2] [h3] Posted by Mark Deeks under Chicago Bulls, NBA Fashion on Feb 15, 2012 [/h3]

As a paranoid man, I am well read in the ways of male pattern baldness. I’m not bald, but I will be, and it is not a comfortable admission. As a result, for some strange reason, I have taken to spotting the development of male pattern baldness in others, as something of a really horrible habit. This habit has been a particular magnetic draw in the case of Bulls forward Carlos Boozer, whose hair has had quite the week.

Boozer’s hair has had intrigue since the latter half of the 2010-11 season, when he started to grow it out somewhat. (And by “a bit,
Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Giving up 100+ to the Kings is unacceptable.

We seem to always have problems with holding leads against these bums

True, but Sacto. got hot...i mean they hit all kinds of jumpers in that fourth.
Lookin forward to this game tonight. Last meeting was
Couldn't do anything on offense w/o Rose which is a major problem that the F.O. refuses to address (No, signin Rip wasn't an attempt imo) With a healthy Rose, looking to run away w/ this game being as we were fightin w/ em on Sunday w/o him
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Our F.O doesn't give a *#%#... how in the hell are you in talks with Joel Przybilla but not J.R. Smith

You know thats not true. Its obvious the FO is leary of JR's past rep.
Someone give me the name of the refs. Ima burn their *%$$@!% housees down one at a time. Blow the #%!$ whistle you #%!$ damn zebra piece of #%!$
Oh my god.....did Boozer just one hand power slam that over O'Neal with the left!??????!??!?!?!?!??????!!
The second Mike James (who?) Mike James (who?) Mike James came in, the Bullies have stepped it up. And my goodness...have ya'll seen Boozer's stat line thus far??? And dont forget Noah missed a few bunnies early.
Originally Posted by arstyle27

You know thats not true. Its obvious the FO is leary of JR's past rep.

Even tough I believe Thibs can help tone down his knuckle headed ways, FO believes there's too much at risk with the team chemistry.

We get no respect from the refs....not even on our home court! sh!# is disgraceful.
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