12/18 WWE TLC PPV - Punk/Miz/Del Rio TLC Match, HHH/Nash Ladder Match, Ziggler/Ryder (p33)

So Rhodes couldn't just get a clean win over Booker? Booker had to get jumped twice in order to have Rhodes beat him? I don't get that.
At the fan grabbing his chest when Ryder won (Wish I watched the match)
Instead of spending 5 minutes showing a video package to build this match, they show highlights from the show we're all watching?
Originally Posted by im that one

Coulda built a Huge daniel bryan vs. Big show match for WM.
Sorry man, no one would have looked forward to that.

It's unfortunate but I don't see Bryan lasting past Royal Rumble w/ the strap. And that's like a 1 month reign.
I don't think they have any long term plans for him as Champ...I believe it was done now to get his cash in out the way...there's no way DBry main events Mania this year, he's not "established" enough.

Maybe Bryan turns heel now? Smackdown is short on heels...Bryan could easily be turned.

Just realized Punk and Bryan are World champs in WWE. The ROH boys
Originally Posted by StillIn729

this is a terrible PPV so far

First 3 matches were good.  After that, it fell off a cliff.  Hopefully this main event can save it.
- Dean Ambrose was back in action losing to Daniel Bryan at the WWE live event on Long Island last night. Ambrose and Bryan have received rave reviews on their matches this weekend.

- As noted last week, WWE hired Andrew Judelson, who has worked for Sports Illustrated & the NHL among others, as their new Executive Vice President of Sales & Partnership Marketing. Officials are looking at Judelson to help secure new endorsement deals for their Superstars on a level we haven’t seen before, at least as far as WWE goes.

- As noted before, WWE officials are very high on FCW star Dean Ambrose (Jon Moxley), who is currently on the road with the main roster. Ambrose is viewed as the best talent in FCW as far as all-around potential goes.

Ambrose and Seth Rollins (Tyler Black) are seen as being much better than the rest of the FCW roster and have changed some WWE officials’ perceptions on guys that come from the independents.
I wish Punk walked out with the belt and they lowered the ring holding the belt up and raised it up like the did in the old days...
This has to be the first time in years that neither Orton or Cena were in the main event while not being injured.
Originally Posted by masondid

I wish Punk walked out with the belt and they lowered the ring holding the belt up and raised it up like the did in the old days...

thought the same thing
Del Rio has become so stale to me; I think the WWE needs to move Dolph towards their top heel talent
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by masondid

I wish Punk walked out with the belt and they lowered the ring holding the belt up and raised it up like the did in the old days...

thought the same thing

no time for that..

wwe had to tell everybody want happen so far in the ppv..
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

This has to be the first time in years that neither Orton or Cena were in the main event while not being injured.

one of the only positive things about this PPV. 
but i think Vince set this up on purpose, low buy rates for tonights PPV will just justify in his out of touch mind why cena needs to be in the main event every PPV.
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