10/23 WWE Vengeance PPV - Del Rio vs Cena Last Man Stndng, Punk/HHH vs Miz/Truth, Henry vs Show p19

So Awesome Truth won?

Wasn't paying much attention to the match because I was watching Boardwalk Empire.
Originally Posted by AirVandal180

He might've legit broken his collarbone there. That or he's selling really well.

i don't know, area around his collarbone was swollen like a beach ball when he was walking up the ramp.
Why are they still involving Nash...smh..stupid.

I hate Laurenitis with a passion...and the fact that he keeps mentioning his title, I wanna throw rocks at his face.
the whole paper bagging thing would be important if Orton wasn't the first person Cody did that too. Had he been giving people on the roster not just fans the paper bag treatment, doing it to Orton would seem like a big deal...
lol, checkin in'.

did 4W announce me to the team yet?
you gotta be some kinda athlete to backflip straight onto your torso from 12+ feet in the air and keep going for 15 min.
Originally Posted by masondid

the whole paper bagging thing would be important if Orton wasn't the first person Cody did that too. Had he been giving people on the roster not just fans the paper bag treatment, doing it to Orton would seem like a big deal...

I really have no interest in this PPV, esp. the main event. I'll continue watching though.
With the baggers basically costing Rhodes the match,  I hope this is the end of them.  PLEASE.
No one was bagged.  I thought Orton would bag Rhodes.

I know it's been announced online already, but I can't believe they are announcing that The Rock is returning to action on TV without any type of storyline.
jw, did paul white ever pay swag rio back for all the pain he caused him when he +$*%! slapped him and had his ring announcer run over his limb with a vehichle?!
I'm gonna do so bad on the survey lol. I'm looking forward to Henry continue on his monster roll.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I know it's been announced online already, but I can't believe they are announcing that The Rock is returning to action on TV without any type of storyline.

was thinking the same thing.
i really think wwe thinks their viewers have the attention span of an infant hamster.
like they won't even put two and two together about rock not even being in a storyline.
what's with this buffoonery with the heel champions trying to leave mid-match this year?
it's like an on-going theme.
shh makes them look weak as hell.
Originally Posted by masondid

the whole paper bagging thing would be important if Orton wasn't the first person Cody did that too. Had he been giving people on the roster not just fans the paper bag treatment, doing it to Orton would seem like a big deal...

This post screams "I don't watch Smackdown"
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