1/29 WWE ROYAL RUMBLE - Preview Pg 52, RR Pool Details Pg 1, RR Prediction Contest Pg 49!

My baby Beth and my concubine Natalya

I don't see nothing wrong with a little bump and grind

What if Kharma comes back?
k, i thought tamina was heel.
i thought bellas were face-%%!
i thought divas of doom didn't like divas like the bellas
i thought beth just squashed brie on superstars last week.
Shouldn't Eve be mourning Zack Ryder?
Yeah Cole, Eve looks real shook up as she's out there posing an dancing.  God I hate Eve.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Cena needs to head a heel stable.


Cena will play the heel role heading into WM without actually turning heel, basically because they have no choice since people will choose The Rock over him.  Then after that, it will be back to the normal Cena babyface character we all hate so much.

78 entries in the RR Prediction Contest.  That's a new record.


which means we will probably get the results around the time you post the Elimination Chamber survey?
i swear with all this build-up for Rock v. Cena this match better be the greatest match of all time.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]holy hell, this match has gone on for a long time.[/color]
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