1/29 WWE ROYAL RUMBLE - Preview Pg 52, RR Pool Details Pg 1, RR Prediction Contest Pg 49!

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Segment is still comedy.�

Got a good feelin' about the survey..Think it's a top 10'er for sure..Which means i'll be near the bottom of the list..
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by casekicks

Got a good feelin' about the survey..Think it's a top 10'er for sure..Which means i'll be near the bottom of the list..

tell us more, bro.

Ok..Well I guess it's best to start at the beginning..I was born in 1978 in early summer..Had a fairly normal childhood filled with fun times and happiness..I have 1 brother who is 3 years older than me..We were very active as kids and participated in several organized sports..I attended a private school until the 8th grade when I transfered to public school..Did pretty well in my academics and was moving right along in school until I started to hang out with the wrong crowd..Finally decided to grow up and leave the bad crowd alone and move on with life..Got married at 21 and bought my first house..Few years later got hurt and had several back surgeries..Got divorced a few years after that and stayed single for awhile..Found a great woman and we got married..4 years ago we had a beautiful baby boy..So now I get to stay home and take care of him, which is the greatest thing to me..So thats pretty much it brasilianbutthole, anything else I can tell you or is that enough for your snarky @$#?..Have a nice day
Originally Posted by 4wrestling


The prediction contests were a lot of fun last year.  This year we will have the entire year of shows to keep track of overall standings.  WrestleMania will be worth 2,000 points.  Royal Rumble, Summerslam, and Survivor Series will be worth 1,000 points.  All other PPVs will be worth 500 points.
Sorry for the delay guys.  Hopefully everyone still has time to make their picks.  I think this should be a really fun one.  The contest will remain open until 8pm et at the start of the Royal Rumble PPV.

you should throw in a few tna ppv's this year to the contest as i think tna ppv's are more unpredictable
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

I got reckless on that survey

Same with me I had like five guys I wanted to pick as the Rumble winner, and just flipped a coin over the two I thought most was gonna win.I agree we should do a survey whether it's totaled with the WWE servers or made separate, TNA's PPVs could result in any outcome possible. It would be added fun...
I'm not going to be able to see the Rumble until Wednesday, so to avoid spoilers I'm pulling a bkmac and disappearing for the rest of the week.

Peace jabronis!
looks like the wwe will give mason ryan another push, beginning tonight

eugene saying he will be at the rumble tonight
According to this interview with Metro, The Miz seems to have an opponent in mind for Mania this spring. In the interview, he calls out NBA star LeBron James when asked who he'd like to face at the huge event on April 1st, 2012:

LeBron James. I’m from Cleveland, Ohio. LeBron said he was going to bring an NBA Championship to the Cleveland Cavaliers. Cleveland suck at most sports, but finally we had this basketball savior, and what does he do? Backstabs us and goes to Miami Heat! Miami is where Wrestlemania will be, so I’d like to face him.
Okay my predictions...

Cena v. Kane = a Kane win via DQ...Cena snaps and goes to work on Kane with a chair...

Henry v. Show v. D Bry = a no decision as show and Henry will break through the cage and land on the ground at the same time...Bryan will be climbing out of the cage and hit the floor at the exact same time...Setup for the Elimination Chamber PPV...

#HEEL v. CM Punk = a clean win by Punk...Anybody else thinking Jeritroll will have some type of connection with this match? Thinking the "she" from the Jericho return promo's might end up being "EXCUSE ME!!"

Rumble Match = Randy Orton...Dirt sheets been saying for a long time that a Superstar from the B-Show will win it this year...
Legends Confirmed for Tonight's Rumble Match
Spoiler [+]
Mick Foley
Hacksaw Jim Duggan
The Road Dogg
Road Warrior Animal
Potential Spoiler for Tonight's World Heavyweight Title Cage Match
Mark Henry working with an injured groin has lead to him further injuring his knee.  Earlier in Henry's career, he had the reputation of being injured often and not working through the pain.  He did receive praise for continuing to work on TV with the injured groin, but his groin never healed and now he has an additional injury.  He has been held off house shows, but he is still expected to work tonight's match.  However, he will be limited.  If this will change the outcome of this match is not known.
got the survey in, not sure if I will be able to watch the rumble though..the connection here blows.

sucks, i really wanna watch it.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Potential Spoiler for Tonight's World Heavyweight Title Cage Match
Mark Henry working with an injured groin has lead to him further injuring his knee.  Earlier in Henry's career, he had the reputation of being injured often and not working through the pain.  He did receive praise for continuing to work on TV with the injured groin, but his groin never healed and now he has an additional injury.  He has been held off house shows, but he is still expected to work tonight's match.  However, he will be limited.  If this will change the outcome of this match is not known.
Nice job on the spoiler 4w

Posted: 01/29/126:07 AM
Royal rumble = Big gay orgy

I pulled a TennHouse and completed the survey drunk last night.

No idea what I picked for any of the matches.
do u guys think that the rumble winner is already penciled in or are they still discussing it?
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