1/29 WWE ROYAL RUMBLE - Preview Pg 52, RR Pool Details Pg 1, RR Prediction Contest Pg 49!

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

After fightHombreLobo superkicks Toine.
This is my move, I'll take it as an homage seeing as I love seeing Toine kicked in the face.
HombreLobo does a cartwheel and kicks Toine in the face.


Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Peep Game

at the Battle Royal winner

There is NOTHING funny about my win. I'll address my gorgeous victory to the later.
Nah, I was just laughing at you doing the sim, and you winning it

YardFather vs. TheDeek (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)
Spoiler [+]
Cruz Gangstamonte - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 255 pounds,, YardFather!!! (crowd cheers ********)

[YardFather comes to the ring. ]

Cruz Gangstamonte - and his opponent, weighing in at 200 pounds, he holds the United States Championship title belt, TheDeek!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[TheDeek walks to the ring. Martin Short is the referee for this contest. TheDeek gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from YardFather.
TheDeek walks around the ring.
(ding, ding, ding) YardFather hits a jumping elbow hrust on TheDeek.

Dennis Chrisposen - YardFather with a jumping elbow thrust.

[YardFather hits TheDeek with the back of his elbow.
TheDeek with an illegal chokehold on YardFather.
YardFather applies the clawhold on TheDeek.
YardFather gives TheDeek a reverse neckbreaker.
YardFather is back on his feet.
YardFather covers TheDeek.
Martin Short counts the pin.
...1 ...2
TheDeek kicks out.
TheDeek gets back to his feet.
TheDeek picks up YardFather and hits him with a Back Suplex.
TheDeek stands up.
TheDeek and YardFather go to the floor

Spoiler [+]
Dennis Chrisposen - If YardFather or TheDeek could get a weapon it would change the course of this match.

[Martin Short starts the count (.1)
TheDeek grabs YardFather and applies an arm wrench.
TheDeek grabs YardFather and applies an arm wrench.
YardFather is up again.
TheDeek kicks YardFather in the back of the leg.
YardFather moves back to his feet.
They head back into the ring.
TheDeek applies the clawhold on YardFather.
YardFather takes a slap to the face from TheDeek.
TheDeek moves back to his feet.
YardFather executes a split legged moonsault on to TheDeek.
Kneelock submission applied by YardFather.
Referee Martin Short is checking for a tap out.
... TheDeek is fighting the hold. ... ... TheDeek escapes.
YardFather sends TheDeek to ringside.
Martin Short starts the count (.1)
They lockup. YardFather sends TheDeek to the corner of ringside.
YardFather double underhook faceslams TheDeek hard to the TheDeek.
YardFather kicks TheDeek in the groin.
TheDeek nails the bridging back suplex on YardFather.
TheDeek stands up.
TheDeek and YardFather move back into the ring.
TheDeek grabs YardFather and applies an arm wrench.
YardFather climbs to his feet.
YardFather slaps TheDeek.
YardFather is hit with a backward kick.
TheDeek applies an arm wrench to YardFather.

Dennis Chrisposen - TheDeek executes a arm wrench.

[YardFather is back on his feet.
TheDeek does a handspring and hits YardFather with a bodyblock, what a move!
Now TheDeek standing.
TheDeek applies an arm wrench to YardFather.
TheDeek grabs YardFather and applies an arm wrench.
TheDeek covers YardFather hooking the leg.
Martin Short counts.
...1 ...2

Spoiler [+]
YardFather escapes.
YardFather moves back to his feet.
YardFather gets thrown into the turnbuckle. TheDeek comes over and smashes YardFather's head into it.
TheDeek slaps the face of YardFather.
TheDeek is up again.
TheDeek kicks YardFather in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat.
TheDeek sends YardFather into Martin Short he goes down.
TheDeek head butts YardFather.
TheDeek chants start.
TheDeek climbs to his feet.
YardFather climbs to his feet.
TheDeek nails YardFather with a huge slingshot sommersault splash.
4Wrestling runs to the ring.
4Wrestling punches YardFather repeatedly.
4Wrestling hits YardFather with a rolling elbow smash to the face.
4Wrestling chants start.
Ordered is restored.
Martin Short gets up.
YardFather is hit with a backward kick.
Now YardFather standing.
TheDeek nails YardFather with a huge slingshot sommersault splash.
Now TheDeek standing.
YardFather gets up.
YardFather gets hit with the Deek from TheDeek.
TheDeek covers YardFather hooking the leg.
Martin Short counts.
...1 ...2 ...3

Dennis Chrisposen - A WINNER IS YOU!

Cruz Gangstamonte - The winner of this match, TheDeek!!!

Generated by Zeus Pro
Copyright 2000
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Peep Game

at the Battle Royal winner

There is NOTHING funny about my win. I'll address my gorgeous victory to the later.
Nah, I was just laughing at you doing the sim, and you winning it

You may refer to me as the NTWE United States Champion and true and rightful number one contender to the NTWE Title, the Deek.

It's okay though. Win that title and give me my well deserved shot. You have till Monday to accept my offer.
4Wrestling runs to the ring.
4Wrestling punches YardFather repeatedly.
4Wrestling hits YardFather with a rolling elbow smash to the face.
4Wrestling chants start.
Ordered is restored.
Martin Short gets up.
YardFather is hit with a backward kick.
Now YardFather standing.
TheDeek nails YardFather with a huge slingshot sommersault splash.
Now TheDeek standing.
YardFather gets up.
YardFather gets hit with the Deek from TheDeek.
TheDeek covers YardFather hooking the leg.
Martin Short counts.
...1 ...2 ...3

Dennis Chrisposen - A WINNER IS YOU!

Cruz Gangstamonte - The winner of this match, TheDeek!!!

VeintiSiete & ImThatOne vs. NobleHymens (Tag-Team Championship)
Spoiler [+]
Cruz Gangstamonte - This match is a Standard Match tag match for the Tag-Team Championship titles. On there way to the ring at this time, VeintiSiete & ImThatOne!!!

[VeintiSiete & ImThatOne come to the ring. ]

Cruz Gangstamonte - and their opponents, the team of NobleHymens.

[NobleHymens walk to the ring. Martin Short is the referee for this match. NobelKane drops ImThatOne with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
ImThatOne executes a pumphandle suplex on NobelKane.
(ding, ding, ding) NobelKane rakes the face of ImThatOne in attempt to make a come back.
HymenMan tagged in by NobelKane.
HymenMan throws ImThatOne off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block.
HymenMan pulls ImThatOne's hair.
ImThatOne pokes HymenMan in the eyes.
ImThatOne tags VeintiSiete.
VeintiSiete does a cartwheel and kicks HymenMan in the face.
They lockup. VeintiSiete sends HymenMan to the corner of the ring.
VeintiSiete knifehand chops HymenMan.
VeintiSiete executes a jawbreakeron HymenMan.

Dennis Chrisposen - jawbreaker!

[HymenMan is up again.
VeintiSiete tackles HymenMan to the mat.
VeintiSiete stands up.
They lockup. VeintiSiete sends HymenMan to the corner of the ring.
HymenMan hits VeintiSiete with the crotch slam.
HymenMan sucks chants start in the crowd.

Dennis Chrisposen - Are you enjoying this match?

Cruz Gangstamonte - Yeah, you know it.

[VeintiSiete bites HymenMan's arm out of desparation.
HymenMan makes the tag to NobelKane.
HymenMan picks VeintiSiete up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him.
HymenMan picks up VeintiSiete and drops him neck first on the ropes.
VeintiSiete tackles HymenMan and pummels his head.
HymenMan stands up.
VeintiSiete gets drilled with an inverted back breaker.
HymenMan covers VeintiSiete hooking the leg.
Martin Short counts.
...1 ...2
VeintiSiete escapes.
Now VeintiSiete standing.
ImThatOne tagged in by VeintiSiete.
VeintiSiete picks up NobelKane and hits him with a Back Suplex.
ImThatOne lifts NobelKane into a vertical suplex.
VeintiSiete tackles NobelKane to the mat.

Dennis Chrisposen - NobelKane is being double teamed!

[NobelKane mule kicks VeintiSiete.
NobelKane covers VeintiSiete.
Martin Short counts.
VeintiSiete escapes.

Dennis Chrisposen - NobelKane should have known he wouldn't win the match with that. Why is he even bothering?

[VeintiSiete climbs to his feet.
NobelKane tags HymenMan.
HymenMan hits ImThatOne with a single arm DDT.
ImThatOne goes for a slingshot facebuster but HymenMan dodges the attack.
ImThatOne wraps his legs around HymenMan's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper.
Referee Martin Short is checking for a tap out.
... ... (AHHHH!) HymenMan escapes.
ImThatOne makes the tag to VeintiSiete.
ImThatOne hits HymenMan with a running powerbomb on to the mat.
VeintiSiete tackles HymenMan and pummels his head.
VeintiSiete is hit with a backward kick.
HymenMan goes for a pin.
Martin Short counts the pin.
...1 ...2
VeintiSiete kicks out.

Dennis Chrisposen - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like VeintiSiete.

[VeintiSiete moves back to his feet.
HymenMan hits VeintiSiete with a baba chop.

Cruz Gangstamonte - Follows up with a baba chop.

Spoiler [+]
[NobelKane tagged in by HymenMan.
HymenMan throws VeintiSiete off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline.
HymenMan neck snaps VeintiSiete.
HymenMan bounces VeintiSiete off the ropes and hits him with a backdrop.
HymenMan with a high crossbody on VeintiSiete.
HymenMan is back on his feet.
NobelKane brings in HymenMan for NobleHymens.
NobelKane hits a frog splash on VeintiSiete.
HymenMan fist drops VeintiSiete on the mat.
NobelKane grabs VeintiSiete and applies an arm wrench.

Dennis Chrisposen - Come on ref! Do something!! VeintiSiete is being double teamed!

[VeintiSiete goes for a power move but NobelKane dodges the attack.
VeintiSiete gets back to his feet.

Cruz Gangstamonte - This is how wrestling should be!

[NobelKane tagged in by HymenMan.
VeintiSiete knifehand chops NobelKane.
VeintiSiete brings in ImThatOne for VeintiSiete & ImThatOne.
NobelKane with a high crossbody on ImThatOne.
NobelKane climbs to his feet.
NobelKane makes the tag to HymenMan.
HymenMan fist drops ImThatOne on the mat.
Now HymenMan standing.
HymenMan fist drops ImThatOne on the mat.
HymenMan makes the tag to NobelKane.
ImThatOne sets NobelKane up DDTs him into the mat.
NobelKane is up again.

Dennis Chrisposen - This is the best match in the history of the WORLD!! Just kidding.

[ImThatOne brings in VeintiSiete for VeintiSiete & ImThatOne.
NobelKane bounces VeintiSiete off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
NobelKane gets back to his feet.
VeintiSiete gets up.
NobelKane pokes VeintiSiete in the eye with his thumb.
VeintiSiete tags in ImThatOne.
NobelKane trys for a front slam but ImThatOne avoids it.
NobelKane nails ImThatOne with a springboard dropkick.
NobelKane is back on his feet.
ImThatOne brings in VeintiSiete for VeintiSiete & ImThatOne.
NobelKane nails VeintiSiete with a belly-to-back suplex.
ImThatOne tagged in by VeintiSiete.
ImThatOne is back on his feet.
ImThatOne hits NobelKane with an atomic drop.
ImThatOne executes the sleeperhold on NobelKane.
Martin Short asks NobelKane if he quits.
... ... ImThatOne breaks the hold.

Dennis Chrisposen - Almost but no cigar!

[ImThatOne tags VeintiSiete.
They lockup. VeintiSiete sends NobelKane to the corner of the ring.

Cruz Gangstamonte - That's it cheat!! It's the only way to win!

[NobelKane punches VeintiSiete repeatedly.
NobelKane punches VeintiSiete in the gut.

Dennis Chrisposen - NobelKane with a fist to midsection.

[NobelKane tags in HymenMan.
NobelKane throws VeintiSiete off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block.
NobelKane tackles VeintiSiete.
HymenMan makes the tag to NobelKane.
NobelKane fist drops VeintiSiete on the mat.
NobelKane grabs VeintiSiete and applies an arm wrench.
NobelKane hits a frog splash on VeintiSiete.

Dennis Chrisposen - VeintiSiete is being double teamed!

[They lockup. VeintiSiete sends NobelKane to the corner of the ring.
VeintiSiete hits him with a back fist.

Dennis Chrisposen - NobelKane takes a back fist.

[VeintiSiete tags ImThatOne.
NobelKane picks ImThatOne up and executes a stomachbreaker.
NobelKane drags ImThatOne to the floor.
Martin Short starts the count (.1)
NobelKane throws a chair at ImThatOne.
NobelKane hits a frog splash on ImThatOne.
Now NobelKane standing.
NobelKane chokes ImThatOne with a microphone cable.
NobelKane hits a frog splash on ImThatOne.
NobelKane stands up.
They fight into the aisle.
ImThatOne stands up.
ImThatOne hits him with a back fist.
ImThatOne and NobelKane move back to ringside.
They head back into the ring.
NobelKane gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
NobelKane tags HymenMan.
ImThatOne kicks HymenMan in the back of the leg.
HymenMan tags in NobelKane.
NobelKane stands up.
NobelKane bounces ImThatOne off the ropes and clotheslines him.
NobelKane fist drops ImThatOne on the mat.
Now NobelKane standing.
VeintiSiete tagged in by ImThatOne.
NobelKane punches VeintiSiete in the head.
ImThatOne tagged in by VeintiSiete.
ImThatOne climbs to his feet.
ImThatOne drives a forearm into NobelKane.

Dennis Chrisposen - NobelKane takes a forearm smash.

[ImThatOne hits NobelKane with an earringer.
ImThatOne uses a snap mare takeover on NobelKane.
ImThatOne covers NobelKane hooking the leg.
Referee Martin Short makes the count.
NobelKane kicks out.

Cruz Gangstamonte - ImThatOne should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Now NobelKane standing.
ImThatOne kicks NobelKane in the groin.
ImThatOne hits the mat.
NobelKane is up again.
Kneelock submission applied by NobelKane.
Referee Martin Short is checking for a tap out.
... ... ImThatOne trys to escape. ... ... ImThatOne escapes.
NobelKane tags in HymenMan.
ImThatOne clotheslines HymenMan.
HymenMan hits ImThatOne with a heart punch.
ImThatOne stands up.
ImThatOne grabs HymenMan's head and hites him in the face.
HymenMan tags in NobelKane.
NobelKane hits the fallaway slam on ImThatOne.
NobelKane pulls ImThatOne's hair.
NobelKane nails the bridging back suplex on ImThatOne.

Dennis Chrisposen - ImThatOne is being double teamed!

[ImThatOne bites NobelKane's arm out of desparation.
ImThatOne tags in VeintiSiete.
VeintiSiete bites NobelKane's arm out of desparation.
NobelKane hits VeintiSiete with the belly-to-belly suplex.
NobelKane sucks chants start in the crowd.
Now NobelKane standing.
NobelKane sends VeintiSiete to ringside.
Martin Short starts the count (.1)
NobelKane swings a Steel chair and hits VeintiSiete.
VeintiSiete is bleeding as a result.

Dennis Chrisposen - Don't even think of switching the channel.

[VeintiSiete gets back to his feet.
VeintiSiete does a cartwheel and kicks NobelKane in the face.
VeintiSiete clotheslines NobelKane.
VeintiSiete executes a jawbreakeron NobelKane.
They head back into the ring.
VeintiSiete punches NobelKane repeatedly.
VeintiSiete knifehand chops NobelKane.
NobelKane kicks VeintiSiete in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam.
NobelKane is back on his feet.
NobelKane hits a frog splash on VeintiSiete.
NobelKane is up again.
NobelKane hits a frog splash on VeintiSiete.
NobelKane sucks chants start in the crowd.
NobelKane gets back to his feet.
VeintiSiete moves back to his feet.
VeintiSiete tags ImThatOne.
NobelKane executes a swinging bulldog on ImThatOne driving ImThatOne's face into the mat.
NobelKane climbs to his feet.
NobelKane tags in HymenMan.
NobelKane hits a frog splash on ImThatOne.
NobelKane hits a frog splash on ImThatOne.
HymenMan slingshot elbow drops ImThatOne.

Dennis Chrisposen - ImThatOne is being double teamed!

[HymenMan measures ImThatOne up and drops a closed fist.
HymenMan is back on his feet.
VeintiSiete tagged in by ImThatOne.
VeintiSiete hits him with a back fist.

Cruz Gangstamonte - back fist!

[VeintiSiete tags ImThatOne.
HymenMan slingshot elbow drops ImThatOne.
HymenMan executes the front facelock on ImThatOne.
The referee is checking the situation.
... ... ImThatOne trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) HymenMan breaks the hold.
VeintiSiete tagged in by ImThatOne.
VeintiSiete does a cartwheel and kicks HymenMan in the face.
VeintiSiete tackles and begins punching HymenMan.
ImThatOne sets HymenMan up DDTs him into the mat.

Dennis Chrisposen - This is just awefull! HymenMan is being double teamed!

[HymenMan fist drops ImThatOne on the mat.

Cruz Gangstamonte - ImThatOne takes a fist drop.

[HymenMan moves back to his feet.
HymenMan fist drops ImThatOne on the mat.
HymenMan stands up.
VeintiSiete tags ImThatOne.
HymenMan measures ImThatOne up and drops a closed fist.
HymenMan gets back to his feet.
ImThatOne makes the tag to VeintiSiete.
ImThatOne punches HymenMan repeatedly.
VeintiSiete executes a jawbreakeron HymenMan.
VeintiSiete bites HymenMan's arm out of desparation.

Cruz Gangstamonte - arm bite by VeintiSiete.

[ImThatOne tagged in by VeintiSiete.
ImThatOne punches HymenMan repeatedly.
ImThatOne sets HymenMan up DDTs him into the mat.
HymenMan measures ImThatOne up and drops a closed fist.
HymenMan gets back to his feet.
ImThatOne stands up.
HymenMan puts ImThatOne in the double underhook position and gives him a doubl underhook backbreaker.
ImThatOne climbs to his feet.
HymenMan sends ImThatOne to ringside.
Martin Short starts the count (.1)
HymenMan with an exploder suplex on ImThatOne.
HymenMan fist drops ImThatOne on the floor.
They head back into the ring.
ImThatOne legsweeps HymenMan.
ImThatOne knee drops HymenMan.
ImThatOne sucks chants start in the crowd.
ImThatOne powerbombs HymenMan into the mat.
ImThatOne covers HymenMan.
Martin Short counts.
...1 ...2 ...3

Cruz Gangstamonte - The winners of this match, and NEW Tag-Team Championship champions, VeintiSiete & ImThatOne!!!

Generated by Zeus Pro
Copyright 2000
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Wait, I haven't seen RAW yet, but did they really say that Ryder has a broken back?

It's better than HHH's broken heart.
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