1/29 WWE ROYAL RUMBLE - Preview Pg 52, RR Pool Details Pg 1, RR Prediction Contest Pg 49!

If Ryder really did fail a drug test
The EMT's should have put one of those Future Endeavored t-shirts on Zack Ryder when they put him on the stretcher
Originally Posted by YardFather

So this segment is promotiong HHH's return next Monday and not the Royal Rumble Sunday.


yup. pretty much a big promo for Sunday and next Monday.
Tell me they're not really gonna end the RR go home show with CM Punk vs. Jennifer Hudson's driver..Damn you WWE..That makes about as much sense as Agthekid thinking The Franchise was Stone Cold..
damn, even in his absence, Vince still taking shots at Good Ol' JR.

anyone check @CrankyVince tonight?
did you guys see Laurenitis' face when he was on punk's shoulders?? he looked scared beyond belief trying not to botch the move.

that finish by Ziggler and Punk looked sloppy
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

#+@ with laurenitis face.

Dude looked like a corpse on Punk's shoulders 

WWE is turning into TNA.  Building towards next week's Raw instead of the PPV.

There really wasn't much I liked about tonight's show.  Not a good way to go into The Rumble.

And for my final selection into the NT ROYAL RUMBLE POOL..........


I have my reasons.

CaseKicks vs. DragonFly (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)
Spoiler [+]
Cruz Gangstamonte - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 190 pounds,, DragonFly!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[DragonFly comes to the ring. ]

Cruz Gangstamonte - and his opponent, weighing in at 230 pounds,, CaseKicks!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[CaseKicks walks to the ring. Martin Short is the referee for this contest. DragonFly drops CaseKicks with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
Martin Short checks CaseKicks's boots and knee pads.
(ring, ring, ring) DragonFly rakes his fingers across CaseKicks's back.
DragonFly gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.
CaseKicks executes a jawbreakeron DragonFly.
CaseKicks puts DragonFly in an arm grapevine submission.
DragonFly is up again.
DragonFly hits CaseKicks with a running powerbomb on to the mat.
CaseKicks gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DragonFly.
DragonFly gets up.
CaseKicks gets hit with the shooting star press from DragonFly.
Martin Short counts the pin.
CaseKicks escapes.
DragonFly hits a spinning leg lariat on CaseKicks sending him to the mat.
CaseKicks is up again.
CaseKicks grabs DragonFly's head and arm and delivers a head and arm suplex.
CaseKicks puts DragonFly in an arm grapevine submission.
DragonFly is back on his feet.
DragonFly pokes CaseKicks in the eyes.
DragonFly executes a headlock takedown.
DragonFly rolls onto CaseKicks connecting with a knee.
CaseKicks gets up.
DragonFly legsweeps CaseKicks.

Cruz Gangstamonte - Follows up with a legsweep.

[DragonFly fist drops CaseKicks on the mat.
DragonFly fist drops CaseKicks on the mat.
DragonFly is back on his feet.
CaseKicks gets back to his feet.
CaseKicks gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by DragonFly.
DragonFly chants start.
DragonFly is back on his feet.
DragonFly puts CaseKicks in the double reverse chinlock.
Referee Martin Short is checking for a tap out.
... ... CaseKicks is fighting the hold. ... DragonFly tightens the hold. ... DragonFly tightens the hold. DragonFly breaks the hold.
DragonFly knees CaseKicks and rolls back to his feet.
CaseKicks gets hit with the shooting star press from DragonFly.
Referee Martin Short makes the count.
...1 ...2
CaseKicks escapes.

Dennis Chrisposen - DragonFly should have known he wouldn't win the match with that. Why is he even bothering?

[Now CaseKicks standing.
CaseKicks bites DragonFly's arm out of desparation.
DragonFly tackles CaseKicks.
CaseKicks moves back to his feet.
CaseKicks executes a spinning back suplex on DragonFly.

Dennis Chrisposen - Nice spinning back suplex by CaseKicks.

[DragonFly is up again.
CaseKicks drags DragonFly to the floor.

Cruz Gangstamonte - Maybe CaseKicks can get his hands on a weapon at ringside.

[Martin Short starts the count (.1)
DragonFly with a huge fisherman buster on CaseKicks.

Cruz Gangstamonte - CaseKicks really felt that fisherman buster!

[DragonFly is up again.

Dennis Chrisposen - My God I've never seen anything like this! Where else but the NTWT!

Spoiler [+]
CaseKicks hiptosses DragonFly.
DragonFly stands up.
DragonFly hits a jumping elbow hrust on CaseKicks.
CaseKicks gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DragonFly.
DragonFly stands up.
They head back into the ring.
DragonFly hits a frog splash on CaseKicks.
DragonFly chants start.
DragonFly is back on his feet.
DragonFly measures CaseKicks up and drops a closed fist.
CaseKicks moves back to his feet.
DragonFly puts CaseKicks in the double reverse chinlock.
Martin Short is checking for a tap out.
... ... DragonFly tightens the hold. ... ... ... CaseKicks trys to escape. ... ... ... ... ... CaseKicks taps out.

Cruz Gangstamonte - The winner of this match, DragonFly!!!

Generated by Zeus Pro
Copyright 2000
Originally Posted by hombrelobo


CaseKicks vs. DragonFly (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)
Spoiler [+]
Cruz Gangstamonte - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 190 pounds,, DragonFly!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[DragonFly comes to the ring. ]

Cruz Gangstamonte - and his opponent, weighing in at 230 pounds,, CaseKicks!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[CaseKicks walks to the ring. Martin Short is the referee for this contest. DragonFly drops CaseKicks with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
Martin Short checks CaseKicks's boots and knee pads.
(ring, ring, ring) DragonFly rakes his fingers across CaseKicks's back.
DragonFly gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.
CaseKicks executes a jawbreakeron DragonFly.
CaseKicks puts DragonFly in an arm grapevine submission.
DragonFly is up again.
DragonFly hits CaseKicks with a running powerbomb on to the mat.
CaseKicks gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DragonFly.
DragonFly gets up.
CaseKicks gets hit with the shooting star press from DragonFly.
Martin Short counts the pin.
CaseKicks escapes.
DragonFly hits a spinning leg lariat on CaseKicks sending him to the mat.
CaseKicks is up again.
CaseKicks grabs DragonFly's head and arm and delivers a head and arm suplex.
CaseKicks puts DragonFly in an arm grapevine submission.
DragonFly is back on his feet.
DragonFly pokes CaseKicks in the eyes.
DragonFly executes a headlock takedown.
DragonFly rolls onto CaseKicks connecting with a knee.
CaseKicks gets up.
DragonFly legsweeps CaseKicks.

Cruz Gangstamonte - Follows up with a legsweep.

[DragonFly fist drops CaseKicks on the mat.
DragonFly fist drops CaseKicks on the mat.
DragonFly is back on his feet.
CaseKicks gets back to his feet.
CaseKicks gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by DragonFly.
DragonFly chants start.
DragonFly is back on his feet.
DragonFly puts CaseKicks in the double reverse chinlock.
Referee Martin Short is checking for a tap out.
... ... CaseKicks is fighting the hold. ... DragonFly tightens the hold. ... DragonFly tightens the hold. DragonFly breaks the hold.
DragonFly knees CaseKicks and rolls back to his feet.
CaseKicks gets hit with the shooting star press from DragonFly.
Referee Martin Short makes the count.
...1 ...2
CaseKicks escapes.

Dennis Chrisposen - DragonFly should have known he wouldn't win the match with that. Why is he even bothering?

[Now CaseKicks standing.
CaseKicks bites DragonFly's arm out of desparation.
DragonFly tackles CaseKicks.
CaseKicks moves back to his feet.
CaseKicks executes a spinning back suplex on DragonFly.

Dennis Chrisposen - Nice spinning back suplex by CaseKicks.

[DragonFly is up again.
CaseKicks drags DragonFly to the floor.

Cruz Gangstamonte - Maybe CaseKicks can get his hands on a weapon at ringside.

[Martin Short starts the count (.1)
DragonFly with a huge fisherman buster on CaseKicks.

Cruz Gangstamonte - CaseKicks really felt that fisherman buster!

[DragonFly is up again.

Dennis Chrisposen - My God I've never seen anything like this! Where else but the NTWT!

Spoiler [+]
CaseKicks hiptosses DragonFly.
DragonFly stands up.
DragonFly hits a jumping elbow hrust on CaseKicks.
CaseKicks gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DragonFly.
DragonFly stands up.
They head back into the ring.
DragonFly hits a frog splash on CaseKicks.
DragonFly chants start.
DragonFly is back on his feet.
DragonFly measures CaseKicks up and drops a closed fist.
CaseKicks moves back to his feet.
DragonFly puts CaseKicks in the double reverse chinlock.
Martin Short is checking for a tap out.
... ... DragonFly tightens the hold. ... ... ... CaseKicks trys to escape. ... ... ... ... ... CaseKicks taps out.

Cruz Gangstamonte - The winner of this match, DragonFly!!!

Generated by Zeus Pro
Copyright 2000

10 min away and no one except ITO and Peep has cut a promo for the SuperShow? �
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

10 min away and no one except ITO and Peep has cut a promo for the SuperShow? �

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]not even friday... you're welcome. i'll carry everything like usual.[/color]
"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time…. Brasilianmami."


"Bmami, the NTWEF universe would just like to know, going into this "Over the top rope Battle Royal" tonight, only 6 days away from NTRumble, you've got to be feeling the pressure to come out on top."


"Well, and forgive me for being brash, 

but after putting the NTWEF as the hottest new talent to the roster as the only rookie to ever get a title match as his first match.

I mean with all the momentum behind you as you entered NTWEF to only have a lackluster performance at NTSurvivorSeries, having your tag team match removed from the NTRumble card, and have been on...... well a losing streak ever since debuting. 

You got to feel a little pressure not to lose tonight."

Lose….Lose? You must have me confused with bkmac's existence, I don't lose. 

Losing is like the phrase, "Im Sorry" to VienteSiete, it's not in my vocabulary. 

Brasilianmami is "4w's Virginity" of the NTWEF, losing is NOT an option.


Do you get my point?

I've been cheated, cheated out my NTtercontinental championship match, cheated out of each and everyone of my uncleanly finished matches, and cheated out of my opportunity.

Hell, i might as well change my name to John Morrison the way i've been continuously cheated in front of an audience and just took it on the chin like a +$+$@.

That waste of perfectly good bandwidth BKMac has a title shot over me even though he has been ducking a match with me for the past 3 months.

"But Brasilian that has nothing to do with ton…"

Shut up and listen.

I do NOT lose, and tonight I will prove that.

I don't care WHO I have to go through.

Whether it be; Hombrelobo, t, struggling his old %$@ to the ring, complete with guitar in one hand and walker in the other" or Tennhouse, that psychotic sideshow that changes personalities more than GHIMS changes match cars, or even 3DGar, the no-name loser who couldn't even draw a goddamn dime if he had a picture and tracing paper.

or Hey! who knows! maybe Toine will try to sneak back in the ring and steal a win after being eliminated by me, ala his embarrassment of a showing at NTMania.

Well it doesn't matter, I WILL walk out of that ring tonight the winner, go into the Rumble and walk out…. The #1 contender for the NT Heavyweight Title.


"and if you lose?"


Not happening, I guaran-damn-tee I will not lose.

"but seriously, all jokes aside.... what happens if you do lose"

Shut up.         and Listen.


I will not lose…. I can't lose… You don't want to know what will happen.. if I lose..

"Brasilian, it's just a hypothetical question. What if you lose the Battle Royal tonight, how will that affect your state of mind going into NTRumble."


All i need is one shot.

I have that redneck ITO's shotgun and NTRumble is my target.

and tonight.. I will give you a sample of what's going to happen at the rumble. 

No chaser.

The #1 contender is booked and the champ isn't.

I smell a GHIMS conspiracy.

Although with the NTUS Championship as relevant as the WWE US Championship, I couldn't even tell you which jobber that holds the title it is that I'm facing.
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