09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Originally Posted by John Ohh

EnEyeKayEe wrote:
Originally Posted by John Ohh

Where is chester?
You all thought Stanford had NO chance in this game. I even posted in the Oregon/ USC thread that Oregon was going to be let down. 51 points on you. 51.
I dont care what you other fans say, Stanford needs to be top 25 after this game.

Dude, shut the +%@@ up! Your music sucks. Your band sucks. You are a pathetic lead singer. Just leave the S&T forum (Music forum as well for that matter) alone. You are CLUELESS. Go beat USC next week & then u might be able to come back yappin'.

Clueless because of what? Stanford beat Washington after they beat USC. Oregon beat USC, Then Stanford dropped 51 on Oregon. Stanford at least deserves some recognition.
You have lost 3 games. Your program is perennially in the dump. That's why you're not getting respect from the pollsters. Go out next week & beat USC. You can pound on your chest then. Your scenario of "who beat who" (which is always a weak argumen), will come full circle.

@ Les Miles.

Stanford shouldn't be a top 25 team bro. The fact of the matter is, the Pac-10 is just down this year. Now if we had gotten the wins at wakeand zona and only had one loss, then I would argue we should but... I really don't think we are deserving at this point. We'll see after next week.
Les hasnt said anything yet, but U gpotta believe hes gonna say something

Eric Berry Very Scary!!!! INT.
FYI - Paramedics are looking at him. He went airborne at the goal line, got hit and landed on his neck/shoulder.

Hope he's ok.
swizzc wrote: Stanford doesn't deserve to be ranked (cliffnotes).

Thanks for knocking some sense into that dude from a fellow member of his own fan base...

John Ohh, I apologize on the music stuff, it's not that bad.
His mom is out there right now, damn you know it's bad when he doesn't even look KO'd but still can't move.
Originally Posted by dr funk 13

Originally Posted by 18key
Masoli didn't lose that game.

The defense and that good for nothing son of B Nick Allioti gift wrapped that game and handed it himself to Stanford.
Yes I know. In my rage I confused myself and thought we could win if we got a TD. I realize now that we couldnt have won, so it didnt matter. DamnAllioti is the most unpredictable coordinator I've ever seen. He can put together a plan to hold USC to 20, then !+@+ up so bad that we get 51 put on us.Oregon got outplayed completely by Stanford, and they deserved the win. That offense is pure power.

And these Stanford fans need to learn to be gracious winners. Take the win with some pride and class. Not smearing the team you just upset and taunting thefans. Because remember, while you won this game, Oregon can still win the Rose Bowl

Hope Best is okay. I need OSU to lose. Just saw the replay.. DAMN. He landed hard. I'd hate to see something happen to his NFL chances
Honestly looked like he could have broke his neck, the way he was laying after the helmet popped off and the amount of time they took, hope it ends up beingsomething not to bad but it didn't look to good out there on the field.
The reason it took so long was because the entire Berkeley Fire Department was out on the field. They over did it with personnel which slows down the process.

I really don't like the fact that they covered him with a blanket - on a warm night. Do they suspect internal bleeding and are trying to keep him warm?
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