09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!


Why doesn't the offense play with that energy until they get behind.
Doc Walker is the best color commentator in college football. A major network needs to pick him up off of Raycom and introduce him to the entire nation.
OK SERIOUSLY..........

WTH is up with these new punt formations this year in college football? I've never seen it before until this year.

How are you going to give guys a full running head start and expect a guy standing still to be able to keep him away from the punter?

IT's stupid as hell and I see so many teams doing it. With these 3 men back like they're going to be able to do anything.

It has failed over and over again and I see teams still using it. What the hell is going on?
dudes keep askin for Paulus to be benched why no oine calls for everyone else !#!@%@ up on that team to be benched... this NO name WR has dropped 2 passestoday that have turned into Ints.
That's why NFL > College football.

I seen the lame @#$ swinging gate, just kidding PAT's, these dumb waste of time punt formations lookin like the spread offense, just line the @#$% and kickthe ball. Punts and point afters, quit tryna be cute and look like your smart, you're not, kick the damn ball.

We're killing these guys other then that last mistake, we should be done with this game.

Now we'll get to see Shannon call all his timeouts on his opening drive of the third quarter, that'll be fun.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

WTH is up with these new punt formations this year in college football? I've never seen it before until this year.
They've been doing that for a good 3 years at least bro
Well it's new for us then. I don't remember seeing this BS before until this year. Maybe I overlooked it but I can't stand this garbage. A guystanding still can't block a guy running full speed.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Well it's new for us then. I don't remember seeing this BS before until this year. Maybe I overlooked it but I can't stand this garbage. A guy standing still can't block a guy running full speed.
So True.

its comedy tho cus them upbacks get Rolled over pretty bad too..

asdklfanhsdfkjajlsdf OMYGOD how that garbage CB for Syracuse get shook so bad by that shake from baldwin... TERRRIBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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