09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!


Notre Dame has no chance. Now. Them SC boys gonna go hard
lemme go edit my game thread
ain't stafon a junior??

in regards to bowden, and his staff, i wouldn't mind if the whole staff went except Trickett and some of the other guys.
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Question for FSU folks,

There's all this pressure on Bobby right now to retire, but how much blame can you really put on him when his staff controls the team?

Granted, it's his decision who he hires for his staff, but right now it looks like you guys have a capable offense, but your D gets shredded every game. Isn't that Mickey's fault? Why isn't everyone just screaming to fire Mickey Andrews? Who does the recruiting for the defense? IMO you all should be blaming whoever that is. If that all goes back to Bobby, then pardon my ignorance
*cracks knuckles*

Mickey doesn't want to be here anymore, he is just a very loyal coach. You can look at the sideline and just see that this is not the same Mickey Andrews.Mickey tried to retire 2 years ago (after his son died) and Bobby talked him into coming back. BOBBY BOWDEN COST US Will MUSHCHAMP. Mickey is retiring at theend of the year. Mickey fielded a defense last year that was about average. People are calling for the defensive coaches to be gone as well. Mickey has neverbeen this super recruiter, he just had assistants on the team who were excellent recruiters to supplement his shortcomings. Everybody knows Mickey will be gonesoon. Please believe me, Mickey get's NO pass in my eyes. Think about the fact that our DE's are playing out of position. Think about the fact thatall three of our LB's are playing out of position....(-_-). Who does that go back to? Mickey and Chuck Amato....theLB coach....brought back by Bobby. The person that he was going to name DC this season when he found out that Mickey wanted to retire again. Mickey was talkedinto coming back by Jimbo just so that Chuck the Chest wouldn't be the DC. Why didn't Bobby just let the HCIW bring in his own DC since it will be theHCIW's team in the next 2 years? What is the point of a 1 year DC stop gap? What sense does that make?

No one rides Mickey because for a while there Mickey's D was the only reason that FSU every had a chance to win games. During the Jeff Bowden era.....whomwas hired by Bobby Bowden.
Chuck Amato is back....Because of Bobby Bowden. Jody Allen (DE coach) is HERE....because of Bobby Bowden. Mickey Deserves blame as well, because his time hascome and gone....But at least he realizes it. And what head coach doesn't involve himself in the recruitment/scouting of players. Bobby stil acting likeit's 1999 and he can just waltz in a kids living room in January and get the kid to sign. Ummmm, no. Not gonna happen. You think that's gonna win kidsover, when they are getting CONSTANT contact from Saban, Meyer, Miles, Carroll, Butch, Sweatervest,Richt etc, etc.

And To be honest, the people who do a lot of the recruiting for the defense....is Jimbo Fisher and James Coley. Two offensive coaches. There's a battlegoing on within the staff between the old and the new, and the only reason that the 'old' is still here (Save for probably Odell Haggins (DT coach) isbecause of Bobby Bowden. Bowden made mad hire, after bad hire, after bad hire. Just watch the amount of coaches who will no longer be here next year. Odell hasbeen recruiting harder than ever lately, that's probably because Jimbo/Trickett/Coley have rubbed off on him. We have basically 2 coaches who do notrecruit. (-_-)

If you're the one who takes all the glory when we're doing well, it's only right that you take the backlash when we're doing terrible.Especially when youre decisions/actions bring us to this point.

Bobby Bowden still runs this team. Bobby still has a MAJOR impact on this team. Therefore, he earned all that's coming to him. And his stubborness is onlyadding to the problem.

Bobby Bowden is my guy, and my favorite coach, but when it's time, it's time. And he's not innocent in all this. Did you see the facade him andChuck put on this week in the GT game? He was on the headset everytime the camera panned to him. He usually has the one-peice headset you put on your ear butthis week he had the full one like all other coaches. You think that is a coincidence? Dude is trying to show the world that he can still coach when it'sobvious the game has passed him by. He was on the headset more that I have ever seen him in the last 5 years. It just so happened to be the game directly afterall the news came about of the Trustees wanting him out.

Son, I can go on and on. But the fact is, FSU needs to do some cleaning. Starting at the top. We need to be one cohesive coaching staff. Which is impossiblewhen the man at the helm is adding to the division of it. @%%@ is ugly down in Tally. I dunno if y'all realize just how ugly it is. Football teams take theidentity of their head coach. #@#* it, get rid of all of them for all I care. If we bring in a whole new, cohesive, hard working, talented and hungry staffthen I'm all for it. #@#* Jimbo and his cute %%* plays.

Lets not even start w/ him and his dedication to FCA players either.....

Originally Posted by JUUG KNIGHT

to my gamblers..thinkin about putting a lil money on USF tonight

UC has owned USF during their time in the BE. I wouldn't take that bet. More worried about WVU and Pitt if UC were to slip up. USF pass rush is nicethough.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT


Notre Dame has no chance. Now. Them SC boys gonna go hard
lemme go edit my game thread

Hopefully Stafon gets back to 110%. Good to see him back with his teammates giving them support.

Since Johnson played in at least 30 percent of the team's games this season and then suffered a season-ending injury, he meets the official criteria to apply for an extra year of NCAA eligibility.
Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Originally Posted by JUUG KNIGHT

to my gamblers..thinkin about putting a lil money on USF tonight

UC has owned USF during their time in the BE. I wouldn't take that bet. More worried about WVU and Pitt if UC were to slip up. USF pass rush is nice though.

i've been good this year so losing 2-300 aint a big deal....but scared money don't make money and i'm leaning on USF heavy as of now but thingsmight change b/t now and when i go to the bookie...but i like usf in this position...
"Linebacker Jeff Luc of Port St. Lucie (Fla.) Treasure Coast also was considered a FSU lean at one point, but now appears to favor Florida and Tennessee. Actually, Luc may not be as high on the Gators' list as some think, as the Gators are higher on linebackers Jones and Jordan Hicks of West Chester (Ohio) Lakota West."
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

"Linebacker Jeff Luc of Port St. Lucie (Fla.) Treasure Coast also was
considered a FSU lean at one point, but now appears to favor Florida
and Tennessee. Actually, Luc may not be as high on the Gators' list as
some think, as the Gators are higher on linebackers Jones and Jordan
Hicks of West Chester (Ohio) Lakota West."

Jordan Hicks is the most overhyped elite recruit that I've ever seen.. My school plays them tonight I wish I could get another chance to see him. Ihaven't been impressed and I've seen him since his sophomore year.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

nix is irish? canes fans?
I think the Canes have been tryin to get Ego Ferguson from prep school and have turned theyre attention to him

I hear Ego is LSU bound tho. I dunno


When it comes to recruiting, nothing hurts recruiting more than a
loss to UT. Lane Kiffen called North Gwinnett HS today and reserved a parking spot. He is flying down to NGHS in the UT helicopter on Friday morning. He is going to be landing the helicopter on the practice field.

Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

"Linebacker Jeff Luc of Port St. Lucie (Fla.) Treasure Coast also was
considered a FSU lean at one point, but now appears to favor Florida
and Tennessee. Actually, Luc may not be as high on the Gators' list as
some think, as the Gators are higher on linebackers Jones and Jordan
Hicks of West Chester (Ohio) Lakota West."

Jordan Hicks is the most overhyped elite recruit that I've ever seen.. My school plays them tonight I wish I could get another chance to see him. I haven't been impressed and I've seen him since his sophomore year.
Ohio State, Florida, Texas and a lot of other big-time programs sure like him.
George Selvie. How old is this dude now? 32? Seems like he's been on this USF team forever.

Oh and South Florida fans are classless pieces of *$*@. FSU fans > USF fans.
UF likes Hicks so much that Urban is the one recruiting Hicks

wow, never knew this about Elam....

[h1]UF football recruit Matt Elam keeps memories of murdered siblings close to him[/h1]
By Kyle Hightower Staff reporter


Palm Beach Gardens Dwyer standout Matt Elam is a running back and linebacker in high school but will play safety in college. (Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel)

[h3]Related links[/h3]
RIVIERA BEACH — - The Bible verse is written in bold letters on laminated paper and hangs above Matt Elam's bedroom doorway.

Positioned just low enough to touch, it has become common for Addie Elam-Lewis to see her son run his fingers across it before the Palm Beach Dwyer High senior leaves for school.

"No weapon formed against me shall prosper," it reads.

Elam, one of the nation's highest-ranked football players in the Class of 2010 and a University of Florida oral commitment, will make his college choice officially in February.

It will end a process that coaches often say is the most important moment for sought-after athletes such as Elam.

But for an 18-year-old who has had two siblings murdered, it will be just another step in moving away from memories of a painful past.

"It's going to be a big day, but I've definitely seen things in my life that weighed on my mind a lot more,'' Elam said. "When you lose family like that, it makes everything else seem small."

Elam-Lewis' voice grows soft when she talks about that Monday afternoon in January 1999 that changed her family forever.

Everything around her Riviera Beach home was normal. Matt's brother Abram, then 17, was doing homework. Matt, 8, and Christina, 12, huddled next to the television.

Christina later left the house to go to Monroe Heights Park, barely two blocks away.

About 30 minutes later, a neighbor pounded hysterically on the front door. He said a girl had been shot at the park.

Abram and Matt sprinted out the front door.

When they arrived at the park, they saw their sister's body bloodied from a bullet that pierced her arm and stomach.

Christina was a victim of random violence. She had been shot while she sat in a car with two friends, after a 20-year-old man opened fire to seek retribution for an afterschool fight between his sister and another girl, according to newspaper accounts at the time.

Though Christina's killer later would be sentenced to 30 years in prison, it did not give Matt any comfort. Her loss would not be the only tragedy he experienced in his young life.

The youngest of five children born to Addie and Donald Elam, Matt took advantage of being the baby in the family.

"He got away with more than the other kids," Elam-Lewis said of the son she described as stubborn and strong-willed. "I was 42 when I had him, and I don't mind saying I was a little tired by then."

Matt had a close relationship with Christina, who always showed him a special tenderness.

She helped him deal with their parents' divorce at age 5, their mother's remarriage two years later and their oldest brother Donald Jr.'s repeated run-ins with the law. He forged a bond with her so strong that he often watched her compete in track meets instead of going to see Abram, who was a star football player at West Palm Beach Cardinal Newman High, play.

Matt struggled after Christina's death, misbehaving at school and being labeled a bully by his principal, Matt's mother said.

"It was hard because her death was all I thought about," Elam said. "To be honest, when it happened, I felt like I had nothing else to live for. We were so close and did everything together."

Elam-Lewis put Matt in anger-management classes and involved him in church activities.

Matt started to cope with the loss and began excelling at sports, especially football, basketball and lacrosse.

He became the first freshman to start for Palm Beach Lakes' then-coach, Dan Sanso, who now calls Elam "one of the best athletes I've ever coached."

Matt had a strong sophomore year in 2007, but something else would test his faith.

Last May, Matt picked up his phone and heard a message from a friend that brought back feelings he had buried with his sister nine years earlier.

Donald, Jr., 33, who had just been released from prison after serving eight years for an assault conviction, had been shot and killed near the park where Christina died. The murder remains unsolved.

"I was just thinking, 'Not again,' you know?' " Elam said. "All I could think about was my mom. All the memories of before came back. It was still hard, but I knew how to deal with it this time."

Instead of retreating from his emotions as he did with Christina's death, Elam relied on them for strength.

He spent the rest of that summer in the weight room, adding muscle to what has become a 6-foot, 200-pound chiseled frame that made him Scout.com's top-ranked safety.

Elam transferred to Dwyer before last season and changed his jersey number to 22, in honor of Christina, who wore the same number when she ran track. He also wrote messages on his cleats and wrist bands like "4 Christyboo #22" and "RIP Don II."

The gestures kept them with him last season as he earned the Palm Beach Sports Commission's Lou Groza Player of the Year Award. This season, playing linebacker and running back for the Panthers, he has run for 407 yards and three touchdowns. Dwyer is ranked third in the state in Class 4A. Elam's versatility "will allow him to play many positions'' in college, Scout.com's Chad Simmons said.

"Under normal circumstances, you wouldn't see him having any problem succeeding," said Sanso, now coaching at Cardinal Newman. "But with what he's been through, you just have to sit back and marvel at it. I've watched him attack the tragedies in his life head-on, and [he] does it on the field as well."

Although he has given an oral commitment to Florida for a year, he recently voiced his displeasure about being "pushed away" by their recruitment of multiple defensive backs.

He since has reaffirmed his commitment, but only after he receiving an explanation from Gators Coach Urban Meyer, Matt said.

This summer Matt spent time in Cleveland working out with Abram, who now plays for the Browns. Abram said he can see resilience in his brother's eyes that he never noticed before.

"Matt's seen things that you don't expect anybody to see in their life," Abram said. "If you let it, it's the kind of thing that can defeat you. He hasn't." It's why Matt will never be alone no matter where he goes from here.

"I put a note [to them] in my book bag every time I go to a game," Elam said. "I bring them on the field with me. And every time I score, I look up to them, and I can smile."
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